Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 634: Castle Gonfalon Gonfalon

Technology accumulation is a very interesting thing.

In Azeroth in peacetime, the engineering technology tree has been used for civilians and even entertainment (everyone is making toys), but since the tide of darkness, the Azeroth technology tree has returned to battle, and because The accumulation of technology directly gave birth to a batch of constructive engineering products.

Including but not limited to dwarf helicopters, dwarf mortars, and steam locomotives.

Looks like dwarf technology? Where did the shocking goblin technology go?

In fact, although the steam locomotive was born from the dwarf, it is indeed the original idea of ​​the black rope.

Remember the hired engineer Blackfighter from the Battle of Gilneas? At that time, he was employed by Lordaeron and made an outstanding contribution to looking through the Greymane Wall-although in the end, Lordaeron did not take down Gilneas...

Not surprisingly, this great weapon inventor may still make Azeroth's strongest weapon in the future-Steel Nova.

Talking about so much, mainly to explain that the alliance has spent a lot of effort for these steam locomotives.

Therefore, Luo Ya at the rear was clenching her small fist, staring at the burning steam locomotive, and she was indescribably distressed.

"Calm down, Loya." A "big" hand was placed on Loya's shoulder. "Iron bumps are never as important as warriors--not only our creations, even those Titan creations, are far less important than the lives of these warriors. ."


After the dwarf prince's life of nine deaths, his personality seems to have changed a bit.

Although he is still full of curiosity, it is undeniable that he seems to be a lot more stable.

When the once lonely hero needs to take responsibility, he is destined to no longer be frivolous.

"Huh..." Luo Ya sighed, "I don't feel bad for those steam locomotives. I feel bad for those craftsmen who invented and improved these steam locomotives with me-if I didn't ask them to come to Delano with me. Study the Apexis crystal, then..."

"Don't think so." Brian took off his hat and put it on Loya's head. The hat was a bit big, and half of Loya's face was covered. It seemed a little funny, "We all know that. , The problem is not with you."

Seeing what Luoya had to say, Brian interrupted her.

"This hat is the result of my first expedition. In countless explorations and discoveries, I have made many mistakes and caused a lot of trouble, but I have never regretted leaving the iron furnace as an adult. Fort."

"I firmly believe that every time I try, every time I dig, every time I explore, it is to uncover the mystery of this world, so that we can better understand us and the world-you are called the light of the dwarf, then if you Everything is from the heart for the dwarf tomorrow, so what can you regret?"

Wearing Brian's hat, Roja was stunned.

Over the years, after leaving the institute, Roja has experienced too much-the embarrassment during the Gnomeregan rebellion, the helplessness of the one-eyed monster, the joy of the son of Gruul, the despair in Terokkar Forest... …

Luo Ya almost forgot, she was the light of a dwarf!

The next moment, she threw herself into Brian's arms and cried loudly.


The first commandos on the battlefield have already climbed the walls.

Windsor was at the forefront, holding a sharp blade to take the lead. First, he stabbed several Blackrock Orcs directly along the gap in the armor, and then was discovered by Grommash, and stopped a blasting hammer...

There is a huge gap in strength, and Windsor can barely manage to entangle Gromash.

At the same time, the other members of the Alliance Commando also rushed in. Since they were not armored, their purpose was to create chaos, and they didn't care about their own life or death, so the tribe's defense line really loosened in the first place.

As we all know, heavy weapons can cause serious damage to armored units, and they can also cause damage to unarmored units—but they need to be hit.

There is no doubt that the Union Commando's dodge-based combat method cannot guarantee their safety in front of the Blackrock Heavy Infantry, but there is still a chance to be safe for a while.

The commandos are not only equipped with short blades, most of them have a musket with only one bullet around their waist.

The shirtless lightness, coupled with the burst of muskets, and the desperation of the commando, even the heavily loaded Blackrock Orcs had a brief chaos.

The orc's defense line was confused for three minutes.

And in these three minutes, an ivory tower of the alliance stood on the head of the city...

That's right, stood still.

The commando prepared three ivory towers, and now one is standing.

Tyler was leaning under the tower, breathing heavily.

Although he is an elite of the Seventh Army, this is really his first participation in a large army.

In this kind of head-on confrontation, Taylor was very good at giving full play to his strength. He could only move forward in the direction of the golden lion banner on the blue background.

I don’t know how many knives I slashed at the orcs—I don’t know if my left leg was In the chaos, the commando carrying the ivory tower was the key object of care for the orcs and was quickly taken down. The city wall, while the other commandos took over the ivory tower and continued to look for a location where they could establish a stronghold at the head of the city.

Although the walls of Hellfire Fortress are wide, it is not possible to erect an alchemy ivory tower anywhere!

The Blackrock Orcs recovered from the initial chaos, and the chances of the Alliance Commando became increasingly slim.

At the critical moment, Taylor carried the ivory tower on his back.

The surrounding commandos immediately took cover and launched the final attack.

Tyler desperately placed the ivory tower in the center of the city wall, fighting the danger of being hit on the head with a hammer.

Once activated, the entire ivory tower swelled rapidly, and on the already towering Hellfire Fortress wall, the ivory tower rushed into the sky.

When Taylor was exhausted, the bright light sheltered him.

Protective hand!

The moment the ivory tower was erected, dozens of commandos were lit up with holy light!

To everyone's expectations, the Alliance even sent a Paladin to take part in the assault after taking off the armor!

Seeing this, Thrall sighed, and then began to call the Demon Slayer Warrior.

Sure enough, under the protection of the paladins, the ivory tower was successfully upgraded to a mage tower. As soon as the upgrade was completed, the wisdom eye of the arcane structure on the top of the tower blinked.

The azure blue Austrian number light flashed, and several wizards appeared in the wizard tower.

"Warriors of the commando team, your mission is well completed. The next step is to the Violet Avenger." Master Moira took the lead out of the Mage Tower. "These greenskins will know what the mage's anger is."

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