Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 732: Lizardmen's things

It was the Lizardmen who suddenly came out to attack the Five Drunken Winds.

Lizardmen are a "special product" of Pandaria, and one of the few "second creations" in Azeroth.

The reason why lizardmen are secondary creations is that they are creations of guardian creations (mogu).

That's right, Mogu created this race.

After Thor mastered the engine of Naraksha, in order to consolidate his rule, he sent his capable cadres to use the engine of Naraksha to twist the flesh and blood and create servants.

Of course, Mogu was not from a creative craftsman. Their business was very unskilled and they didn’t know how to make a creation correctly, so they adopted the method of "think of the merits and add what merits to the creation" to create the lizardman. .

Lizardmen have fangs and claws, can sever their limbs and regenerate. They have strong resistance to sticky scales. The digestive system is so strong that they can eat almost all organic matter. They don’t care about the environment in which they grow. They have a brutal personality. Requirements for weapons.

But when Mogu made the lizardmen, he forgot the most important thing.


Lizardmen look great as weapons, but these guys don't listen to Mogu's orders!

By chance, after escaping from Mogu's control, these distorted creations quickly spread throughout Pandaria.

From then on, the lizard people were like mice, forbidden.

No way, when the Mogu shaped the lizardmen, they gave them too many survival advantages. Apart from their worrisome IQ, they have almost no weakness in survival.

Under this circumstance, it is not surprising that some lizardmen are hiding in the treasure house of Mogushan Palace.

The leader of these lizardmen is a strong lizardmen named Jiehan.

Since the lizardmen are secondary creations, their individual differences are very large. The strong are stronger than the ogres, and the weaker ones can fight the goblins. As the whole of the valley of Eternal Blossoms, the strongest lizardmen are naturally The object of worship of all lizard people.

For the lizard people, worship is the basis of rule.

Jehan ruled here, and regarded this treasure house as his own forbidden.

Anyway, Mogu didn't use the treasures and weapons here, and Jiehan who discovered this place naturally regarded it as his own territory.

Since Mogu has always been relatively safe, no one has ever moved this treasure house, and Jehan and Theon are also in peace.

This strange "dual ownership" lasted for a long time, to this day.

The Nomi Five suddenly entered the treasure house and sounded the alarm for the Lizardmen sentry guards here. They did not hesitate to attack the Nomi Five.

The effect of the raid was not good-not because the lizardmen did not do well enough, it was that their enemies were not on the same level as them.

Besides, is it not funny to attack a Ravenholdt outstanding graduate?

After knocking over Razzle's alchemy table, he lost the last potion and Razzell, who could not continue to strip the gilt, ran away.

Nomi was surprised to find that Razzle had also taken out a staff.

"Can't tell, you are still a spellcaster? Well, you can say that you are a genius!"

Then the next moment, Nomi was brutally beaten in the face.

Razzle jumped on Ergazi's back again, and then Ergazi directly picked up a pair of big hammers, and Razzel began to wave his staff.

The long staff is responsible for defense. Any lizardman who wants to pounce is directly prodded out, and the heavy double hammers are responsible for the offense. As long as it is rubbed on the body, it will be broken and broken!

The goblin and the ogre cooperated perfectly, like chopping melons and vegetables, and easily smashed the lizard people with the height and the earth into flesh.

Its shape was so miserable that Lili simply covered her eyes.

After the lizardmen were solved, the effects of Razzil and Ergazi were still not over. The two of them were like dogs, protruding their tongues, and then panting quickly—obviously, the potion had brought considerable amounts to their bodies. heavy burden.


After learning that his treasure house had been invaded, Jehan was very angry.

As the lizardman king of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, Jiehan developed an emotion called pride-which made him care more about his dignity than other lizardmen.

In Jiehan's view, attacking his own treasure house means insulting and provoking himself.

So after getting the report, he walked along the ventilation duct to the scene of the incident.

Stumps and broken arms all over the floor.

They are all lizard people.

Jiehan didn't care about the life and death of his subordinates. Because of his strong fertility, the lizardfolk had never cared about the lives of their own kind.

But what Jiehan cares about is that these guys are coveting their own treasure, and they have killed their men because of it!

This is a provocation, it violates Jehan's "dignity"!

And the culprit was obviously the guy with the sledgehammer - after all, Ergazi's hammer was still covered with the blood of the lizardman.

With a low growl, Jiehan rushed directly to Er Gazi, and his claws with sharp nails grabbed the ogre's abdomen fiercely.

Ergazi didn't wear armor. If Soft Wind's abdomen was caught by this one, the ogre would be killed directly.

However, Jehan's assault did not work.

A long staff directly touched Jehan's chest, forcing him to stop the momentum of advancement-Razzle blocked Jehan's attack.

At the same time, Er Gazi who had reacted also picked up the hammer in his hand and slammed it at Jiehan severely.

In front of the heavy hammer, Jiehan didn't dare to block it rashly-to deal with such a heavy weapon with flesh and blood, it would be a death!

With a slight twist of his body, Jiehan avoided the ogre's attack.

The heavy warhammer rubbed the slippery scales of Jiehan, and finally smashed into the empty space. Jiehan seized the opportunity and left a long blood mark on Er Gazi's arm with his backhand.

But there is no use for eggs.

With the help of the medicine the wound on Ergazi's body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye!

This kind of thing was clearly beyond Jehan's cognition, and the lizardman took a step back cautiously and began to carefully look at his enemy.

It's not Mogu, I don't know what species it is, I have never seen it before.

I don’t know, will it be delicious?

Shaking his head, Jiehan stopped thinking about it, but pounced on Ergazi again.

This time, the cunning lizardman changed his strategy and began to fight.

And Nomi, who was watching the game, finally frowned.

Because Ergazi's skin began to darken, and the tongue that was sticking out also retracted again.

The effect of the potion is about to end? !

Damn it, it looks like I must shoot!

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