Panda’s Self-cultivation

Chapter 824: Drunk wind rescue

Although in the first counterattack, the Xia Ji team killed Professor Putriside's Da Xiang He Bao, but everyone knew that the Xia Ji team was not enough. x update fastest

So for the Xia Ji team, the goal of the battle is not to win, but to find an opportunity to find a chance to tear the scroll.

As long as the scroll is torn open, Zuifeng will know the news here, and they believe that this **** "scientist" will never escape!

And now, they succeeded.


So, who triggered the help scroll?

No one else, it was Luminus.

Although bound by Professor Putriside, as a high elf, Luminus has his own unique talent skills!

Arcane Torrent!

Luminus mobilized all the arcane energy in a devastating way, and the huge energy showed the destructiveness she hoped.

The sudden emergence of arcane torrents directly interrupted Professor Putriside's movements, and taking advantage of this moment, Luminus directly got rid of the shackles.

No way, the shackles that Professor Putriside prepared for Luminus were magical. After being destroyed by the arcane torrent, these magic shackles directly lost their effect.

(Professor Putriside has no experience in dealing with high elves at all. He doesn't know that to imprison high elves, he must need physical shackles, or simply destroy their magic circuits, otherwise the arcane torrent will help them escape easily. )

In this case, the importance of body search is reflected.

If Professor Putriside had searched everything about the Xia Thistle team in advance, he would have found the scroll hidden beside Luminus.

In that case, even if Professor Putriside did not confiscate the scroll, Luminus would not have a chance to open it.

And now, after Luminus used the arcane torrent to get rid of the shackles, the first thing was to open Khadgar's scroll.

In order to take care of those who are not spellcasters, Khadgar deliberately prepared scrolls that can cast spells without injecting energy.

And the spell sealed by this scroll is the positioning technique space anchor released by Khadgar!

Luminus, who had torn open the scroll, did not choose to escape, but smiled and looked at Professor Putriside.

"You are over!"

After tearing open the scroll, Luminus had already given up the resistance task and was completed. She believed that Drunken Wind would avenge herself.

On the other hand, under the control of Professor Putriside, Nothas, who had become a puppet, took the initiative to welcome the space anchor and became the location of Khadgar's spell.

Luminus was directly killed by Professor Putriside in a poisonous gas.

Now that Khadgar's spell has taken effect, Professor Putrishid can only temporarily put aside the things in his hands and begin to transfer.

It seems that there is another picture. When evacuating in a hurry, Professor Putriside not only took other members of the Xia Ji team, but also did not even leave Luminus's body. For this reason, he even gave up Rotten noodles and rotten intestines from his own research.

Of course, it is also possible that Professor Putricide has already obtained the knowledge he wants. Drunk Feng frowned slightly when he looked excited when it took away the research notes.

Now, the whole story has been figured out.

Xia Ji team searched area 173 normally.

It was first discovered that Nothas, the thief in the laboratory, was under control, which lured the Xia Ji team into a trap.

The Xia Ji team was raided, coupled with Nosath's "betrayal", although they killed Bao and Da Shi, they were all captured.

Professor Putricide tried to modify the members of the Xia Ji team.

After being caught, Luminus successfully ripped Khadgar's scroll at the cost of his life, and when the space anchor spell sealed by the scroll began to locate, the puppet Nothus took the initiative to accept this setting.

The three Zuifeng appeared in the maze.

The reason why I saw Nothas was not because of the transmission deviation, but because the three of Drunken Wind were in the plan of Professor Putriside from beginning to end!

While using Nosath's puppet to attract attention and delaying time, Professor Putriside had already packed everything up and set off.


In the midair, the dancing sand of time finally fell back to the ground.

Thinking of the last scene shown by the sands of time, Professor Putrishid's hurried back, drunk and thoughtful.

The state of affairs is now clear.

The Xia Ji team is now more auspicious, and Professor Putriside is also likely to seize this time difference and run away.

Therefore, Zuifeng spoke without hesitation.

"The time goes back, I don't believe I can't figure out where this guy went!"

"Are you sure?" Nozdormu did not do anything for the first time this time. "If we follow time with human clues, it is likely to weaken the self-regulation ability of time. This means that we can easily destroy the time network."

"I know." Drunk Feng said, "I have my own ideas!"

"Clear." Nozdormu's tone is indisputable. "If you don't know this dangerous thing with me, you don't want me to help you anymore."


Zuifeng hesitated slightly for a second, then finally spoke.

"Nozdormu, who are you worried about? Who are you afraid of entering the timeline"?

"Of course it is the ancient god..."

Nozdormu had just spoken on this side when he suddenly understood the meaning of drunk wind.

Unless the timeline is damaged or a serious error occurs, the ancient gods cannot invade the timeline. If the Well of Eternity exploded last time, the ancient gods would hardly affect time.

Considering Salatas, what Nozdormu is doing now is to use the timeline as a bait to "fishing law enforcement."

Now Saratas is very weak and weak. If she really wants to make a difference, the best way is to destroy the timeline, change history, and find opportunities for herself!

And Drunken Wind's behavior seems to be recklessly looking for someone, but in fact it is setting a trap for Saratas!

As long as Saratas wants to use the time to do things, Drunk Wind will be the first to find out!

And from start to finish All time activities of Zuifeng are well controlled. On the one hand, it attracts Saratas's idea, and on the other hand, it also ensures that the timeline is not severely damaged.

The only thing that needs to be seen now is who is the most composure.

Of course, Drunk Wind didn't mind saving the Xia Ji team first before packing up Saratas!

With the help of Nozdormu, the Sands of Time gathered again after being scattered and pointed in the direction of the Xia Ji team.

Nozdormu took the lead and walked in the forefront behind him, and the Drunken Wind trio were unhurried.

This time, I see if the Lich King can't run away!


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