Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 799: The Drunken Oscar

"Of course it's not that simple..." Luminus directly denied Allen's words, "We really don't need to take risks for this kind of thing. x"

No matter how you listen to it, I feel that this sentence is nutritious. Luminus seems to have concerns about the card, but since she is unwilling to say it, Alan no longer shrugs deeply. Regarding Luminus’s statement, Alan is inconclusive .

After replenishing their physical strength, the two negotiated.

Considering many factors, Luminus and Allen finally decided to move on, but this time they learned their lesson and no longer took the lead, but stayed at the end. If they face new enemies, they can also Be prepared.

As a result, Luminus and Allen followed the traces left by the Xia Ji team and continued towards the depths of Azjol-Nerub.


After the Abyss Demon Lord, the enemy that Drunk Wind arranged for these adventurers is the Crypt Lord.

Don't get me wrong, this is not the crypt lords headed by Anub'arak and resurrected after death under the Lich King, but the native crypt lords of Azjol-Nerub.

These worms in thick carapace accepted the invitation of Drunken Wind as the gatekeepers of the second round of trials.

As mentioned earlier, after entering Azjol-Nerub, Drunk Wind blocked the perception of the adventurers with fog and scattered them to different places. However, the specially modified Azjol-Nerub It is another terrain of "different routes to the same destination". These adventurers didn't know that they had gone through many levels, and they were actually gathering towards the central square of Azjol-Nerub.

It is precisely because of this gathering that only four crypt lords are needed to perfectly intercept the adventurers in front of the final trial.

"Adventurers, I am your last trial. As long as you pass my test, you will be able to get the scroll later."

The words of the Crypt Lord penetrated the minds of the adventurers and reached their hearts. In order to resist the ancient gods, the Crypt Lord also has a different understanding and mastery of thinking and emotions.

Adventurers do not know exactly where Drunk Wind has found so many strange creatures as a test of trial, but they have to admit that in this dark underground environment, the degree of danger of these big beetles is indeed Terribly tall.

It dived into the ground in minutes to launch a surprise attack, summoning deadly locust swarms, setting off sharp and terrible spikes, thick and unbreakable carapace...

The Lord of the Crypt used his actions to educate the adventurers. There is still a big gap between you and the real hero.

Of course, in order to avoid unnecessary casualties, the crypt lords were at least merciful. Although the adventurers turned their backs on their backs, they were not fatal in the first place.

When Allen and Luminus came to the final trial field, they saw this scene.

There is a mess around the central square, where you can see the fallen adventurers, the silent lord of the abyss, the ravines and crypts all over the floor.

"Hey, Luminus, you say, we still have to try it." Allen carefully looked at these big beetles that he had never seen before, "It seems that the two of us can only send food."

"Stop talking, Ellen, I'm looking for the Xia Ji squad." Luminus's attention was very different, "I don't think this is right."

"There is no Xia Ji squad here." Allen judged for the first time, "They may have retreated if they are not here."

Just when the two people were full of doubts, drunk wind appeared.

"Dear adventurers, I am very sad to inform you that you did not seem to be able to pass the trial in the time I expected. Even none of you can break through the blockade of the Crypt Lords. I have to say that this is simply terrible. Up."

"Your combat power makes me feel sad, and the ability to collaborate is even more messy. I have now begun to wonder if I provided too little commission, which caused the top adventurers in Misty Harbor to not come."

The appearance of the drunk wind dispelled the fog, and everyone discovered that there seemed to be a faint light above the highest point of Azjol-Nerub.

The adventurers who dressed in place looked at the chattering drunk wind and the expressionless (?) Crypt Lords, creating a kind of sorrow from the inside out.

It has to be said that although the adventurers have become a force that cannot be ignored, they are too weak compared with the feet of the drunken wind.

Adventurers can't force Thrall to give up Doomhammer...

And the drunk wind only prepared such a cruel trial, the purpose is to make these adventurers realize their true position, otherwise, if an idiot is rebellious in the search task, he will even go to the Lich. If Wang singled out, the matter was really self-defeating.

After all, the Lich King can still bring the dead back to life, and giving them away is an act of adversary!

Zuifeng seemed to be babbling unexpectedly this time. Standing in the middle of the square, his mouth kept teaching the adventurers all kinds of principles, and the adventurers became more and more impatient.

Yes, we are not as strong as you. Don't come to us if you are so strong?

"Seriously, I really want to seal that **** pandaman's mouth now!" Luminus shook his head, "I really don't understand, how can such a guy become the leader of the oath?"

However, just when Luminus made his own complaint, the sudden change occurred!

On top of Drunk Wind's head, a huge hole burst open, and then, in the dazzling light that suddenly appeared, a huge guy suddenly appeared.

"Bone Storm!"

After fighting for a long time in the dimly lit Azjol-Nerub, the adventurers have gradually adapted to the darkness here, and suddenly seeing the bright sunlight, everyone has some discomforts.

As a result, as everyone narrowed their eyes slightly, and then opened their eyes, Drunken Wind and the four crypt lords had been sealed into a thick layer of ice.

This...what the hell?

Everyone was and the behemoth in mid-air also revealed his true body.

A giant white dragon.

The huge body is covered with thick white bones. The adventurer can't see his true face at all. The only thing that can be determined is his sharp eyes and terrifying energy.

"Adventurers, you have stepped into a field you shouldn't set foot in. Anyone who opposes the Lich King is a dead end!"

"Now, make your choice, retreat, or die forever?"

Everyone looked at each other.

The change came too suddenly. In this case, the adventurers did not even figure out what was going on and were forced to make their own choices.

Is it to help the drunk wind resist, or to quit silently for safety? rw

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