Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 737: The real face of the weapon master

No matter how nervous Theon was, the five of Nomi walked along the long corridor and came to the palace-the speed was a little slower than expected, mainly because a certain goblin took a fancy to the gold on the statue. .

That's gold!

But Razzle was finally stopped by Nomi.

For these mogu sculptures, its historical significance far exceeds the gold itself, and Razzell's act of rash destruction is completely a waste.

Razzell insists that the money in hand is money. In case I protect all these things as you said, then you suddenly turn your face and say that you want to hand in the Shado-Pan, then I am not everything No more?

Nomi took a lot of effort to persuade this goblin not to do such a stupid thing, and finally even moved out of the name of the iron palm, so that these golden glittering statues were saved from the goblin's poisonous hands.

Considering the pandaman's wealth, Razzel reluctantly agreed to give up the "small gains" in front of him.

Sure enough, the goblin is far more terrible than the foot man-the foot man needs to be equipped at most (a little more all-needed), and then the one who dares to equip it will not be saved (the Lafayette through the ages). Any valuable things left!

After a delay of some time, the five people arrived at the final palace fairly smoothly, and the weapon master Theon who was on the throne of the throne had been waiting for a long time.

"Invaders, you not only broke into my palace, but also entered my treasure house. Do you really think that all mogu are like those three idiots, greedy for life and fear of death?!"

Different guy?

Nomi frowned rare. Isn't this Mogu the same as the ones outside?

It seems that this mogu is not simple?

The next moment, Theon grabbed a long knife on the weapon rack next to the throne and headed straight to Nomi-like a thunder!

Theon's basic skills are still good-after all, he was a centurion in the Thor period, and his kung fu is not a little bit stronger than those three extremely cool garbage titles.

But even so, facing Nomi, Theon was unable to attack for a long time.

Although Nomi didn't use his own flame clone, Theon still couldn't take Nuomi - this was normal. The agility was not at the same level. No matter how powerful an attack was, it was destined to be zero if he couldn't hit the target.

"No, things won't be easy if this continues!"

After fighting like this, Theon felt that if he knew the enemy's details, he would be close to death.

How to do?

The result is big!

The next move, the long sword swept across, and the momentum sank vigorously.

Nomi was unwilling to stand up to the front, and chose to retreat, roll back and set his posture again.

Just kidding, you are strong, so why should I go head-to-head with you?

Although he has the blood of the black dragon, Nomi is too young.

But Theon didn't continue to attack, but slammed the long knife into the ground.

The hall trembled slightly, and on all the weapon racks, all knives, guns and swords were suspended in the air.


Following Theon's call for peace, these weapons swept towards Nomi like a gust of wind.

Hand-in-hand, shocking.

Theon was expecting a dark dark color on Nomi's face, but he only saw Nomi's face clearly.

Seeing these weapons, Nomi was suddenly stunned-it turned out that this is why he was called a master of weapons, not because of his superb skills, but because he can manipulate weapons!

But what is the point of manipulating weapons?

If it is a melee fight, Nomi is willing to fight this big man for a while, because every time he fights against Mogu, Nomi is an opportunity to break through.

But now you plan to do other tricks?

Sorry, good call!

With a whistle, the cans made their debut!

Before Theon could react, why is the breath of this cloud serpent so familiar, the can has turned into a transparent starlight dragon!

Although Theon had never entered the Mogushan treasure house due to his low official position, he had seen the souls of those ancestors-the same translucent, and the powerful also looked star-studded.

At this moment, Theon instinctively felt something was wrong.

Sure enough, after the can gently swayed its tail, all the weapons that Weapon Master Theon was famous for changed.

It is no longer golden sparkling swords, guns and swords, but transparent ethereal fireworks.

While absorbing the energy of the underground palace Titan, it also means that the can has taken over the control system of the entire Mogushan Palace.

Now Theon behaved like a gangster.

At this moment, the weapon master was dumbfounded-without the control of these energy illusions, the self-proclaimed mogu was knocked down from the clouds to the earth in a moment.

Without these weapons, Theon is just a centurion!

In the time of Thor, Mogu had thousands of centurions.

After being stripped of the connection with the Mogushan Palace, Theon was helpless to the ground, howling!

All of this seems to be a dream-ten thousand years ago, the sudden Pandaren uprising directly shook the entire Mogu Empire, and Theon, a small centurion, was just under the tide of the times, an insignificant one. The waves.

At the moment when the panda's popularity is like a rainbow, Theon can only retreat with his men, and continue to receive the remnants and defeated generals along the way, retreat to the Mogushan Palace, and then wait for opportunities.

At that time Theon was still loyal to his emperor.

But in the palace, he found the ability to manipulate weapons. In an accidental opportunity, he revealed his strength, and then received countless flattery.

Those guys who dared not step forward in the battle, slack their beards and slapped horses but were extremely skilled, and under their flattery, Theon gradually began to float away.

Although many of Theon's old men were admonishing Theon to accumulate strength and prepare to counterattack, Theon at that time had changed.

The easily obtained power changed Theon's character In his opinion, it is no longer important what Mogu revival, what Thor's legacy is, what is important is to grasp the power in his hand.

When Theon's deputy quarreled again and directly said "you are just a centurion", Theon used these weapons to kill his deputy who had participated in countless battles with him.

Since then, the Centurion has become a forbidden word in Mogu'shan Palace.

Theon proclaimed the king and cleared out his former subordinates step by step, leaving only the three clans that had been taken in while fleeing.

Subordinate? No need! I just need strength!

Even the power of hypocrisy!

And now, Theon, the power that did not belong to him, finally left him.

Ten thousand years have passed. After losing everything, Theon's heart was filled with mixed feelings and finally burst into tears.

Although the five of Nomi didn't know what the mogu was crying, but considering that they had to ask Alani, they could only wait quietly for Theon to cry enough.

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