Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 795: Features of the Abyss Demon

If you really want to choose the best background board for the Chronicles of Azeroth, it should be no surprise that the one elected should be the Demon Lord of the Abyss.

Even though these guys are not outstanding among demons, but in Azeroth, many big events are closely related to them.

Whether it was being shackled by Azshara during the War of the Ancients to show the power of Azeroth, or being shackled by an adventurer during the invasion to show the power of Azeroth's mortals, or trying to pollute the orcs and being chopped with an axe Death shows the power of the orcs-anyway, the abyss demon kings have been giving full play to their brainless characteristics, tirelessly contributing to the legend of Azeroth.

Why is the Abyss Demon so robbing the scene?

Because they have all the characteristics of villains.

Stupid brain, strong, talk a lot...

For example, now, Allen is controlling Hellfire and being slammed in all directions, while Thurton is talking about it.

"Warlock, ridiculous warlock! You are actually coveting the extremely powerful power of fel energy!"

"This kind of power is not obtainable and manageable through a ridiculous contract!"

"Fel energy has soaked in my body, and you are just poor bugs praying for this power!"

It seems that he was a bit miserable by Medivh when he was in the Dark Temple. Thurton's mouth kept talking to Allen excitedly, as if he had cleaned up the warlock and successfully reported Medivh’s The same...

Second, on the other hand, although this arrogant man is a bit ridiculous, Alan cannot laugh.

Because Alan has tried his best, but he can't beat this arrogant man.

I really can't beat it!

In fact, the reason is very simple. The trials of drunk wind design are relatively gradual. The difficulty of the last level of Hellfire is actually very high. Even if Alan and Luminus can handle it, it will take some effort. , Even in the end may need the cooperation of other teams.

However, due to Allen's particularity, the two of them easily settled the originally difficult hellfire, which made Allen and Luminus contact the enemies they could not face too quickly.

The Abyss Demon Lord is the basic commander of the Burning Legion. If it is so easy to be cleaned up by adventurers, what else is the Burning Legion mixed with?

The struggling Alan has no time to think about this, he is now carefully looking for opportunities to come back.

Enslave the devil?

Unrealistic... This Abyssal Demon Lord is exhausted and can never successfully enslaved himself.

Call Luminus out?

It is estimated that with the combat power of the female mage, even if she comes out to help herself, two people may not defeat the demon.

What else can I do?

Allen has no idea how many times his life has been shunted, and now his mana is still abundant, but the hellfire body is about to collapse is the problem.

Like Ellen, Luminus is also anxious now.

The time to hide is almost...

The invisibility of mages is completely different from the stealth of thieves. They will hide themselves from the spatial level. The effect of this invisibility is stronger than most thieves.

But doing so also has serious consequences-the mages themselves will be repelled by space, and their spatial adaptability directly affects their invisibility time.

Luminus couldn't hold on anymore.

Just when the two of them were about to collapse, they finally heard a sound of heaven.

"Huh? Someone is coming sooner than us?"


There are many adventurers in Aizhu Nilubri, and many people have passed the first round of trials.

Although Allen and Luminus are fast, but behind them, some other adventurers are not slow.

Due to the limitation of the venue and the requirements of the trial itself, after the completion of the first round of trials, the trial trajectories from the second round were merged. The original intention of Zuifeng was to hope that adventurers would learn to fight together.

In other words, from the second round of trials, adventurers need to join forces against the enemy.

It is for this reason that the number of hellfires is large, while the number of Abyssal Demon Kings is relatively small.

Therefore, Allen and Luminus were supposed to work with others to deal with Sulton, but due to a combination of circumstances, they became Allen's own support.

Fortunately, now the second team of adventurers has finally arrived.

Compared with Allen and Luminus, this team of adventurers at least looks a lot more professional.

Well-maintained armor, shiny weapons.

Especially the staffing, soldiers, priests, hunters, and thieves in hiding.

After the team had spent a lot of effort to solve the hellfire, they were surprised to find that someone was faster than themselves.

Walking in the front is the warrior carrying a shield. Behind him, hunters and priests are holding their wands and shotguns tightly.

"Something's wrong..." The old dwarf hunter who was blinded one eye saw the battle state in front of him, "I always think this warlock is a bit familiar."

"Of course I'm familiar." The warrior drew out the big sword and shield behind his back. "Alan, the famous warlock genius of Misty Harbor, a warlock like an ascetic, can you not be familiar with it!"

Several other adventurers suddenly realized.

In Misty Harbor, Alan’s name is still very loud!

Afterwards, several people looked at each other and all showed surprised expressions.


On the one hand, Alan's strength is incredible, and he can actually enslave such a powerful Hellfire; on the other hand, the opponent's strength is incredible. This Abyss Demon King can be said to be hanging Hellfire!

"Allen! We are the Xia Ji team-I'm Captain Dekus, do you need help?"

After exchanging eyes, the soldier in the lead finally spoke.

At this moment, the exhausted Allen has no time to take care of anything else. Since someone is willing to help, that's great!

"Thank you then! This is part of the trial, I can't handle it alone!"

Hearing Allen’s words, the soldier raised his shield and started to With the help of reinforcements, Allen’s pressure was greatly reduced, and Luminus also showed The figure began to attack Selton.

"Huh, grandson!"

The most common taunt, but it works very well for the Abyssal Demon...

The next moment, Alan was stunned to see that the Abyssal Demon gave up the hellfire that was about to shatter, and instead used a double-headed spear to stab the shield-bearing warrior.


With a loud bang, the soldier was hit far away.

Well, it seems that this reinforcement is not very strong...

but it does not matter!

With the help of the priest, Dekus started his charge again.

"Hey! Are you still the Demon Lord of the Abyss? Your strength is about the same as my dog!"

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