Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 678: Raid in the Hall of Lightning

In the boundless snow of the Storm Cliffs, the great Frostwolf Shaman Logosh of the tribe ended his legendary life.

Born in Frostfire Ridge, this shaman, whose parents died at a young age, won the title of Logosh (Ghost Wolf) with his bravery and used it as his own name.

After coming to Azeroth, Rogosh quickly gained the recognition of the elements here. During the journey of finding the future of the tribe, he insisted on his own heart, although he accidentally mastered the method of communicating with the elemental dragon, However, he was determined not to be in the same way as Necruz, who used the demon soul to control Alexstrasza at the time.

In Grim Batol, Rogosh experienced brutal torture and torture, but he never turned his back on the teachings of the elemental spirits, and even rescued Daelin who had raided Grim Batol and pointed him to Necro Si’s hiding place.

After the establishment of the new tribe, in addition to teaching Thrall to strengthen the Sa, Logosh has also served as the tribe's ambassador to Kul Tiras, and has made great contributions to the peace of the alliance and the tribe for more than ten years.

After finally understanding that absolute peace could not be achieved, Rogosh returned to Durotar, dragging his body full of dark wounds, and educated Zaira, the next chief of the New Dragonmaw clan.

And now, this great orc finally returned to the embrace of the ancestor's spirit in the howling wind and snow.

Zaira stood silently in the harsh north wind.

Logosh's words gave the female orc an extremely strong shock. For the first time, she looked at the problem from the perspective of a leader. At this moment, she suddenly understood many things that she did not understand.

After reacting, Zaira almost fainted with great grief.

But she is an orc after all, an orc advocating strong.

What Zaira needs is not tears, but to move on.

The ancestor young dragon who had returned from searching for food called down. Zaira tied Logosh's body to the ancestor young dragon's back, and then climbed onto the dragon's back and flew in the direction of Zudak.

Perhaps soon, the Dragonmaw clan will usher in a new life.


On the other side of the alliance, Kurdran returned to the Scarlet Dawn Fortress and brought back Logosh's words completely.

Loken is likely to be in Ulduar.

This is very troublesome.

There are only two paths before everyone.

One is to explore Ulduar, to figure out where Loken is, without disturbing Yogg-Saron, and behead directly if you have the opportunity!

The other is to find Alsace in a different way and have a protracted battle.

Of course, it is possible for Alsace to attack Ulduar directly, but maybe he will be dumped from behind by the undead natural disaster.

Then Turalyon decided directly to go to Ulduar first!

In order not to disturb Yogg-Saron, it is best not to participate in priests such as paladins and priests. From Mograine’s experience, the ancient **** seems to be very interested in the light of paladins and priests. sensitive.

Then the number of options is very limited.

Warrior and wizard.

So Khadgar had no shirk, and Muradin enthusiastically signed up.

Brian, the professional who digs graves, must also participate.

Then we need a hunter (ranger), Sylvanas said I will come!

Together with Kurdran, who is responsible for leading the way, the five-man team is ready!

This is a lineup without milk, but all five people are emotionally stable.

Choosing four mighty griffins with thick enough feathers, the five bid farewell to Scarlet Dawn Fortress.

After flying into the sky, Brian shed his nose for the first time...

"Ah ah ah ah ah! It's too cold, ah ah ah ah ah~"

The bitter north wind made Bryan's language seriously distorted, and he was utterly embarrassed.

Sylvanas is similar to Brian's situation, except that the high elf ranger appears very powerful. She did not show any fear of the cold. Although she was half frozen, she was still personable...

The graceful demeanor who is holding on to death.

Seeing Sylvanas whose skin was about to turn red, Khadgar shook his head secretly, and then gave her a cold-resistant barrier-as for Brian?

It doesn't matter, he has a thick skin, but he is called Huanshi, and there will be no major events at all!

Feeling the warmth, Sylvanas turned to Khadgar, then nodded slightly, revealing a light smile.

"Thanks, Master!"


Ulduar is the easiest place to find the Storm Cliffs.

Among the mountains of the Storm Cliffs, Ulduar is the highest and the most majestic.

The towering Ulduar is directly under the sky, and from a distance, there is a feeling of being connected to the sky.

On a leeward platform, five people landed.

"Brian, you are an expert in this area. Where did we find Ulduar so many palaces?" Kurdran jumped off the Griffin and said directly, "You just stared down for a long time. What clue."

At the same time, the eyes of the other three people also turned to Brian.


Brian sneezed directly, and after rubbing his swollen nose, he finally spoke.

"Obviously Titan-style buildings, one main building and two secondary buildings. According to the decoration style, one is Lightning and Thunder, and the other is rocky earth." Speaking of his profession, Brian was very serious. Lenny told me that Ulduar is said to have a Rock Hall and a Lightning Hall. It looks like these two buildings."

Hearing what Brian said, several people nodded.

"Then which one shall we go to see?"

"Mograine once said that Loken's men are a group of metal giants. They can use the power of lightning. Let's go to the Lightning Hall to see."

After thinking about it, Brian made his own judgment.

Naturally, everyone has no doubts about what the expert Brian said.

Kurdran whispered a few words in each griffin's and then patted their backs. The griffins spread their wings and flew away.

"Let them find a safe place to rest," Kurdran explained. "Don't worry, Skarley will take them with you!"

Seeing this, Sylvanas raised her brows.

Although the high elves also tame dragon eagles, they have to admit that compared with these wildhammer dwarves, their taming skills are still very poor.

After everything was settled, the five people finally reached the door of the Lightning Hall quietly.

A group of steel giants and Thundercast dwarves patrolled back and forth.

Just when several people were still thinking about how to enter the door, Brian had already waved his hand.

"Come here, come here, I have a way, listen to me!"


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