Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 821: Technology of Undead Scourge

Rotten noodles and rotten intestines.

Rather than saying that these two guys are specially made suture monsters, it is better to say that they are "a special version of the flesh and blood puppets of the undead natural disaster".

Compared with those suture monsters that are confused in logic and can only follow their own subconscious, Rot Noodles and Rotten Gut have their own thinking and intelligence, and even have their own two pets-the same ugly suture dog, Xiao Bao and It smells bad.

And long before the green poisonous gas filled the entire room, the drunk wind who had just entered this laboratory saw the corpses of two large suture dogs on the ground. Obviously, those two guys had been killed, and started Not surprisingly, the people from Xia Ji team.

However, it seems that Xia Ji team is not here.

Zuifeng is very concerned about the whereabouts of the other four members of the Xia Ji team, but the immediate delay is to get these two stitching monsters first...

For Zuifeng, rotten noodles and rotten intestines are not things that are difficult to deal with-this is an all-round sling from IQ to physical strength.

However, after all, this is the home of the undead natural disasters.

Therefore, when facing the strange poisonous gas, Drunk Wind was very cautious. On the one hand, he covered his mouth and nose with his breath, and on the other hand, he used the power of the wind element to try to dispel the poisonous gas.

Unfortunately, this time the battlefield was underground, and in this closed environment, the poison gas was so effective.

In a relatively closed space, the poisonous gas cannot be blown away.

Amidst the foul-smelling poisonous gas, the rotten noodles and rotten intestines became swollen. They strode forward and rushed straight to the drunk wind.

On the other hand, Zuifeng held the sword in one hand, flipped his wrist directly, and the sword edge swept across.

The rotten noodles and the rotten intestines did not hide, letting the sharp wind sword in Zuifeng's hand cut a deep, long opening in his stomach.

The elements attached to the wind sword caused serious secondary damage to the two flesh and blood puppets, and even the unknown liquid in their bodies flowed out, and the green viscous liquid directly wet the ground.

But unexpectedly, they didn't stop attacking because they were hurt, and even their movements remained unchanged.

One left and one right, Rot Noodles and Rotten Intestine are still trying to surround Zuifeng, as if the guy who was almost cut in half was not himself!

Zuifeng frowned slightly, and then turned over to avoid the attacks of these two big guys.

At the same time, a red fireball and a green fel fireball also hit the rotten surface and rotten intestines respectively.

Medivh and Khadgar took action. Although it was only a quick cast in a flash, the power of the spell was still extraordinary.

It's a pity, it's useless.

After being hit by the fireball, the rotten noodles and rotten intestines naturally secreted a large amount of disgusting mucus, resisting the spell attack, and the bodies of the two guys seemed to shrink and quickly dried out.

It seemed that they had resisted the effects of spells in this way.

But it doesn't matter, Khadgar and Medivh are already preparing for the next spell.

In their opinion, this technique seems to be a burden for rotten noodles and rotten intestines.

Unfortunately, they were only half right.

After drying up, the rotten noodles and rotten intestines suddenly re-expanded sharply-when the new fireball appeared again, they had recovered to their original size, and then easily blocked the attack again.

What the hell? Is there such an operation? !

Could it be said that these two things are immune to spells?

In this way, the second fireball and the fel fireball naturally did not cause any substantial damage. The rotten surface and the rotten intestine repeated the previous cycle on one side again, and then jumped into the drunk wind again and again.

Apparently, they seemed to hope to give Zuifeng a warm hug.

It's a pity that Zuifeng refused this hug again, and dexterously brushed past them again, and he didn't hesitate to add another wound to their stomachs.

But the rotten noodles and the rotten bowels still didn't care, as if only drunk wind in their eyes, they didn't care about their own condition.

And Zuifeng also discovered that, although the injuries of the rotten noodles and rotten intestines looked serious, they actually did not even limit their ability to move!

has a problem!

After avoiding the bear hug of the two guys again, Zuifeng finally narrowed his eyes slightly.

He found the key.


Rotten noodles and rotten intestines are indeed very good flesh and blood puppets.

But the main reason why they can be so "powerful" is the green poisonous mist in the room.

These disgusting poisonous mists are extremely poisonous to the living-it will fundamentally weaken the vitality of the inhalers and turn the unlucky person who inhaled the excessive poisonous mist into a dead soul.

But to the dead guy, these poisonous mists are more like a stimulant.

This kind of stimulant can directly stimulate the flesh and blood of the deceased, overdraw the power of the flesh and blood, and make the deceased become more resistant and agile-at the cost of which makes their bodies collapse faster.

After being hit by spells many times, Zuifeng found that the flesh and blood on the rotten noodles and rotten intestines had begun to rot - as if they were going to deteriorate.

Therefore, the "strong resilience" that Khadgar and Medivh noticed is just an illusion. It is not themselves, but this poisonous mist that temporarily repaired the rotten surface and rotten intestines.

While the poisonous mist is repairing them, it is also deeply destroying them!

This is a fighting method in which the East Wall is demolished and the Western Wall is repaired. It is good to bluff, but it has no practical meaning.

Therefore, when Khadgar and Medivh’s third fireball arrived, and the two swords of Drunken Wind were combined, the rotten face and the rotten bowels finally collapsed.

"No! I want to kill you!"

"I haven't avenged Da Shou!"

In the harsh words of the two flesh and blood puppets, their bodies finally began to become uncontrollable.

The flesh and blood that had been forcibly combined began to collapse.

Large pieces of rotten flesh and blood peeled off uncontrollably, and in a blink of an eye, the rotten noodles and rotten intestines directly became a skeleton frame with a little flesh and blood.

Even so, they are still trying to attack Drunk Wind.

If nothing happens, this is the instruction left by his master!

Drunk Wind didn't waste time any more, he simply shot out his two swords and pierced the head of the rotten noodles and rotten intestines.

The soul fire was extinguished, and the two bodies finally fell to the ground, motionless.

At the same time, the fog in the room also disappeared.

It was a victory finally ushered in—for Drunk Wind, although the enemy was not strong, it was disgusting enough.

Regardless of rest, Drunken Wind, Medivh, and Khadgar began to search for all possible signs in this laboratory.

Where is the Xia Ji team?

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