Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 659: Shadows in Stormwind


   Now Azeroth is divided among the three forces of Oath, Alliance, and Horde.

The oath is aloof, and it already has some "legendary" meaning. The night elves, tauren, darkspear trolls, blade naga blood elves and draenei have many races, but everyone except night elves There are two or three kittens, and Kalimdor's resources can fully carry the development of the pledge.

  The Alliance occupies most of the positions in the Eastern Kingdoms-the reason why it is said that most of them is because at least Quel'Thalas and Gilneas in the north have joined the oath.

   Oh, Stranglethorn Vale in the south is actually a troll's territory?

   The alliance wants to destroy the tribe, so much!

   But after the Delano incident, the Alliance found that the attitude of the pledge was very subtle.

Obviously, Drunk Wind’s practice of riding on a fence makes the Alliance very dissatisfied-with the premise of fighting against the devil, not taking a stand in the conflict between the Alliance and the tribe, this undoubtedly makes the Alliance a lot of Drunk Wind. Resentment.

   But it's useless to have resentment-the oath is the strongest, the voice is loudest, and you can't take the oath even if you are not satisfied.

   So recently, when the leaders of the alliance were preparing for the Northern Expedition, they were also thinking about how to increase the power of the alliance.

   The oath does not allow the Alliance to destroy the tribe, isn’t it just because you don’t want your power to be wasted in the civil war?

   But what if the strength of the alliance surpasses the tribe?

   The situation will be very different then!

  If the alliance becomes a powerful existence like the oath, then the tribe will be able to take it-and then, the oath will not stop it.

   The existence of New Stromgarde allowed the Alliance to discover opportunities.

The current alliance is made up of humans, dwarves, and gnomes, and Stromgarde is likely to return to the alliance after the Northern Expedition. If the Forsaken also join the alliance, let alone anything else, at least the Arathi Highland Tribe cannot defend it. living.

   And by that time, Sorazar Basin will become a nail of the Alliance in Northrend, and the orcs' sphere of influence will be firmly suppressed in Durotar!

   So, at this time, Kalia is of great significance to the Alliance.

   This is also the reason why Thrall felt his head hurt for the first time after receiving the news from Kalia.

  Durotar's orcs are mobilizing. Zul went to Zul'Dak to communicate with the frost trolls. The orcs brought back from Draenor need to be settled. Thrall is very busy now.

   At this very busy time, the Alliance put a lot of eye drops on the tribe.

   Regarding the possibility of the Forsaken joining the Alliance, Thrall had a discussion with Drektal and Grandmother Gaiaan.

   The possibility is very high, and the tribe has nothing to do.

Now Thrall can count on Zul-if the troll prophet really mastered the power of arcane, shadow, and light as he said, he can still fight, otherwise the tribe might really want problem occurs.


   But soon, Thrall didn't worry about the Forsaken joining the league—he began to worry about Taresa's safety.

  Because Kalia was assassinated in Stormwind.

   Say you may not believe it. Under the protection of MI7 and the Forsaken Guard, Kalia was assassinated in Stormwind City!

   Things came very suddenly.

On the seventh day of the night after Kalia arrived in Stormwind, when the troops of Stormwind were mobilized to prepare for the Northern Expedition, while Varian was constantly testing Kalia to hope the Forsaken would join the Alliance, an assassin sneaked into the reception card. Leah’s official residence, and carried out a frenzied assassination. According to the traces left on the scene, it seems that the assassin used some kind of poison specifically aimed at the undead.

   This is a strange assassination.

According to witnesses who rushed to support later, there were five assassins, all of whom were fairly competent assassins. They were not discovered by anyone before entering the compound where Kalia was located, and after the assassination failed, they too I just slipped away without leaving much evidence.

  Only Kalia was seriously injured.

   King Varian flew into a rage after visiting Kalia. It is said that informed sources revealed that the head of MI7 was sprayed with blood on his head by the angry King.

Who made MI7 boast about going down to the sea before, saying that the defense of the mansion that entertained Kalia is even more tightly guarded than the palace — slapped the face is that the invasion of those assassins is so easy, those open and secret whistles are not even One found an abnormality.

   At the same time, Khadgar also scolded the mages in charge of the mansion enchantment-but compared to the hapless miracle seven, these mages were lucky.

On the one hand, it was because Khadgar didn’t speak bad words. Compared with the veteran warrior and ridiculed Majesty Varian, Khadgar’s accusations made these wizards extremely ashamed, but they would not shame the whole family; on the other hand, It is because in this kind of official residence, the protection of the mage is auxiliary, and the assassins sneaked in through the door while the shift and the guard were slack.

   No matter how strong the enchantment, the door can't be blocked!

   While being held accountable, Stormwind City began a big search.

   According to MI7’s speculation and acting style, this time the assassin is likely to be born in Ravenholdt Manor. Varian immediately sent his envoy to Ravenholdt to conduct some investigations.

   At the same time, Stormwind City began martial law, Stormwind City guards began to investigate the floating population, and even vegetable farmers from Irvine Forest were questioned.

   No gain.

  In this regard, the league officials had already expected it.

   After all, this is a world with magic.

   This kind of mortal-level search is difficult to really find the murderer.

   What's more, judging from the entire assassination process, it is very likely that there are inner ghosts inside Stormwind City.

   It is even possible that even MI7 has been corroded.


   As for Kalia, now the Queen of the Forsaken is in a very bad state.

The poison in her is indeed a bit vicious. This kind of shadowy poison will destroy the body of the forsaken, and at the same time use and transform the power of the poisoned forsaken, and then use the power of the forsaken to transform new toxins and deepen The effect of poisoning.

   Due to the special physique of the Forsaken, there is no way to deal with such poisonous priests. Forcibly dispelling it is very likely to harm Kalea.

   After discussing with the guard of the Forsaken, Taresa chose to inform Faor.

  Perhaps only Archbishop Faor, who believed in the holy light during his lifetime and studied the shadows after his death, could save Kalia...


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