Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 364: Bronzebeard Raiders Commando

   Not to mention for the time being with the postman, heading to Nomi in Gnomeregan, we brought the perspective back to Zuifeng.

Both Zuifeng and Muradin tried their best to make Magni promise not to shout and kill, but to form a commando team to contact Amora Bronzebeard and figure out what she thought-- —Is he being trafficked, or willingly staying with Thaurissan.

   "I told you, this is definitely Thaurissan's witchcraft! The entire Ironforge, who doesn't know, my family Amora is a famous beauty! Why would she like Thaurissan's pig head!"

   Hearing what Magney said, both Drunken Wind and Muradin made a look that I didn't understand anything.

  Drunk Wind is because he doesn't appreciate dwarves at all. According to Zuifeng, all dwarves are uncles and all women are aunts.

   Muradin knows the character of his niece. Although Amora can be said to be the beauty of the dwarf, she has a stubborn temper than anyone else. No one in Ironforge is chasing...

   Soon, the assault team of the Bronzebeard dwarves was formed, Magni personally led the team, and Drunken Wind and Muradin served as escorts.

   The beloved Magni even brought a small team of hill team-if it weren’t for Muradin’s persuasion, maybe it would be all hill team...

   Seeing that Magni was about to leave, Ronin who came to deliver the letter was anxious.

   "Your Majesty Magni, you can't do this! The Alliance Conference will be held soon. What can you do if you leave like this!"

   "What alliance conference? It's not the **** of your humans in Tirisfal Glades. Anyway, I abstained-go back and tell Medivh that he will hold the meeting for me this time, as long as you vote, you will abstain!"

   After speaking, Magni arrogantly led the assault team out of Ironforge, leaving Ronin in a mess in the wind.

   "What the hell!"

  Well, this is the dwarf—the messy politics. These guys are not interested at all. Instead of going to sleep in the meeting place, Magni hopes to rescue his daughter himself.

   At the thought of her daughter falling into Thaurissan's hands, Magni felt sick: "Damn mage--don't let me catch you!"

   Leaving Ironforge, Drunk Wind looked at the mighty assault team, grinning helplessly.

   It seems that there are a lot of people in this commando-why is there more than 800 people in a small team? !

   A dumbfounded drunk wind grabbed Muradin beside him.

   "Did I say that it is best to take a surprise attack?"

   Muradin nodded.

   "I said that the number of people should not be too many to prevent the grass and the snakes from being scared?"

   Muradin nodded.

   "I said that Darkforge City has a lot of fire elements. Ragnaros is easily alarmed by more people, right?"

   Muradin nodded.

"Then why did Magni call so many people?!" Drunk and full of black lines, "Is he afraid that others will not know that we are going to carry out a surprise attack? Why doesn't he bring all the Bronzebeard troops over to attack?! "

   Looking at the dissatisfied drunk wind, Muradin rubbed his hands awkwardly.

   "Well, drunk wind, you have to understand the mood of a father, whoever eats the fruit of the house by a wild boar will always be in a bad mood..."

   "Whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-" Drunk wind took a breath and tried to calm himself down, "Well, let's try our best to dissuade His Majesty Magni. In any case, we can't let so many people set foot on the Burning Plain. That would be troublesome."

   "No problem." Muradin nodded, "I think Magni can understand."

   After all the talk, Magni finally agreed to disband most of the hill team, leaving only the real team of fifty people to participate in this operation.

   And the code name of this action is "grabbing relatives."


   The Hill Team is the ace team of Ironforge, and after participating in the Battle of Kaeldaron, the limelight is even stronger. The dwarf warriors and stalkers in the team are all selected by thousands, and each of them has excellent skills.

It may be the performance of the demon hunter and the watchman that stimulated Muradin. After returning to Ironforge, the Bronzebeard Prince has always hoped that the dwarves can form a real elite-not too many, but suitable for raids. Combat.

   So at the suggestion of Muradin, the first team of the hill team (the 800 people that Magni originally wanted to bring) began to conduct intensive training.

   Although the new designation of this dwarf is just rumor now, looking at these fifty elite dwarves, Drunk Wind believes that the official establishment of that unit is not far away.

   "How about it, the lads are pretty good!" Seeing Drunk Wind looking at these dwarves, Muradin approached him, "I led the training myself!"

   "It's pretty good." Zuifeng nodded, "There are a few hidden guys I can't find without looking carefully."

   "Yeah! Amazing!" Muradin raised his thumbs up. "The hidden ones were sent to Ravenholdt Manor for a lot of money, but you didn't expect you to find them!"

   "Haha~" Drunk Wind twisted his neck, "You have to tell them not to drink before the next mission. How can I not find such an obvious smell!"

"Uh..." Muradin was a little embarrassed when Drunk Wind said that. He didn't expect that the exposure of these stalkers was actually because of the smell of alcohol. "Little bunny, next time you dare to drink before the mission, I will Your skin!"

   "His Royal Highness Muradin, this is not fair!" In the darkness, a dwarf showed his figure, "You know, I don't have the energy to drink!"

"Asshole, then you can find a way to cover the smell of alcohol on your body!" Muradin did not hesitate, kicked his ass, "Lugel, your special allowance is five per month. A gold’t tell me that I can’t afford a potion to cover the smell!"

"You're wronging me, Your Highness Muradin!" Lugel grinned awkwardly. The leather armor guide was kicked by iron boots. It feels quite uncomfortable. "The **** group of goblins has increased in price recently. ——The goods taken from the trolls are more expensive. Master Drunk Wind should know that all Dark Spear’s voodoo potions seem to have gone up recently."

   "That's right." Zuifeng nodded, "The main reason is that the Darkspear troll has some internal plans-so there is no other way, after all, this kind of stuff must be supplied to itself first."

"Look, even Master Drunk Wind said that." Lugel gave me an expression of innocence. "What's more, the group of **** in Darkforge City are also addicted to alcohol. The smell of alcohol is not a problem at all. !"

"This is not right." Drunk Feng shook his head hurriedly, "The Dark Iron Dwarf is indeed addicted to alcohol, but the Dark Iron Bar is out of Darkforge City, and alcohol is forbidden in the city. After all, alcohol will burn when it meets an open fire, and Darkforge City Everything is lacking, that is, there is no lack of fire elements—not to mention that as far as I know, the Dark Iron dwarves have acquired a lot of flame dogs from the fire elements, so you'd better cover up the smell."

   Hearing what Drunk Wind said, Lugel could only call out all the sneaking dwarves, and took out a few bottles of medicine painfully.

   "Damn it, this thing has been scrambled in the hands of the goblins to a bottle of more than 30 gold coins, you guys should be careful to collect it, and use it when you reach the Black Rock Mountain!"


   Today’s fifth update~

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