Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 647: Encounter 1 Smile

? Under the leadership of Mograine, Heidenil, who fought for his king of Hydnir and his true **** Thorim, has a high morale!


Under the leadership of Mograine, the storm knights of Heidenil, the female warriors of Heidenir, and the rune mage of Heidenir, launched a counterattack against Loken's steel giants.


   The steel giant is very strong, but there is no difference between the slashing of Heidenir's breath and the waste paper. Mograine, who is always strong (?), took the lead and directly slammed into the steel giant with the light barrier.


   Mograine's battle is very visually impactful.


The huge steel giant is often split in half with a sword and then crashes to the ground, while the steel giant’s attack is generally unable to hit Mograine-even if the fist is about to hit occasionally, it will be easily blocked by the light barrier. .


   Of course, the battle of the other Heidenil people was not so easy.


Simple weapons can cause limited damage to the iron giant, but fortunately, with the help of the storm dragon and rune stones, the iron giant frozen by the low temperature dragon’s breath and rune spells will become very vulnerable, and will be frozen in the face The Heidenir people didn’t have much difficulty when they were the steel giants.


   Generally speaking, in this battle, Heidenir has the upper hand, Loken is at an absolute disadvantage.


If you change to another guardian and see that your little brother can't beat him, he will definitely roll up his sleeves and end by himself, but Loken will not. On the one hand, he is really not good at fighting, on the other hand, because he is already injured. Up.


   broke four fingers, this kind of pain is unbearable to Loken Ali!


  Although Loken knew that his fingers could be restored with the help of Yogg-Saron after the matter was over, he would never forget the humiliation!


   the guardian of the hall, was actually cut off four fingers by a mortal with a sword!


   Angry Loken chose the crowded strategy.


   Facing the wall in Thorim, Hodir disappeared, Mimiron and Freya disappeared, and Tyr went south for so many years, Ulduar's creation matrix has been firmly grasped by Loken!


  Although Yogg-Saron has also learned a lot of tricks here, but for so many years, Loken has created an extremely terrifying army!


   In order to strengthen the control of his creation, the steel giants and thundercast dwarves created by Loken do not have too much wisdom, and there are very few casters, but the number is outrageous!


   And Loken also connected his own private matrix, this army can reach the battlefield continuously as long as the portal is opened!


   Loken did just that.


   So Mograine found in despair that these steel giants were killing more and more, and some dwarves appeared.


   These dwarves manipulate the power of thunder and lightning, which is more difficult than these big men!


   It is not only Mograine that is uncomfortable, but the Heidenir people also feel that the battle has become difficult.


   is not only because the number of enemies has increased, but more importantly, they seem to be more difficult to deal with.


With the help of the Thunderforged dwarves, the iron giant's lethality has risen sharply, and the storm dragon knight in the sky will be electrocuted by the Thunderforged dwarves if they are not worried. !


   Seeing Heidenir quickly fall into the wind.


   Mograine's attack was still cutting melons and vegetables, but he soon got out of breath. The Holy Light can help him delay the aging of his body, but it cannot make an old man rejuvenate.


   Mograine is an old man after all.


  With the gradual loss of physical strength, Mograine felt that he was getting weaker now.


   Although the power of the Holy Light on his body was still surging, Mograine knew that he might not be able to support it for too long.


   And Loken couldn't help laughing as he watched Heidenier finally fall into the wind.


   "A mortal is a mortal after all!"


"Shut up, the running dog of the ancient god!" Mograine smashed a thundercast dwarf trying to attack him with a sword, opened the wings of the Holy Light and rushed towards Loken. Everyone is despicable!"


   "Willingly be a running dog of the ancient gods, raising a butcher knife to a brother who trusts you, mortals are busy, but they will not be like you, without a bottom line, and shameless!"


   Between the roars, Mograine had flapped his wings and came to Loken's face. He exhausted his strength and fiercely split out the breath of Heidenil in his hand and pointed directly at Loken's head.


   Unfortunately, the earth-shaking blow was blocked.


  Under Loken's control, a large number of steel giants hurriedly stopped between Mograine and Loken.


   Heidenil's breath smashed the three steel giants and then reluctantly stopped. Mograine sighed helplessly and fell back to the ground.


   This is already the greatest strength that Mograine can exert. It now seems that he and the whole Heidenir are about to fall into an endless war of attrition - and may even die here altogether.


   No support.


   is in a desperate situation.


   Surrounded by Loken’s minions, the Heidenirs showed their will to fight. Even if the enemy is few, no one retreats!


   Seeing that the Heidenir could not hold on any longer, the village of Brunhilda welcomed an unexpected visitor—or support.


   Frost Giant!


  Hodir’s son!


Although Mograine and Torim went to the Frost Giant’s residence to get a settlement with the son of Torim, Mograine didn’t expect it. The black hand behind the scenes may be Loken, and King Yokum is willing to lead troops on the expedition!


   Apparently, Yokum wanted to go to the Temple of Wisdom to find the Loken and ask clearly where their **** Hodir had gone, this time passing through the village of Brunhilda.


   "Loken is behind the scenes! Torim is also in trouble!"


   Apart from anything else, Mograine yelled directly after seeing Yokum.


   After a short hesitation, the sons of Hodir joined the battle as reinforcements!


   This is incredible support.


   You know, under Loken’s allocation, the battle between Heidenir and Hodir’s Son has been going on for thousands of years!


   But seeing this, King Yokum decisively joined the battle!


   "Hey hey, King of Hydnier!" Yokum rushed to the front and waved his warhammer, "You owe me a favor this time!"


   "Hahaha!" Mograine shot a Thunderforged dwarf trying to attack him, "Kill Loken, everything is easy to say!"


   The brothers are here, and when they meet each other, they smile and die.


   At this time, the two guardian creations calculated by Loken united and launched a vengeful impact on Loken.



  :. :

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