Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 746: Failed antivirus test

The wind raiders want to support the hurried manipulators.

But it was obvious that Tao Shi would not let him do what he wanted-just kidding, he finally found a way to organize Kovok. How could he get you to support him?

As a result, Nomi continued to slaughter the four directions seven in and seven out among the mantid.

The manipulator finally couldn't stand it.

Kaz'tik called his Horror Kovork, the Horror's huge body finally began to retreat, and then slowly withdrew from the city.

At the same time, the mantid all over the sky began to retreat.

Nomi expressed dissatisfaction, don't run if there is a kind!

Taking advantage of the opportunity of temporarily getting rid of the encirclement, Nomi finally flew out of the poisonous fog of Xakriel the Poisonous Heart. He flapped his wings and took a deep breath.

A vertigo...

At this moment, Nomi felt for the first time what it was like to be "burnt".

From small to large, the blood of the black dragon (cough cough, mainly the blood of the deep-breathing princess) has given Nomi an extraordinary resistance to fire, which is reflected in his strong anti-heat talent.

No matter how hot the food is, Nomi will not feel hot-at best, it tastes bad.

When Nomi is cooking, it has been difficult to control the heat, which is one of the main reasons.

After all, for other pandas, the blur and no blur are very obvious, but for Nomi, the blur is just a case of bad taste...

Now, Nomi felt hot for the first time.

The toxin of the poisonous heart is an information toxin-you can understand it as a neurotoxin triggered by contact, which means that the toxin affects the direct sense organs. It will make you feel pain, burns, freezing... but in fact , You have not experienced these.

But when your nerves accept this influence, they will make a relative stop loss behavior, and will tell your brain-"God, I have experienced unspeakable pain!"

Many experienced thieves like to use neurotoxin, because this toxin can target many powerful fighters and is difficult to defend.

Now, Nomi felt the terrible information toxins.

Obviously he was outside the poisonous mist, so he just took a deep breath.

Nomi didn't know if it was because of deep breathing that he got stuck in his throat, or because of the poisonous mist from the poisonous heart. Anyway, he only knew that his esophagus was burning hot now!

The tears flow!

For a moment, the mantid had already retreated.

Although the Shado-Pan guards didn't know what was going on, they didn't dare to chase deeply out of caution.

After the mantid disappeared from the field of vision, Nomi finally couldn't help it. He changed back to the state of a panda, and then fell headlong.

The can reacted in a timely manner and caught Nomi with his back, and Lili and Valera surrounded him.

"Don't be nervous, he has nothing to do." Tao Shi appeared next to Nomi at some unknown time. "The poisonous heart is my old friend. His yellow toxin is not fatal, but this poor one The child will be uncomfortable for a while."

"What's the matter?" Lili was quite nervous, "What will happen to Nomi?"

"It hurts--maybe fever, but rest assured, there will be no other problems." Tao Shi shook his head, "Wait, his name is Nomi?"

"Yes." Lili blinked, "He is Nomi."

Tao Shi was stunned.

This is what Old Wu said, the son of Drunken Wind?

Just in the form of heaven, is he a druid?

The druid's record comes from the books of lorewalkers-ten thousand years ago, when the pandamen and the night elves were allies, the night elves' druids had just been born. The pandamen knew very little about this special profession. Becoming other animals is one of the characteristics of Druids.

But I have never heard of druids becoming like wings...

In other words, this form comes from the blood of Nomi's mother?

At this moment, Tao Shi was inexplicably sad.

Obviously I knew you first, whether it was the Yanhua Trial, or the raid on Karaxi, but why did you keep avoiding me afterwards...

A strange atmosphere spread quickly.

Since Zuifeng and Tao Shi are both celebrities of the Pandaren, this gossip is at least known to everyone in the Shado-Pan. Now it is confirmed that Zuifeng has a son who can transform, and the shadows around him. The expressions under the guardian's mask became interesting.

At this time, the significance of the Shado-Pan masks was reflected. Thanks to these masks, at least the atmosphere on the scene is still serious now.

"What's the matter with you, auntie?" Lili stretched out her hand and waved twice before Tao Shi's face, "Why did you stop talking?"

What do you let Tao Shi say...

After half a day, Tao Shi recovered, and she shook her head gently.

"It's nothing, it's just a little bit emotional. Zuifeng and I are old friends. I didn't expect that in a blink of an eye, his children are so old."

"..." Lili scratched her head, seemingly understandable.

"Don't worry." Seeing Lili still very worried, Tao Shi gently touched Mo Lili's little head, "Nomi is okay, the **** priest Yalia·The Prophet is coming soon, she is the most Great healer, with her help, Nomi will get better soon-by the way, little girl, I don't know your name yet?"

"My name is Lili! Lili Stormstout!"

"Oh? A child of the Stormstout family? Looks like you are a descendant of Liu Lang?"

"Do you also know this? Do the pandamen in Pandaria also have to listen to the lorewalker telling that stinky long history?"

"Haha, little girl, history is not stinky and long—" Tao Shi moved his shoulders and seemed to be in a better mood. Then, the female stalker turned her gaze to Varela, "What about you? , Outsider? Look at seems to be a...elf? Sorry, Pandaria has been isolated from the outside world for too long, and your records have become stories."

"I'm a high elf." Valera's tone did not fluctuate. "Valera, Valera Sangunar, Nomi's friend."

"Very good..." Tao Shi nodded, "They are all friends of Nomi-thanks for your help, friends."

As if he didn't want to say anything else, Tao Shi turned around and left here, and the Pandaren of the Mystic Sect also carried Nomi to the nearby wounded camp.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion. Lili heard Tao Shi whispered "Stop the opportunity" when he left, and he said it in Pandaren language-I don’t know why, Lili always feels this sentence It is for myself.

And looking at the expression on Valera beside him, the high elf seemed to hear nothing.


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Also, guess where the stalk of the title comes from?

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