Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 740: Clues to the Guolai Ancient Hall

This is a completely symmetrical hall, with a T-shape as a whole, almost exactly the same on the left and right sides, without any difference.

The same cyan stone brick, the same promenade with no end.

For the Nomi Five, such a hall has brought them a strong confusion-whether to turn left or right?

"Or, let's toss a coin to try?" Nomi remembered the lucky coin of the land spirit, "how about deciding which way to go?"

For this suggestion, several other people looked at each other. Although it was a bit tricky, there was no other way.

so be it!

After making the mark, Nomi tossed the coin in mid-air—"Heads to the left, reverses to the right!"

The coin went around twice in the air, and then fell into Nomi's hand-head on, go to the left.

"Also, heaven is to the left, and the soldiers are to the right. We have no soldiers. It is good to go to the left!"


Along the passage on the left, five people gradually penetrated into this ancient tomb.

Carefully prepared dents appeared on the wall, and in each dent was a Mogu statue of exactly the same size.

Valera walked in the front, taking a glance at these statues from time to time.

"It's strange, why do there seem to be traces of movement on the base of these statues?"

Although the statue as a whole looks very suitable for this environment, when you look closely, you can find that there is no trace of dust on the base.

This is very abnormal.

But if these statues are traps, there is no reason, because how can the traps be so conspicuous?

Well, in fact these statues themselves are the remains of mogu.

If Valera knew that each of these neatly arranged statues was a dead mogu, I wonder if she would cry out in fright.

The interior of Guo Lai’s ancient hall is very large. Five people walked for a long time with the help of the bottled Guangming before they came to a new room.

Finally arrived at a place that looks like a tomb...

In the center is a statue of Mogu, with his right hand completely gone, his eyebrows are standing straight, and two hideous quilins crouching beside him.

"Tsk tsk..." Nomi smacked his lips. "There's Quilin again. These two won't come alive again, right?"

Before the words fell, the stone chips on the two Quilins began to fall and fly, and after the dust dissipated, they did come alive.

At this moment, Nomi really wanted to give herself a mouth...

This is not over yet!

In the next moment, the Mogu statue seemed to come alive!

Now it's fun.

"This is the trap of the mogu. Isn't it too rough?" Valera couldn't believe her eyes. "The bright puppet pretends to be a statue?"

Sorry, this is not a statue of a puppet, this is actually a puppet of a dead body...

Nomi had no time to vomit. He turned around and escaped a heavy hammer blow, then turned around and punched the base of the Mogu statue.


The huge statue lost its balance and slammed directly on the ground, breaking into several pieces.

Even with the control of the organs, these things are just statues, really not strong.

When the statue fell, the two quilins had already rushed in front of Nomi.

It was too late to close his fists to block, Nomi simply shrank his back and bowed his waist, leaning towards the Quilin on the right.


Although the shoulder guard on Nomi’s shoulder was directly torn apart by this Quilin, but in the same way, Nomi escaped the attack of Quilin on the left and topped the guy on the right who had slapped him. It's a long way.

The heavy quilin hit the wall, causing the whole tomb to shook slightly.

With this shock, the mogu statues in the dents on the wall came alive.

Nomi didn't know what expression he should show.

Do something! I haven't done anything yet, how come I get such a lot of trouble?

Fortunately, these statues are said to be unqualified puppets, with stiff limbs and slow movements. According to Nomi's observations, these statues actually judge where the enemy is based on floor tiles.

As long as there are people on that floor tile, the Mogu statue will smash the weapon in his hand against the floor tile-anyway, the weapon is big enough to hit it!

It's almost like beating a gopher-it's a pity that Nomi is the gopher that was beaten!

At the beginning of the battle, the can has already grown bigger under Lili's sign. The long cloud dragon carrying four other melon-eating people flew in mid-air, and everyone looked at Nomidong with a smile. Hide in hiding.

"Nomi, I almost remembered when I was in Ravenholdt." Valera smiled and waved at Nomi. "I also received this kind of training at the time, which is very useful for improving reaction ability!"

"Stop talking cold words!" Nomi was not joking at all. "You guys can help too, **** it, there are so many things!"

At first, the other four people watched the play with the mind of "who caused the trouble, who would solve it", but things got more and more wrong-there were more and more mogu statues, and even the statues in the distance were activated, and then He rushed towards Nomi with his weapon.

If this continues, Nomi might really be hit, and it won't be fun then.

Valera finally hung a rope from the back of the can.

"Grab, these statues will soon be quiet without the trigger."

Nomi leaped forward, grabbed the rope, then climbed onto the back of the can, and breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, when there were no objects above all the floor tiles on the ground, these statues were all set in place.

"It shouldn't..." Looking at these motionless statues, Valera frowned. "Theoretically, these guys should return to their original positions after losing their goals."

Then at this moment, the ceiling suddenly turned over. Behind the ceiling that was originally carved with delicate patterns, countless shooting holes flashed with cold light!


Without Nomi's characteristics The can directly propped up the protective cover, protecting the five Nomi people in the middle.

A rain of arrows rippled on the protective cover of the can, and it took a long time to return to calm.

In the arrow rain, the statues gradually returned to their original places, while the destroyed statues were simply turned into powder and scattered with the wind.

The crisis finally ended, but the five members of Nomi said that they did not want to return to the ground.

The characteristics of Mogu Engineering have been figured out, the skin is durable, and although rough, the effect is not too bad.

In this case, several people felt that there was no need to do things.

Go to the deepest place and look for clues directly!


The Tomb Raider's notes are over, and the next chapter begins, Pandaria has something serious.

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