Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 669: Nomi's white school scene

It has been almost fifty years since Drunk Wind came to Azeroth.

As a traverser, Zuifeng believes that he has lived successfully in the past few decades. Under his little butterfly's continuous flapping of its wings, the current Azeroth has undergone earth-shaking compared with the one in the game. Change-and all in all, a pretty good change.

   If there is any regret for Drunk Wind, then maybe there is not a big Crystal Palace...

   For Drunk Wind, this kind of regret is not dissatisfaction with Onyxia, but because he feels that he seems to be missing some necessary experience for crossing.

   After all, for the traveler, it seems that three wives and four concubines are kings?

   But now, it seems that I can pin my hopes on the next generation.

   Zuifeng is not a person who is abusive, and his chubby figure is not attractive to creatures other than Pandaren.

   Now, Nomi seems to have such potential~

Thinking about it carefully, the Ironpaw family has always been known for its prosperity, but Drunk Wind is a bit miserable. The abnormal invasion of the mantid not only caused Drunk Wind to lose his parents, but also left the Ironpaw Clan. After drunk wind and strictness, there was only one more Nomi after thirty years.

   So, let Nomi come to the great revival of the Iron Palm family!

   And, Valera is such a good blood elf girl, Nomi, don't let your father down!


  Nomi not only didn't let Drunk Wind down, he even surprised Drunk Wind a lot.

   "Valera-it's great to meet you! I have not dared to return to Ravenholdt because of some troubles, and seeing you now means that I finally did not bring disaster to Ravenholdt."

   "How is Duke Jorazzy now? How long have you studied with him? Why did you meet my father?"

   "Is that super handsome, killing feast? Oh my god, I really didn't expect that you have even mastered this technique-unlike me, the touch of reincarnation can't learn how to learn..."

   Zuifeng had never noticed it before, and it turned out that Nomi could say so.

Under Nomi's praise of not wanting money, Valera's aura that he took so hard to use finally fell apart. The high elf girl no longer looked cold, but wrinkled her small nose delicately, and then snorted. .

   "Alright, alright, I just said so much when I met, how can I answer it!"

   Seeing that Varela calmed down, before Nomi was relieved, there was a problem with Lili.

   "Nomi, who is this? High elves-or blood elves?"

   Because of the ridicule just now, Lili was quite upset with Valera. Why did I waste the opportunity that Nomi created? Even if you don't intervene, the can can solve that big guy. If you get cheap here, you still sell well?

   Especially when Nomi suddenly ran over to send a lot of greetings, Lili felt even more subtle dissatisfaction-I was the one being mocked!

   Lili's tone made Nomi instantly aware of her situation-now it seems that she needs to deal with two girls!

It’s pitiful in the sky. Although Nomi has read many books, there is no book that teaches him how to face the Shura Field. If there is, Illidan, who has been studying for 10,000 years, will not have a headache because of Maiev and Vaschi. Up.

   "This is Valera. When I ran away from home for the first time, I accompanied me along the way-the one I told you."

   Ingenious statement!

   For Valera, Nomi and herself were "run away from home for the first time"; for Lili, it was "run away from home as you mentioned".

   Neither side should be guilty!

   The drunk wind licking melon seeds on the side said that this kid has a good EQ-not so stunned as it seems!

   It's a pity that Nomi's next sentence made Zuifeng almost spray the melon seeds out of his mouth.

   "Eh, Valera, Lili, you haven’t eaten yet—daddy, barbecue, for three people!"

   This script is wrong!

   I am a melon eater, how did I become a chef?

   It's a pity that Drunk Feng's body betrayed him. He obediently took out the knife and began to divide the body of the hapless Tyrannosaurus.

   For almost all of Nomi's requirements for food, Zuifeng will never refuse. He has long since changed from a person who enjoys food to a person who enjoys cooking and brings happiness to others.

   Then, Devil's internal organs were snatched by a can.

   Drunk wind shook his head as he watched the gobbled cans—I have mercy on you, look at Nomi, the little devil in the world for me.

   seems to have noticed the drunk wind's gaze, and the can swallowed a mouthful of the Devil's Tyrannosaurus heart muscle, and then touched the drunk wind affectionately.

"Can you miss me?" Looking at the can, Zuifeng smiled, "Soon you will see Zhou Zhuo and Songtao, and then you will be better-eh eh, how do you run Up?!"

   Just when Zuifeng wanted to touch the head of the can, the can flashed directly got rid of the drunken wind, flew back to Lili, and wrapped it comfortably around the top of Lili's staff.

   Drunk wind lowered his head, only to realize that the rubbing just now was not a **** intimacy, but that the can rubbed the blood on himself!

   Follow Noomi and Lili, cans are fun!

   Beside the warm fire, Nomi was dancing and telling his own experiences and insights. Valera put the dagger aside, knelt on the ground, and listened quietly.

   while Lili was on the side, adding some details from time to time, and by the way despised Nomi, which drew Valera's silver bell laugh.

   Every time Lili exposes the old bottom, Nomi is not embarrassed, he just scratches his head, skips this paragraph, and continues on.

   For Drunk Wind, this kind of warmth is really commendable.

   Sometimes Drunk Wind feels that he is like Nomi now, carefully ensuring a balance between the Alliance and the Horde.

   Thinking of this, Zuifeng couldn't help but began to reflect.

  Is he too cold-blooded and ruthless in dealing with the Alliance and the Horde?

  Draenor's battle was caused by the conflict between the Alliance and the tribes. In a sense, it was indeed a necessity.

   But isn’t the direct cause of drunken indulgence?

   Forget it, don't think about that, as long as you stick to your heart-as long as it is really for Azeroth!

   Thinking of this, Zuifeng withdrew his gaze, and when he wanted to further process these delicious Devilsaur meat, the sudden change occurred.

  Excited Nomi seemed to have talked about the Sinsaro incident, and he took out the Dragon Summon.

"not good!"

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