Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 380: Azeroth is not at peace

Three years ago, at the Battle of Mount Hyjal, the Oath almost repelled the invasion of the Burning Legion with its own power. Although the Oath was greatly enhanced by the addition of the Dragonflight, it carried Kil'jaeden and Akmon. Virtue kills the devil and still suffers heavy losses. ◢Щщш.suimeng.lā

So for three whole years, except for the ever-changing Haze Harbor, many ordinary people have almost forgotten this behemoth in Kalimdor.

And three years later, Azeroth is not peaceful.

After all, the Alliance and the Horde will never forget the pledge.

Just because I dare not forget this behemoth, the Alliance and the Horde are consciously enhancing their own strength.

As for the alliance, Stormwind City successfully absorbed Dalaran. Under Khadgar's suggestion, Medivh agreed to open the entire Karazhan as a new base for these mages.

Undoubtedly, Karazhan's attraction to wizards is not so big. In this case, even if you miss the old Dalaran, these human wizards finally chose to follow in the footsteps of Stormwind.

Moreover, in order to keep these masters, Varian waved his hand and granted Karazhan a three-year commercial tax exemption!

You know, due to the huge profits of magical items, all human nations-including the high elves of Quel'Thalas, have chosen to impose heavy commercial taxes on mage supplies!

Because of the three years of tax exemption, the shrewd goblin even opened up a new business route and used it as a tax avoidance base!

Uh, well, this has something to do with Zuifeng.

With the help of Drunk Wind, Ratchet City Construction Group took over part of the reconstruction work of Stormwind City. As a result, for the first time, human nobles and civilians faced this group of goblins directly, and for the first time experienced the wealth How terrible.

After exempting civilians from taxation, Varian turned his attention to the goblin.

After realizing the potential of the goblin, Varian and Khadgar resisted the crowd (well, mainly for Turalyon...) and signed a lot of contracts with the goblin, and even built a goblin in the Westfall. City-Kolga, although not as large as Booty Bay, the commercial prosperity is not weak.

It was relying on the huge commercial profits that Varian was able to save money and restore the vitality of the Royal Knights of Stormwind before the disaster war, and formed a demon hunter armed to the teeth.

After the disaster war ended, the Kingdom of Stormwind set up the Karazhan Duty Free Zone of Master Dalaran. Under the stimulation of the tax exemption, the traffic of Kolga decreased rapidly, and Karazhan became more and more prosperous...

Of course, don't think Varian is losing.

Medivh unscrupulously learned the experience of Drunk Wind’s construction of the Misty Harbor. On the one hand, he vigorously attacked Karazhan’s unlicensed operation, and even frantically created the first French urban management force in Azeroth, causing countless attempts to operate without a license. The goblin vendor wants to cry without tears.

On the other hand, the Kingdom of Stormwind unilaterally monopolized the supply of daily necessities in Karazhan. One sells one-bronze bread in Elwynn Forest and five coppers in Karazhan—what, you change one? Sorry, the official chain, do not buy hungry!

Under various dazzling economic policies, the Kingdom of Stormwind greatly stimulated the economy, and a large number of magical items were dumped to the original Lordaeron area.

Poor Lordaeron!

For three full years, there has been no peace in the entire Lordaeron region!

To the west, Gilneas and the Scarlet Crusaders stopped. Although Uther and Genn used to have a good personal relationship, they are about to die.

To the east, the remnants of the undead and the demon who fleeed from the battle of Keldaron turned into guerrilla warfare, faintly blocking the connection between the Holy Light’s Hope Chapel and the Scarlet Crusade.

Baron Rivendare--Uh, now it should be Lord Rivedale who tried to intervene in easing the relationship between the Scarlet Crusades of Gilneas several times, but every time he wanted to act, the undead and demons would march in an armed parade...

In this case, after Lordaeron fell apart, Andorhal, Keldalon, and Stratholme established interim governments in order to protect themselves. On the one hand, they avoided getting involved in the war, and on the other hand they avoided the undead and demons. Can be multiplied.

The originally glorious seven kingdoms of mankind, now Dalaran, Lordaeron, and Alterac have been subjugated, Stromgarde has left Northrend, and Kul Tiras is still lonely overseas (although in recent years the shipping has been fattening), Gilneas has fought for years-in the end, it seems that Stormwind City has a good chance to dominate the nations!

Well, just a chance...

As for the dwarves, the Wildhammer and the Bronzebeard had already worn a pair of trousers in the Orc War. Now, with the help of Drunk Wind, the Unification of the Three Hammers is just around the corner!

Once the three hammers of the dwarves are unified, even if their strength is still not comparable to that of humans, they can still sit on the second place (although there are only three places)!

The poor dwarf was placed by Saratas. Although it would not have to stay at the dwarf’s house, it was also greatly injured. In order to delay Gelbin’s advancement, Thermaplugg tried his best to destroy a lot of Nomo. Reagan facilities, these high-tech gadgets want to rebuild, but it is not that simple.


After the alliance is over, we come to the Horde again.

After the Battle of Keldaron, Thrall realized the Horde's Achilles' heel-the lack of spellcasters.

In the orc war, the failure of the Horde was due to the huge war potential after the later alliance mobilized on the one hand, and Gul'dan's betrayal on the other.

After Gul'dan betrayed, the tribe, lacking a caster, finally entered a situation where it was defeated and defeated.

Although Saar is a dove, he is not a surrender after all. He knows that the best way to ensure peace is mutual understanding, and the prerequisite for mutual understanding is similar strength.

So Thrall started desperately exploding the shaman-well, teaching shamanism.

It's a pity Not all orcs are called Thrall...

Thrall found sadly that the teaching progress was terribly slow-in this way, the orc caster could not become a unit at all.

Damn Gul'dan!

Since orc spellcasters are hard to find... then find allies!

Just two years ago, under the leadership of Grommash, Thrall went deep into the Hinterland and had cordial and friendly exchanges with the forest trolls. At the meeting, the two sides exchanged views on the situation in the Eastern Kingdoms, which are of equal concern to each other. .

The orcs and the trolls reiterated the long history of mutually beneficial cooperation between the two sides. Thrall also pointed out that in the new era, the orcs and the trolls are facing new challenges. In order to meet these challenges, the two sides decided to strengthen military cooperation and face difficulties bravely. Resolutely meet the challenge.

This opinion was supported by Zul'jin, the leader of the forest troll, who said that the forest troll should work hand in hand with the orcs to pass on the traditional friendship between the two sides from generation to generation.

All in all, the orcs and trolls once again joined forces to form a new tribe to fight against the stronger alliance.

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