Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 641: Thorim and Hodir

In Torim's narration, Mograine seemed to figure out why the guardian hid in his palace and refused to leave.

Not because of the sadness of losing a lover, but because of guilt.

In other words, cowardly.

Although Thorim has been emphasizing that because he hammered King Amblin, who killed the Frost Giant, he felt guilty and couldn’t go out to face his brother and his brother’s creations, but Mograine found out from his words The cowardice he has been trying to hide.

On the one hand, Torim didn't have the guts to face what he had done before-after recovering from the rage of losing his lover, he chose to escape directly.

Thorim knew he was wrong, but he didn’t dare to face it.

On the other hand, Mograine believed that under Tyre's reminder, Thorim must have some clues about Sieve's death, but Thorim did not pursue it.

He was scared, he was scared!

Torim's fear made him dare not continue to explore, he could only deceive others by saying "I am very guilty, I can't leave".

After figuring out Thorim's state, all Mograine needs to do is to retrieve the guardian's fighting spirit.

But it is not easy to awaken the fighting spirit of the Guardian!

Although Mograine was a Paladin, he was really not good at persuading others. He tried to get Thorim out of depression and fear, but Thorim remained unmoved.

The dignified guardian, although a somewhat stupid guardian, could not be persuaded by Mograine in a few words.

Speaking of later, Thorim even had a sign of anger.

"Enough, mortal, stop talking-you should be thankful that you are not my creation, for Tyre's sake, or you have been crushed by me now!"

"Guardian? What a big tone!" Mograine's stubborn temper also came up, "If you have made a mistake, you will not repent, and will not admit it, and put on a slammed'escape from shameful but very useful' appearance. Regardless of the outside world, do you know that the Frost Giant has fought the Heidenir for thousands of years? Countless lives have disappeared under your cowardice!"

"Cowardly? You say a guardian is weak?!"

Mograine's words severely stimulated Torim, and he directly threw Mograine to the ground.

"The mere ants, dare to point fingers at the Guardian and make irresponsible remarks!"

The sudden fall caused Mograine to lose his balance, but in an instant, he directly opened the wings of the Holy Light behind him and hovered in the air.

The dazzling light made Thorim inexplicably irritable.

The guardian of the power of the Winter Storm suddenly launched an attack on Mograine.

Torim stretched out his hand and drew it fiercely towards Mograine, his broad palm resembling a wall, wrapped in the power of the storm, patted Mograine directly.

Mograine seemed to have expected Thorim's anger and anger, he easily avoided Thorim's attack, and then raised his warhammer.

"Torim, you need to calm down!"

"I'm calm!" Torim shouted angrily, "If it weren't for you, a **** mortal, to provoke me again and again, I wouldn't be angry at all!"

But Mograine clearly saw that Torim's blue eyes gradually turned strangely black.

On Torim at this time, Mograine felt a shadow power that seemed familiar.

It was like the voice that bewitched me after I gave up the Ashbringer.

This is behind the scenes!

Mograine immediately regained his spirits, and it was obvious that Torim definitely had something wrong now.

Except for the specific problems, Mograine didn't know-but it didn't matter. Mograine believed that as long as he suppressed Torrem, there would be time to figure things out!


Having said that, how simple is it to suppress a guardian?

The last person to do this was Thor!

Of course, Mograine didn't know what Thor was. At this moment, he was engrossed in fighting, and he didn't dare to think of anything else.

The Guardian put too much pressure on Mograine.

Although after regaining the favor of the Holy Light, Mograine is already a demigod-he has been bewitched by Yogg-Saron, and he has experienced the trough of life. A lot of training was done in the way of Kuren...

But even so, when facing an angry guardian, Mograine still had no confidence.

In Mograine's view, Torrem's every move almost represents a part of the rules of the world. It is obviously just an ordinary punch, but Mograine feels as if he is tightly tied to the cliffs of the storm. On the cliff, endless storms rushed towards him madly.

In front of the furious Torim, Mograine could only dodge from left to right Thanks to the protection of the Holy Light, Mograine could still support it for a while, but he really couldn't find it. Any chance of turning defeat into victory.

With all-round suppression, Mograine had nothing to do with Torim.

It's not that Mograine didn't try to fight back, but when he slapped himself and smashed the warhammer on Torrem's calf, Mograine was surprised to find that there was no trace of the hammer left. under.

Well, there are still traces, Mograine's warhammer is flat.

Even if Yuanlong can bite off the guard's arm, Mograine can't.

How can I fight this?

Foreseeable, once Mograine can't hide, Torim will be able to kill Mograine with a single punch!

What's more terrible is that Torim seemed to be even more irritable after the long attack was fruitless-hitting him suddenly took out a warhammer wrapped in lightning...

In Mograine's **** collapse, this battle was impossible to fight.

After thinking about it, Mograine seemed to be able to take the slant and took the risk.

No one has tried to dispel the guardian.

Mograine was the first.

Cleansing technique + confession!

At the next moment, Thorim was stunned.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Mograine opened the Wings of Light, flew to Thorim's shoulder, and then slammed a hammer on Thorim's head.


The heavy warhammer fell from Thorim's hand and hit the cold ground of the palace hall.

The eyes of the guardian of the storm finally gradually recovered their clarity, and the black faded back to a clear blue.

"Thank you, mortal—I seem to think of many things."

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