Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 724: Target Mogu'shan Vault

After experiencing a long dream, Nomi gradually lost consciousness in a trance.

I don't know how long it took. After regaining consciousness, Nomi was a little surprised to find that he was lying on the clouds-as for Alani, he had already flown away.

Nomi tried to remember everything just now.

It seems that after encountering this cloud serpent, he had a dream? !

And also dreamt that you have become the Cloud Serpent?

Something is wrong!

Nomi shook his head. If he guessed correctly, this is part of the memory of the Cloud Serpent!

This... is unbelievable. That Cloud Serpent lived for more than a thousand years like this inexplicably?

Not understanding this, Nomi could only shake his head, flap his wings and return to the ground.

Lili and Valera had been worried for a long time. They watched Nomi bump into Alani, and then lay down on the clouds.

Now that Nomi finally regained consciousness and flew down, the two of them were relieved.

"What's going on." Valera said first, "I don't think you are in a good state?"

More than bad!

After restoring the Pandaren state, Nomi's dark circles seemed to fade!

"Well, the impact is uncomfortable, isn't it?" Looking at Nomi's appearance, the chef of the Golden Lotus taught a bowl of thick soup, "Come and drink this bowl of soup-this is gold. Lotus's Soothing Soup!"

Nomi took the soup bowl and drank the soothing soup. Well, it tasted good.

"What's the matter with that Cloud Serpent? I seem to have discovered some of his memories!"

"Yes!" Chef Jinlian nodded, "Anyone who comes into contact with Alani will feel this way-his tangled life."

"I did have a dream." Nomi nodded, "but I always feel that it is not the complete memory of this cloud serpent. I don't know why he became what he is now."

"Because of Thor." The Pandaren raised his eyebrows. "He and Storm Lord Narak are brothers. There is always a feeling between the twin cloud serpents. Narak was transformed by Thor and became Thunder Mountain. The guardian of, and Alani has shared part of his power and has become what it is now. Isn’t it clearer now?”

"No, something is wrong!" Nomi shook her head stubbornly, "I can feel her sorrow, this part of the memory is incomplete, and it may even be partly sealed!"

The golden lotus chef took a step back and looked at Nomi carefully with some surprise.

"It seems that you are not simple, little guy-although you don't know where your other blood comes from, at least as a panda, you have a very good sense of soul."

"Li Jing, you rarely praise others like that." A soldier of the Golden Lotus cult suddenly interrupted, "It's not easy for this little guy to get your praise!"

"I've decided." Nomi suddenly made up his mind, "I must save this Cloud Serpent!"

"Uh, I need to remind you." Li Jing manually supported her chef's hat, "You still have a contract. According to the contract, you are going to the southernmost part of the Fairview Valley to repair the speed drop device."

Nomi also thought of this, and suddenly became ashamed—yes, I sold it for a few meals.

But when Nomi looked up, he found that the old Wu who led the way was gone.

"Where is Old Wu?"

"Go to the Setting Sun Pass!" a Golden Lotus Guardian not far away intervened, "He just said that he was in a hurry, so he hurried to the Setting Sun Pass to look for Master Tao Shi. It is said that Tao Shi is going to inspect Panlong's spine recently. It takes more than ten days for Wu to come back!"

"Great!" Nomi clenched a fist excitedly, "Now, I can stay here to help Alani!"

"Then how are you going to help?" Li Jing looked at Nomi with a smile, "It's not a simple thing to save this Cloud Serpent!"

"Isn't it easy?" Nomi scratched his head. "Do you know what to do?"

"Song Tao mentioned it." Li Jing shrugged, "Well, Alani should be in a sealed state. If you want to release the seal, it should have something to do with a certain Mogu clan object."

"Mogu objects?" Nomi felt confused by the vague description. "What do you mean?"

"The device for removing the seal may be in the remains of the Mogu." Li Jing organized the language, "Even though the Golden Lotus Sect is currently taking care of the Jinxiu Valley, there are still many remains of the Mogu, Guolai Ancient Hall, The excavation of Mogushan Palace has not yet been completed, and Thunder Mountain has consumed too much experience of lorewalkers, so we don’t know much about Alani."

"In other words, to save Alani, I need to explore those mogu ruins?"

"Yes." Li Jing nodded, "Alani has been wandering in the Valley of Eternal Blossoms, so the key to the seal should be here."

"Lili, Valera, what do you think of this idea." Nomi hugged his shoulders. "Anyway, it will take a long time for Lao Wu to come back. It will be fine if we are idle. How about exploring the Mogu Ruins?"

"Good idea!" Lili was the first to jump up and promised, "This is awesome! Adventure! What a wonderful thing!"

At the same time, Valera also nodded in agreement.

"Yes, it's also a kind of experience."

So, under Li Jing's guidance, Nomi figured out the location of Mogu'shan Palace, and planned to start exploring.

Just when the three were about to start, Razzle suddenly jumped up.

"Hey, I protest! Why can they go to that site to explore, I use my detector to sweep around, it is a violation? You are discrimination!"

"Discrimination?" The phrase made Li Jing Valley is forbidden to destroy, but the Mogu ruins can be excavated. Did anyone tell you this clearly? "

Razzell was also stunned, as if someone had said it-when he was in a daze?

"Hey, boy!" Razzell stopped Nomi. "If you are exploring, I think you need an engineering master? Wouldn't it be troublesome if something encounters a trap or something?"

"How about, take me and Ergazi, exactly five people, forming a small team!"

"You?" Nomi looked suspicious, and looked at Razzle carefully. "You still know engineering?"

"Of course!" Razzell looked confident, "Master of Engineering!"

"Then, Master of Engineering, can I see your badge?" Valera took out a purple emblem, "That's it, I think Goblin Engineering is also relevant for certification, right?"

At this moment, Razzel was sweating...

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