Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 360: Night Elf Trap

   Archimonde who started the assault was very powerful.

For this battle, Archimonde prepared for a long time. First, he designed a new magic circle, sacrificed a large number of demons to suppress the performance of the wild gods and druids, and then took out Sargeras' spear and broke through the five-color dragon king. Blockade.

   In this case, Malfurion, Ravencrest, and Drunk Wind in the command center have long been hiding aside.

   Just kidding, how can Archimonde stop at this time? You can't stop it if you try hard!

   "Hahahaha!" Finding himself and the tree of the world, everyone had chosen to hide, Archimonde laughed up to the sky, "Ats, you finally confessed your fate, your world is over!"

   As he said, Archimonde finally slowly walked towards the World Tree.

   Under Teldrassil, a large swath of pollution spread, and everyone watched Archimonde come up.

   "I have been waiting for this moment for ten thousand years." Archimonde reached out to Teldrassil, "Now, this **** tree is mine!"

   Under the gaze of everyone in the oath, Archimonde caught Teldrassil.

"It's over..." Illidan, Maiev, Kane Bloodhoof, Ackles, Ruhr... all the people who were still holding the devil's footsteps on the battlefield sank at the same time, "Let Archimonde catch Chance to live."

  At the same time, Ravencrest, Malfurion and Drunk Wind who were hiding aside glanced at each other.

   "Malfurion, blow the horn." Drunk Wind closed his eyes unwillingly, "This battle is over."

   "Yeah, blow the horn." Ravencrest also nodded slightly, "I can't help it if I'm not reconciled. This is war."

   Malfurion silently unhooked the horn around his waist and raised the ancient horn to his lips.

At this moment, Malfurion thought of the deadly tauren in Kudat Falls, of Vinucci, who was holding the Atama crystal with a confident face, thought of Drunk Wind and pointed to Azshara, remembering of losing Woking to my father...

   The Archdruid took a deep breath, and then exhausted his greatest strength, blew the horn in his hand.

   The majestic voice resounded through Mount Hyjal!

   The heirs of the most mysterious demigod Aisenna emerged from the forest, and dense elves descended to the ground like the Milky Way, lighting up Mount Hyjal.

   I don't know when the sky will be completely dark, Elune and the blue boy have appeared on the sky, watching everything silently.

   Archimonde, who came under Teldrassil, didn't care about everything around him anymore. He stretched out his big hand, grabbed the World Tree, and began to frantically absorb its power.

   Thousands of elves rushed towards Archimonde for the first time.

   In the eyes of everyone in the oath, these elves began to blew themselves up.

   Little elves are the children of nature. They can’t speak, nor can they attack them. The only way to express their dissatisfaction is to explode. Their self-detonation can expel everything that is not natural.

   "Go away!"

   Archimonde shouted angrily, trying to get rid of these troublesome little guys, but the elves who were not afraid of death just surrounded him and stopped Archimonde with crazy self-destruction.

   "Burning Legion, stop these **** for me!"

   At the critical moment, Archimonde was also a little flustered. He began to command the Demon of the Burning Legion and began to blew himself up, and successfully contained the elf!

   The demon's self-detonation made all those who had ignited the vows of hope tightened again.

  If the elf can't stop Archimonde, it's really over!

   As the heir of Aisana, the elves are still affected by Archimonde’s magic circle. In the fel-filled Mount Hyjal, the elves are less and less powerful to explode.

How to do? !

   Malfurion did not hesitate, took off the other horn on his waist, and blew it again.

   In the forest, new troops rushed out.

   This time, Malfurion sounded the assembly call of the Night Watch.

   Prince Farodis and his night watchman appeared on the battlefield. Thousands of night elf souls collectively leaned down and kissed the ground under their feet.

   The next moment, headed by Prince Farodis, the night watchman began to charge.

   This time, no one can stop the night watchman.

   Countless night watchmen, led by their prince, rushed to Archimonde's side and detonated their souls resolutely.

   Archimonde had all his cards out, and now facing these self-sacrificing souls, the Defiler was helpless.

   could not catch Teldrassil anymore, Archimonde was struck by the violent explosion and stepped back, even standing unstable.

   At the same time, the skin of Teldrassil, the world tree that carries the immortality of the night elves, began to crack.

   The world tree grown from the last seed of the mother tree Garnier finally couldn't bear the serious pollution, and collapsed.

   On Mount Hyjal at this moment, the stars and the moon are dull!

   Archimonde’s roar and the night watchman’s explosion sounded through the top of Mount Hyjal, writing a meaningful end to the battle.

   In this battle, the Burning Legion's strength was greatly damaged, and almost all the demons summoned to Azeroth returned to the Twisting Nether to be resurrected.

   In this battle, none of the young and middle-aged among the tauren warriors They used their lives as bait to kill the leader of the Burning Legion.

   In this battle, the draenei lost two important Atama crystals, but their belief in the Holy Light became stronger.

   In this battle, the eyes of the five-color dragon looking at the mortals of the oath no longer contained contempt, and the colorless dragon king began to really think about this era.

   In this battle, the night elves lost their immortality. They are no longer immortal existences. The moment Teldrassil exploded, countless night elves instantly turned gray.

   In this battle, the Darkspear Troll lost his wise patriarch Senjin, but his son took his place and vowed to lead his people on.

   Perhaps the alliances and tribes in the Eastern Kingdom still in civil strife don't know the specifics of this battle, but for those souls who will always sleep on Mount Hyjal, even the proudest people, they must admit that they are true heroes.


   After the war, Drunk Wind finally saw his son Little Nomi. He grabbed Onyxia, picked up Little Nomi, and chose to leave Mount Hyjal quietly, leaving it to Malfurion!

   "Dad, daddy! Tell Nomi a story! Tell a super epic story!"

   "Nomi, my father doesn't tell stories today."

   "Why don't you tell the story?"

   "Because today, we are in the most epic story!" (To be continued...)

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