
Chapter 190

Wen Shi glanced at Xie Wen and was about to speak when he heard another voice say seriously: This is a kind of door in the formation.

He turned his head and saw the bodyguard who often followed Zhang Lan.

Xiao Hei! Zhang Lan greeted the other party, Come here, touch the Bu Ning spirit object in your body and say something human.

Zhang Yalin was obsessed with puppetry, so he asked those puppets to learn other skills on his behalf. Xiao Hei was created with the help of Bu Ning's spiritual object. He really has some spirituality from his ancestors. In addition to the often infuriating hexagram skills, he also understands formations.

Xiao Hei pointed to the bedroom door and said: It has the same meaning. It opens an opening to connect different places, or to allow some things to come and go freely. In the formation, such things are called doors.

This was quite clear when I heard about it. After all, the Wuxiang Sect was also named this way. The reason why it is called Wuxiang is because he doesn't know where he comes from every time. After all, there is nothingness inside the door, only darkness that never sees light.

Xiao Hei lived up to expectations and gave them a circle.

Since it is called a door, it can link different places, and it is the result of tracking by the tracking symbol. Zhou Xu most likely disappeared from there.

So the rain had just stopped and the sky was not yet fully bright. When they heard about it, they compared their formations and came to an abandoned field in the village.

The location of the field was a coincidence. It was very close to the back door and kitchen of Lu Wenjuan's house, separated only by a long field bank. It rained all night, and the water accumulated in the fields, like a mottled mirror, shining directly on the gray sky.

When I heard about it, they were waiting at the edge of the field.

After waiting for less than half an hour, the mirror-like water suddenly rippled in a circle without wind and slowly opened up.

Everyone stared at it without blinking. After a few seconds, a long piece of hair slowly spread out, then a second piece, a third piece...

Then, many pale arms stretched out from the wet mud.

Those arms were in an extremely twisted posture, supporting the ground like spiders.

When Xia Qiao saw the familiar movements, he panicked and said, Hui Gu!

She really looked exactly like Huigu who came out after the rain, but when the one at the front pulled out her face from the wet mud, what everyone saw... was Lu Wenjuan.

When I heard this, I suddenly remembered what Lu Wenjuan said before.

Not long after she came here, she encountered a heavy rain. Countless Huigu crawled out of the rain and hunted people everywhere in the village. As long as they caught the villagers, they would suck them up.

Later, it was rumored that some Huigu had the faces of villagers.

What if the entire village had actually been sucked away?

This idea popped into my head when I heard it.

As if to prove it, countless faces appeared one after another in the field, and each face was somewhat familiar. They were all villagers I had seen in Damuli before.

They crawled on the ground with all four limbs for a few steps, then stood up with twisted muscles and bones, adjusted themselves into normal people amidst the sound of bones clicking, and walked towards the village one after another.

As a result, after taking a few steps, I saw someone behind the field ridge.

Watch them as you smell.

They also watched Wen Shi.

Maybe they had just crawled out of the ground, and they had a strange smell on them. It was not unpleasant, but a little familiar, close to the resentful smells they had eaten before.

Although my normal sense of taste has somewhat recovered, I still felt a little hungry reflexively when I first smelled this smell. So he licked his lower lip, and his Adam's apple slid along with it.

Huigu: ...

They probably never expected that someone could look at them and see them hungry, and they were stunned for a moment.

After a few seconds, they ran away and turned around to jump into the fields.

The siblings Zhang Lan and Zhang Yalin were confused by this inexplicable turn of events and completely forgot to react. Instead, he threw out a handful of string with his backhand when he heard it. The long white cotton string whipped like a whip, making a whistling sound, and circled around to tie up those things.

Those things struggled wildly, with astonishing strength, twisting and twisting to drill into a certain point in the field. Because the movement was slowed down by the force, that point formed a vortex, as if someone had torn a hole under the water.

That should be the way to the other side, just not very stable.

So when I heard it, I also pulled it with my other hand.

In an instant, the storm suddenly rose.

A huge long shadow whizzed past everyone's heads, carrying the fierce wind, and headed straight towards the vortex amid the clanging metal friction of the chains.

With a crash, the entrance was finally revealed. It was just so dark that there was no end in sight.

Zhang Lan finally reacted and took a row of four talismans, nailing them with golden light around the entrance to secure the place. Zhang Yalin's hands were wrapped with puppet strings, and he was the first to walk in with Xiao Hei.

The entrance was filled with thick black fog, and in the blink of an eye they disappeared, even their voices disappeared.

To be on the safe side, Wenshi tied a puppet string to Xia Qiao so that he and Lao Mao could walk in front. He wanted to go to the back, but Xie Wen nudged him and said, Go to the front.

In fact, in the memories that have come to mind, it seems that he has always been following this person. From childhood to adulthood, he had to raise his head to just raise his eyes. I don't know how many roads he has walked.

When I was a kid, it was a habit to be my tail. As I got older, I had some unspeakable selfishness. Because as long as the other person doesn't look back, he can look at him for a long time without turning away his eyes arrogantly or coldly.

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