Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 748: Tactics against scaries

Due to Zuifeng and Tao Shi's gossip, the meeting was once embarrassed.

But after all, tomorrow's battle is the most important thing. Tao Shi is not about being public and private. After a period of silence, everyone finally brought back the topic of how to deal with the worms.

"Don't think about exploding." Tao Shi and Yaliyah unanimously opposed Fei Li's artillery battle tactics. "If your explosion can injure Kovok, it will also injure the city wall! Then you will help Mantis. The demon is busy!"

Fei Li had nothing to say, so she could only curl her lips and put the jar aside.

"Flame doesn't work." Tao Shi continued, "Dreadworm's carapace can be insulated. Flame can clean up the mantid, but it can't clean up the Diablo against Kovork. We need to corrode and destroy its carapace first."

"Corrosion?" Nomi touched his chin, "Is it something like alchemy corrosive medicine? It shouldn't be difficult to find, right?"

"It's not that simple." Tao Shi frowned. "Before Kovok attacks, the manipulator Kaz'tik will coat its carapace with Kaipa amber, which is extremely resistant to corrosion and can nourish fear. Worm’s carapace, the corrosive agent alone is useless."

"That's right." Yaliya also nodded, "And the material of Kaipa amber is so malleable. Even if the flame burns the amber, you just need to apply it. The mantid is holding the liquid amber in mid-air and sprinkling it. It's enough on Kovac's back."

It's really troublesome!

Before the mantid came suddenly, the guards of the beauliere were the enlightened troops of the Shado-Pan. These Shado-Pan guards were mostly stalkers and hunters. Although they used spear throwers, crossbows and traps to successfully stop the mantis The demon was unable to climb the back of the dragon, but was still unable to face the siege of the worm.

Now the magicians and priests of the Mystic Sect have come to support them, and there are a lot more options for the Shado-Pan, but a few people still can't find a practical solution.

Unless Xuan Niuzao came to support him, Kvork was simply unstoppable.

However, it is said that the Mantis Plateau is also very uneasy, and Xuan Niuzao is inseparable from Zao Temple.

"Wait, can you suppress the Horror as long as you have a large enough opponent?" Nomi suddenly flashed, "The kind that is similar in size to the Horror?"

"Of course not." Yaliyah shook her head, "Need to be strong enough, the fearworm's point is good endurance, strength, and strong fighting ability, so it needs a big enough helper who can threaten the fearworm. "

"Then, how about the Cloud Serpent?" Nomi pointed to the can lazily plated on Lili's staff. "We have some adventures in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. The current can can complete this task."


Tao Shi touched the small head of the can with some surprise. In her impression, the can is not known for its combat effectiveness. Even after Songtao's transformation, the combat effectiveness of the can can only be said to be average.

"That's right." Nomi nodded. "By chance, the can has mastered some Titan's energy. I think he can cause Korvok a lot of trouble."

"Not enough." Yaliyah still frowned. "Even if a can can cause trouble to Kovork, it won't be enough unless he can suppress Kovork. Horror's defenses are really annoying."


Nomi carefully recalled that during the day, he had observed various details of the Horror.

The can may be able to entangle Kovok, but it is indeed incapable of suppressing it.

At this moment, how much Nomi hopes his uncle is here. If Nefarian is here, he might be able to grab Kovok directly and throw it anywhere.

If the current Nomi and Kovok are singled out, Nomi promises that he will never lose, but if Kovok wants to attack the wall, Nomi can't stop it.

"It really doesn't work. I'm afraid we can only use the statue of Xuan Niu to delay time." Tao Shi looked very annoyed. "What are the lorewalkers doing recently? Didn't they mean that their support is coming?"

"After the mist cleared, there were a lot of visitors in Jinxiu Valley, and both the Golden Lotus Sect and the Lorewalkers were too busy." Fei Li curled his lips, "Song Tao probably encountered something that interests him again!"

It was originally a digression, but this digression gave Nomi a lot of inspiration.

Yes, Pandaria is now open to the outside world!

How do other races deal with large units?

Like... Goron!

In comparison, the horror is a weakened version of Goron. How did other races deal with Goron?

Well, the black dragon is the death wing shot and crushed, which is meaningless, because Nomi does not have a master like you.

When Old Chen went to Draenor, Nomi heard Lili mentioned that he first set up traps, and then Jaina, Kael'thas and other elite masters cooperated with the Void Dragon to trigger an arcane storm to destroy the grid. Son of Ruhr.

But Pandaria does not have such a powerful Faye!

Pandaren don’t like arcane magic very much. Although there are mages, they are also ordinary masters. It’s okay to torture Buffalo warriors, but it is too difficult to cause arcane storms!

You know, when destroying the son of Gruul, Kael'thas needs to eat blood thistle!

"Arcane storm..." Nomi sighed in a low voice, "How can it cause an arcane storm?"

Is there any other way?

When everyone was at a loss Lili suddenly raised her hand weakly.

"It looks like...I have a way..."


The others looked at Lili together.

"I learned the energy formation from Grandma Aegwynn. With the energy of this can, I think I can cause an arcane storm."

"To be specific!"

At this moment, everyone's eyes sparkled.

One more chapter, considering that there is a new local tyrant, I still need to add two more, so I currently owe 24 chapters.


In addition, afterwards, the name of Yaliyah was changed. Who knows what her new name is? wakaka! 2k reading network

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