Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 773: Khadgar Trapped

It is also miserable, the dignified generation of gods, the winner of life, the great magician Khadgar, who has been promoted to guardian as a mortal, is embarrassedly trapped in Ulduar's control room!

This matter is also very helpless. After all, when he decided to become the new guardian, Khadgar was not only the guardian of Tirisfal of the alliance, he was also the successor of Tyr, so he stayed in Austria for granted. Dur.

When the other guardians were busy, Khadgar naturally assumed Ulduar's daily maintenance work.

In all fairness, this job is very interesting-on Ulduar's observer platform, with the aid of the instruments left by the Titans, Khadgar can clearly see almost everything on Azeroth.

It's almost like a super live broadcast software, except that you can't use the barrage, everything else is perfect!

It was a very interesting experience, and Khadgar instantly understood why the Guardian could live so long without being bored.

However, Khadgar's excitement did not last long, and soon Ulduar began to experience various system failures frequently.

In this case, Khadgar had to go to the control room to re-enter the code as Mimiron had said before leaving.

According to Mimiron, Khadgar only needs to enter the code to restart Ulduar, and most of the problems can be solved by restarting.

(There is nothing that can't be done with one restart. If so, restart twice-Mimiron)

However, after Khadgar entered the control room, the door to the control room was directly locked!

Of course, it was not the first time this kind of program malfunctioned, so Khadgar asked Sylvanas to help him without worry.

As a result... Sylvanas was teleported to Khadgar by mistake.

At this moment, Khadgar finally realized the seriousness of the problem.

The failure of the program will cause self-locking phenomenon inexplicably, but it will never be transmitted inexplicably!

There is definitely a problem with control!

Unfortunately, it was too late when Khadgar realized the problem.

When Khadgar and Sylvanas were trapped, the Titan Technology researchers on Ulduar Square were in trouble.

A large number of siege vehicles were activated, and even the steel behemoth escaped control.

Unexpectedly, the dwarf mechanics were crushed to death-it is no exaggeration to say that they were crushed to death.

Imagine it is like when a car repair worker is repairing the car, the car suddenly ejects and starts...

In this way, after the dwarf archaeological team suffered a devastating blow, the dwarf engineer team also suffered a devastating blow. The research on Titan technology was directly cleared, and a large number of professionals died accidentally.

Grommash arrived just shortly after the mass deaths of dwarf technicians, so he saw a large number of corpses and traces of Saratas.

Realizing that he seemed to have encountered something big, Grommash thought for a while, and decided to go deep into Ulduar to take a look.

Not to mention who caused this incident, just look at this posture, Garrosh is likely to have been here!

So Grommash brought up Gorehowl and walked towards the depths of Ulduar.

In the end, he was stopped by the dismantling robot before he went far.

This robot made by Mimiron, responsible for dismantling and destroying the old machinery of Ulduar Lab stopped Gromash.

"Detected an intruder, the disassembler enters a combat state!"

After finding Grommash, after a simple scan, the disassembler's eyes turned directly from blue to red, and then he slammed his fist towards Grommash.

Grommash frowned, and avoided the disassembler's attack.

Looking at the big guy in front of him, Grommash frowned—it reminded him of his days in Nagrand and Frostfire Ridge.

Goron is also such a big guy.

Thinking of Goron, Gromash finally got excited.

The reputation of Hellscream is obtained from Goron-Grommash's father Gormash's Hellscream's name comes from a battle between him and Goron.

Although Gormash died at the end of Goron’s hand, his weapon also split the head of that Goron. After that, Gromash took over his father’s tomahawk gorehow and became The heart chief of the Warsong clan.

And now, many years later, Gromash saw the giant enemy again.

Clenching the battle axe in both hands, Grommash rarely charged the big windmill directly, but switched to a defensive posture, staring at the enemy in front of him.

The attack, defense, and power of giant creatures are the one that has absolute advantage.

In this regard, Grommash is not impatient.

To deal with this kind of big guy, unless there are a large number of auxiliary troops around the battlefield, you must not take the initiative to attack rashly.

Once reckless, it is a lesson of blood.

Under this circumstance, the battle between Grommash and the Disassembler is destined to be a fairly long-lasting battle.

The disassembler is troublesome, but Grommash is strong enough.


In the last battle of Ulduar, the Dismantlers also fought with Malygos for a short period of time.

Under the magic of Malygos, the function of the former disassembler was completely destroyed, and then placed in the garbage disposal site.

The current disassembler is already an upgraded version of Mimiron's re-manufacture.

Unfortunately, the upgraded version is the garbage disposal module instead of the combat module.

The combat effectiveness of the new disassembler has even decreased slightly...

After fighting Grommash twice, Grommash discovered the problem with the disassembler.

The action is not coherent enough, this is a flaw!

Incoherent action means that it is difficult to defend against a quick counterattack.

Grommash is so sophisticated, after discovering this, he directly adopted a defensive attitude.

Sure enough, the attack frequency of the disassemblers began to accelerate.

It's a pity that the simple increase in attack speed does not mean an increase in combat power. The flexible Grommash jumped around, and the fists of the dismantler could not even touch the corner of his The faster the attack, the more deadly Gromash's counterattack!

While the disassemblers were still shaking their huge fists, Grommash was already brewing his own counterattack.

How to fight back?

It's very simple. Gorehowl who doesn't give reaction time chops!

It's easy to say, but few fighters can do it!

Gromash is one of them.

In front of the disassembler's fist, Grommash dodged sideways, and Gorehowl slashed out.

The sharp gorehowl moved upward along the disassembler's arm and sparked all the way.

The disassembler tried to withdraw his fist and attack again, but it was too late.

The Gromash people moved forward with the axe, and they chopped off one of the dismantlers' arms!

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