Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 711: This is Pandaria

Algalon revised his judgment.

Although from then on, Northrend may have the selfishness, jealousy and greed left by Yogg-Saron.

But anyway, Ulduar's affair finally came to an end.

The curtain of the Northern Expedition was reopened, and the cunning Arthas hid back underground again.

But this time, neither the Alliance nor the Horde would let him go again-with the help of the Azjol-Nerubians, Arthas' traces could not be hidden for long.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Zuifeng.

Because now, Zuifeng has a more important thing.

Return to Pandaria!

Ulduar’s battle gave Drunk Wind more thoughts. After killing Yogg-Saron, Drunk Wind also had a new understanding of negative emotions. At this time, he believed that he had the ability to face Pandaria. The evil demon.

Moreover, the current vows are already strong enough. At this time, the fog of Pandaria is lifted, and the drunken wind will not be destroyed there.

Who dares to touch the plants and trees of Pandaria, promise never to be merciless!

Eat my Shado-Pan Justice Iron Fist!

Most importantly, although the Western Wilderness, the Barrens, and Mulgore are all bountiful harvests this year, the preparations for Deathwing should be about to end. Once the catastrophe begins, famine will sweep across Azeroth.

Without the help of the Valley of the Four Winds, I am afraid that the Alliance and the Horde will not have a better life.

Back at Misty Harbor, Zuifeng followed the mark left by Nomi and Lili and began his journey to find the Wandering Island.

Finding the Wandering Island means finding the jewel of Pandaria, which means that you are about to return to Pandaria!


When Zuifeng embarked on a new journey, Nomi, Lili and Valera had already moved one step ahead and returned to the Wandering Island.

This time, Lili didn't have time to brag about her gains with her friends, but went directly to God Mako.

The person responsible for communicating with Shen Mako is Pafeng—the big turtle of Drunken Wind, with the help of Zuifeng Zhenqi, the body of Pafeng is getting bigger and bigger. If it takes long enough, maybe it will become a new one. God Mako.

The three of Nomi didn't know what Pofeng and Shenmako's unexplained cry meant, but after a simple communication, Shenmako shook his head, and then began to cough violently.

That's right, cough!

The entire Wandering Island felt like an earthquake, and the trees seemed to be trembling.

After Shinmako coughed violently, a pandaman and a small wooden boat without a mast were sprayed out.

That's right! Shen Zhenzi sprayed out a Pandaren and a small boat!

"I finally came out, haha, the sky is still so blue and the sea is still so calm!"

Nomi and Valera were just a little surprised, but Lili's eyes widened in disbelief.

"God, you are Wang You! We all thought you were dead! Unbelievable!"

Wang You is a fisherman on the Wandering Island. He was gone for a fishing trip five years ago. The huge waves were so high that all the pandamen on the Wandering Island thought he was dead.

But the facts proved that he was actually in the belly of Shen Zhenzi!

The three people who were shocked took Wang You back to the island.

Knowing the return of Wang You, the elders of the Wandering Island temporarily requisitioned the Lorewalker's school.

Under Wang You's narration, everyone finally understood what happened.

"That should have been five years ago? I was fishing in the sea, and then a murloc came on the net-the poor little guy seemed to have been seriously injured long ago. After I rescued him from the fishing net, he gave me a pearl And then died."

"But just when I rescued the murloc and got the pearl, a Naga witch appeared in the nearby sea. Apart from anything else, she started to flash lightning at me-terrible, even more terrifying than the shaman's lightning bolt!"

"The lightning like a fork directly discounted the mast on my boat. Just when the Naga witch almost grabbed me, a whale rescued me."

"I bet that the whale is definitely some little guy I let off-I saw traces of fishing nets on his back! He must have fallen into the net when he was a child and was rescued by me ."

"That little guy made a huge wave with his tail, and I took advantage of this huge wave to escape. Fortunately, I trained to surf, unlike that **** Naga witch!"

When talking about this, the pandamen present all expressed headaches at Wang You's words-that's not a little guy!

Most people remember that on the day Wang You disappeared, there was a huge wave around Shen Zhenzi-this is why everyone thinks that Wang You died in the sea. After all, under such a huge wave, accidentally destroying the ship. Die.

If that whale can set off such a huge wave, it is not a little guy.

Without paying attention to everyone's expressions, Wang You continued to tell.

"But it’s still a bit difficult to get rid of the naga in the sea, but in a crisis, Shinmako saved me, and he swallowed me directly—the kind of people carrying a boat, and then I stayed in his stomach until now. , Until today I was vomited out by the cough of God Mako."

"In all fairness, Shen Zhenzi's stomach is still pretty good, but it's a little dark, you see, my hair is not that bright anymore-and that is, I am about to vomit when I eat fish!"

"It's really poor God Mako, he has eaten fish for thousands of years!"

"Oh, yes, this is the pearl."

"It's a magical pearl. It will tell me where the most fish are."

When everyone surrounded Wang You and asked questions, Lili took the huge pearl from his hand.

Speaking of pearls, Lili felt that this thing was more like the crystal ball used for prophecy magic that she had seen in Aegwynn's house.

In the translucent sphere larger than a human head, something was vaguely displayed.

Seems to be some kind of scenery?

Curiosity made Lili close her eyes.

The endless farmland has dry land and paddy land.

Rice and wheat grow at a speed visible to the naked The market is full of Pandaren.

In the distance, along the ridge, there is a high wall, and countless pandamen in armor stand on the wall with a sharp blade.

This is a completely different place from the Wandering Island.

"Could it be, here..."

"Yes, this is our destination." A figure wearing a hat and armor pushed in, "You guessed it, this is Pandaria!"


Next volume, return to Pandaria!

Cataclysm may begin at any time, and Drunk Wind can only be vigilant while preparing for it. At this moment, the grain of the Valley of the Four Winds is precious!

Returning to Pandaria, Drunk Wind wants to conquer his last pride, and then make the final break with his father-in-law!

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