Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 770: Garrosh the missing

With the help of Fenghou, Zaira's return journey went smoothly-without eating or drinking, she hurried back to Durotar as quickly as she could.

Zaira found Thrall for the first time.

After learning about Garrosh's state, Thrall quickly realized the seriousness of the problem.

Although this happened because Thrall opened one eye and closed one eye, he really didn't expect Garrosh to be so courageous that he would dare to fight the body of the ancient **** with the last goblin.

Radical is not so radical, right?

So Thrall found Grommash for the first time, and after a simple communication with Grommash, Thrall found that things were even worse than he thought.

According to the original plan, the mission of the goblin was not to extract on-site, but to bring back all the useful things in the Temple of Wisdom.

In other words, neither Garrosh nor the goblin Zanlas at the time, they did not follow their plan.

Why does this happen?

There must be a reason for violating the plan for no reason, or even going against it.

And the reason for this is almost no need to think about it-the influence of the ancient gods!

Now Thrall and Grommash were dumbfounded.

Who would have thought that the remnant of a dead ancient **** would make Gromash lose his mind in this way? !

No, you can't let Garrosh go on like this!

Thrall made a decisive decision and dispatched the Dragonmaw Clan's dragon training team, along with Kor'kron's elite team, rushed to the Cliffs of the Storm and began the search for Garrosh and his subordinates.

But unfortunately, nothing was achieved.

Garrosh and the elite team of battle songs seemed to have evaporated, and there was no trace of them.

On the other side, the body of Zanras, who was holding the empty bottle tightly, died of cold and hunger, and if he ran out of fuel, please, the poor alchemist was already stiff.

Thrall’s heart sank—not because of the high damages that might arise (Due to Zanlas’s breach of contract, Thrall could even seek black claims for compensation, but now he doesn’t have this skill), but because of Garrosh May be quite bad.

Seeing the dead goblin, Zaira also regretted suddenly.

The tentacles in the bottle were gone, which made Zaira even more desperate.

Garrosh found the goblin? Or what other reason?

More importantly, if Garrosh really died in the heavy snow on the Storm Cliffs, would he also be an indirect murderer?

The Temple of Wisdom was empty, whether it was the Warsong Orcs or the container with Yogg-Saron's tentacles in the Temple.

Garrosh left here.

In the Temple of Wisdom, Thrall personally acted and prayed for the help of the elemental spirit, but due to the ancient god, the elemental spirit was silent.

Thrall was suddenly depressed.

This incident dealt a great blow to the warchief, and Thrall even fell into a brief period of confusion.

Although Grommash is often aggressive like a bastard, it is undeniable that he does have some of the excellent qualities of an orc.

At least when Thrall was a gladiator at Dunhold Castle, his idol used to be Grommash—because the Warsong Orcs under Grommash were the only orcs still resisting. Under the influence of the blood, most of the orcs fell into weakness and decadence, but Grommash and his war-song elite kept fighting.

This is the best interpretation of "tribal spirit".

And now, Gromash has gradually grown old, and his only son has disappeared.

Agna had just become pregnant, and Thrall was just a prospective father, but he could fully appreciate Gromash's despair.

Gromash, who had experienced countless victories and defeats in the battle, was finally knocked down this time.

Garrosh's disappearance made Grommash's hair and beard white quickly-almost overnight, Grommash became a real old man.

Although Kor'kron's elite is still looking for Garrosh's traces on the Storm Cliffs, everyone knows that it is already a luxury for Garrosh to return "normally".

Grommash no longer clamored for war with the Alliance, and no longer supervised the training of War Song. He just wiped his **** roar carefully every day, and then mumbled something in his mouth.

In this case, Thrall had to monitor him for fear of something stupid by Grommash.

But, no matter how talented Kukaron is, can he still see Gromarsh?

Don't forget, when the old tribe fell apart, Gromash carried the war hymn and fought guerrilla warfare in the Eastern Kingdom for more than ten years!

Over ten years!

Khadgar was dead, Kilrogg was captured (later self-reformed), but Grommash was like a beacon for orcs.

During the period, including the wizards of Dalaran, the Alliance also encircled Grommash and Warsong several times, but there was almost no effect.

Although he is a fighter, Hou Da's detection and counter reconnaissance points are full!

Thus, on a dark and windy night for a month, Grommash and Gorehowl disappeared into the vast night.

There is no doubt that Gromash's goal is Garrosh.

After experiencing too much, Grommash is finally a qualified "orc veteran"-no longer the fearless warrior, but a real orc with his own philosophy of life.

Think about it, what kind of existence is the orc veteran.

Eitrigg, Brocks, Samuro...

Orc veteran... just hang up!

Grommash is no longer obsessed with no longer holds any political stance, now Grommash is just a father looking for his son.

If someone told Grommash 20 years ago that you would give up honor for your loved ones in the future, Grommash would have sneered at it.

In order to kill Goron, Gromash took his wife and a few warriors and then blatantly attacked, and then Gromash Hellscream's name resounded through the tribe-the price was that Gromash lost his wife , Garrosh has no mother.

And today, twenty years later, Grommash walked into the blizzard of Northrend for his son.

Maybe the son has gone on the wrong path now, maybe something happened that Gromash didn't even want to imagine, but at the moment, he was fearless.

Yes, I once drank the blood of the devil, I also charged at the front line of the battle, I hacked the alliance, but also cut the undead natural disaster; I slaughtered draenei, but also resisted the devil.

I used to regard honor as the meaning of life, but today I no longer care about it.

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