Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 816: Marton on the verge of collapse

Curse spells are powerful, but their weaknesses are also very obvious.

On the one hand, the power of a curse is directly linked to the time of chanting. The longer the chanting time, the greater the power of the curse—unless you have some information about the cursed person, other spell-casting enhancements will not help the curse.

On the other hand, after the curse spell is interrupted, the backlash will be much more fierce than the usual spell-normal casting is interrupted, at most it will be silent for a while, but the interruption of the curse may even produce the effect of spell rebound. !

For example, the current Azkas, after being directly countered by Medivh, the hapless Abyss Lord directly lost the ability to speak.

The curse of the doomsday directly acted on him, and the abyss lord began to become crazy. He wielded the heavy double-headed spear in his hand wildly, but the target was the various illusions that he saw because of the curse!

In the illusion, Illidan remained motionless and allowed himself to slaughter. The excited Azkas wielded his double-headed spear, and kept leaving scars on Illidan's body-but in fact, Azkas It was just waving a heavy two-headed spear indiscriminately.

Excessive excitement made this Abyss Demon Lord consume far more than normal battles, and soon he even became panting.

Some tired Azkas began to unconsciously mobilize the power of the fel energy, trying to strengthen himself, but the fel energy that was out of control can bring only destruction.

Looking at the chaotic Azkas, Illidan finally carried his Azzinoth double-blade.

The battle is over.


Illidan's expectations were not bad at all.

Azkas, who was fortunate to have tasted his own curse, ended his life in endless madness. He spent all his energy in fighting against those false enemies. In addition, excessive reinforcement caused his body to lose control. , Now Azkas finally exhausted all his strength and fell.

However, the Abyss Demon Lord who has lost its combat effectiveness has only one possibility, and that is death.

When the energy was exhausted, Azkas did not explode like other Abyssal Demon Kings, but gradually dried up, finally turned into a pile of indescribable things, and began to decay in place.

The battlefield has basically been cleaned, and the demon hunter and warlock have started the next battle in accordance with the established team.

They will be broken into pieces, marching towards each area, destroying everything, seeing the teleportation array and teleportation device, and causing enough serious damage to the devil as much as possible.

Unlike the original situation, this time, Illidan had no idea of ​​occupying Mardun.

Compared with the broken Marton, the Dark Temple is a better stronghold. Not only is it strong in defense, but it is also closer to Azeroth.

The war of destruction has begun, and the entire Marton has finally fallen into chaos.

Taking advantage of the gap time before the second batch of large-scale enemies arrived, the demon hunters and warlocks who had been broken into pieces began their own sabotage work.

The energy source to transmit the magic circle was destroyed, and the magic circle burst.

Since it was impossible to determine which magic circles were used for teleportation, the demon hunters and warlocks destroyed them when they saw the magic circles, and their actions directly caused the current Marton to collapse...

Mardoon was originally used to imprison the devil, but when Sargeras released the devil, he took the simplest and most brutal way-directly smashed Mardoon.

So the planet Mardun is now itself broken.

As the devil's base camp, Mardun obviously couldn't completely collapse, so after releasing the demons, these demons in turn prepared a large number of magic circles for Mardun to maintain this planet.

It's all right now. A group of desperate demon hunters and warlocks have arrived. While dismantling the teleportation facility, they also unwittingly began to destroy the entire Mardum...

In this way, when Illidan and Medivh exchanged some conjectures about Sargeras, the land under their feet began to tremble...

What the hell?

The two of them didn't understand the key to the problem at the first time. They looked around carefully and tried to contact the various teams to find out if there was a big devil.

But apart from the earthquake, everything was calm.


Medivh and Illidan are not stupid!

Soon, they realized that this time, the problem is probably the planet Mardun itself!

Now it's interesting...

After a brief discussion, Illidan and Medivh simply overturned all previous plans.

If you remove it again, Marton is really ruined!

At that time, everyone will have to float in the endless twisting void, except for a few warlocks, no one else will return forever!

What should I do next?

In front of everyone, there are now two ways.

The first is to retreat immediately. After the assembly is complete, everyone returns to the portal. Under the condition of ensuring that they can find a way to destroy the entire Marton!

The advantage of this method is that it is relatively safe. According to the current situation, the planet Mardun seems to be already very unstable, even on the verge of collapse-this is Medivh's idea.

Illidan put forward another bolder idea.

The destruction of Marton is already inevitable, so can we profit from it?

After all, this planet itself has extremely important research value. As the saying goes, knowing oneself and the enemy will never end in battle. The study of demons has always been an important task for Illidan. If a piece of Marton can be obtained, then... wouldn't it be beautiful!

Medivh groaned.

Thinking of his own peculiar discovery, thinking of Sargeras' experiment, Medivh, who originally advocated safety, finally agreed to Illidan's idea.

Now things got interesting.

The demon hunters and warlocks were regrouped, and the weaker ones went through the portal to the dark temple first.

Under the unified command of Illidan, the rest of the people began the demolition of Mardun...

As for Medivh, his mission is very important-in order to protect the needed Marton fragments, he must seal the entire 39 area.

(Of course, Medivh doesn’t know, the number here is 39)


On one side, the demolition began in full swing, and on the other side, the demon spider queen Tyrana was shocked!

Marton, is this going to end?

Where is Azkas? Did the mighty Azkas also die in battle?

Tyrana almost collapsed... She doesn't know what she should do or what she can do now-even the teleportation circle leading to area 39 has been destroyed. It seems that only Marton is waiting for her to collapse. , And then perish!

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