Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 665: Whose loyalty

?Actually, after Benedictus didn't play the cards according to the routine at the beginning, Drunk Wind vaguely felt that something was wrong.


   But after thinking about it, Zuifeng didn't find anything wrong, so I stopped thinking about it.


   And when Benedictus "you have destroyed the dragon men", Drunk Wind realized that his problem was.


   Due to Onyxia's relationship, Drunken Wind has always been very close to the Guardian Dragons, so after seeing the dead black dragons, Drunken Wind simply checked them and directly cremated them.


  Farewell, Drunk Feng thought at the time, those dragon men were hard to burn...


   At first glance, this is quite normal.


   But thinking about it carefully, Zuifeng feels like a capitalized mental retardation!


   Why is it cremated?


   If Drunk Wind handed these corpses to Nefarian, he might be able to figure out where Deathwing's "Flood Seed Project" is going on!


   Zuifeng's smooth action directly destroyed a clue.


   This is the fact, those you can easily get, you always don't cherish.


   Seeing Drunk Feng’s stunned look, Benedictus realized that his plan had succeeded, and he couldn't stop laughing.


   "Prophet? Hahaha, in front of the master, no one can claim to be a prophet-this world will eventually be destroyed. Everything you do is just a needless struggle. I have seen the future, and you are not among them!"


"Then are you there?" Looking at the fanatical Benedictus, Drunk Wind curled his lips in disdain, "I don't know what kind of illusion that idiot Enzos used to fool you, but I believe that the future will be with you What you saw is a thousand miles away!"


   After a brief discussion, Varian decided to execute Benedictus.


   Out of many considerations, the Stormwind officials concealed the exact information and announced that the archbishop was seriously ill. Varian planned to announce the death of Benedictus after a period of time.


Unlike the original history, Benedictus failed to make much news. Varian saw that he had paid a lot for Stormwind during the Orc War, and finally gave him a quiet death.


  The executioner is Alonthos Faor.


  History is such an irony. In a secret room of the Cathedral of Light in Stormwind, the former archbishop, his own disciple, who was executed by himself, is the archbishop of the Cathedral of Light in Stormwind.


  Although Faor, who is the forgotten, can't see any expression on his face, Drunk Wind can feel it, and his back feels like substance.


   To whom is Benedictus loyal?


   He directly killed the Black Dragon, and then he believed in N'Zoth's prophecy, as if he was a devout disciple of N'Zoth.


   But these behaviors are actually helping Deathwing and covering the conspiracy of Big Chin.


   Drunk Wind suddenly and clearly distinguished who Benedictus' loyalty belongs to-only one thing is certain, Benedictus will never end in Stormwind.




   Under Faor's care, Kalia finally woke up and soon recovered.


   After regaining her health, the first reaction of the Queen of the Forsaken was to hurry up the Northern Expedition.


   Looking at Kalia, who was already a bit extreme, Faor showed deep helplessness.


   There is no way. At this moment, the hatred has already occupied Kalia's heart. In this case, it is useless to channel her. Only by letting her take the forsaken to take revenge, can she calm down.


   When the Alliance held a military meeting, Zuifeng and Faor left Stormwind City.


   Faor intends to return to Lordaeron to explore the mystery of the light and shadow.


The fall of Benedictus was an extremely heavy blow to Faor. He couldn't figure out why he became a believer of N'Zoth. He wanted to start from the essence of light and shadow. , Looking for answers.


   And Zuifeng chose to find Nomi.


   After the incident of Benedictus, Zuifeng realized that unless the believers of the ancient gods jumped out and died, it would be more difficult to dig them out of the dark.


   The existence of the ancient gods is very special, and their brainwashing can create a group of lunatic believers for him.


   It is almost impossible to speculate on the movement of Deathwing by eradicating the behavior of lunatics.


   But the cataclysm cannot be prevented.


How to do?


   Invariably respond to ever-changing-he will force him to be strong, and the moon will shine on the river!


   As long as Azeroth’s other powers are strong enough, even if Deathwing makes a cataclysm, the Alliance, the Horde, and the Oath will be on it!


  In the original history, the conflict between the Alliance and the tribe became extremely serious after the cataclysm. The main reason was insufficient food.


   After the cataclysm, the barrens became severely deserted, and the Western Wilderness had failed year after year. The civilians of the Alliance and the tribes had a hard time. Even if there were druids purifying the contaminated land, the problem of insufficient production capacity persisted.


   How did this solve?




  With the irrigation of Jinxiu Valley, the countryside of the Valley of the Four Winds, the grain is ripened every day.


   Why are the Alliance and Horde fighting for Pandaria?


   It’s not because of the rich products here!


Unfortunately, later, in order to pursue the power of the ancient gods, Brainless Roar used the spring water of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms to forcibly nourish the heart of Y'Shaarj. As a result, Vale of Eternal Blossoms was no longer prosperous, and the Roar of Brains was also a big success and attracted the siege of Austria. Grima.


   Now, the purpose of Drunk Wind is to open up the fog of Pandaria.


   With an oath to be the backer, the Alliance and the Horde are destined to be impossible in Pandaria as they did in history.


   Just kidding, who dares to move Pandaria all the way, drunk wind hangs him up and beats!


   Zuifeng misses home very much. He misses Yan and the Mid-Levels of the Valley of the Four Winds.


   But under heavy he can't find a way back.


   And now, Zuifeng has a clue-Lili, or Wandering Island.


   Do you remember the Naga who wanted to catch Lili?


   After catching Lili, the Naga kept asking her where the pearl was. If Drunk Feng didn’t guess wrong, the name of that pearl was the Heart of Pandaria.


   Find that pearl, Drunk Wind will find his way back to Pandaria.


   With Pandaria's resources as a guarantee, even if the cataclysm set off by Deathwing brings great damage, Drunk Wind is confident that the Alliance, the Horde, and the Oath will quickly rejuvenate.


  The key to finding that pearl is to find Nomi and Lili who had run away from home.


   It is not enough to rely on the drunk wind.


   So, a certain insidious guy chose to cheat his son, and quietly ran to Quel'Thalas and abducted Sangunar's sister.

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