Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 43 The arrival of the white fox brings benefits to the people

Although they deduced that the enemy should be the Hook Demon inherited by Jack the Ripper, the three Aiwass children did not believe this conclusion and let down their guard.

Just in case, they were still hiding in the abandoned chemical plant, observing the only entrance in secret.

Aiwass cannot reveal his ability to transcend the path, so he cannot draw an anti-demon circle, let alone explain the habits and weaknesses of the Hook Demon.

There was nothing to do anyway, so he and Lulu simply found a seat upstairs and sat down to chat. We spent a lot of time talking about music, poetry, philosophy, the non-existent "I have a friend", various secrets about the mainland, and the unflattering rumors that only circulate among the lower classes. It's almost over.

They even had time to play the lullaby to little Aiwass to make sure he didn't wake up in a panic.

It was also at this time that they discovered that neither the couple nor little Aiwass had eaten breakfast. It was only after ten o'clock now, and they felt a little hungry.

Fortunately, little Aiwass is four years old this year and has been weaned long ago. Otherwise, if he was still a baby and couldn't stop crying when he woke up from hunger, I'm afraid Aiwass would have to politely avoid him.

For a four-year-old child, going hungry twice is not a big problem.

Aiwass said it himself. He said it was okay.

After all, according to the original history, little Aiwass would enter the orphanage in a few days. By that time, going hungry and not having enough to eat will become a daily routine. According to the timeline of this fictional world, Julio and Annie obviously do not need to die, and little Aiwass should be able to grow up next to his biological parents.

Of course, this future possibility would only exist in their small talk.

Although this dream world looks very real, with various tactile sensations and hunger, it is undoubtedly a fabrication - it is full of all kinds of contradictions in the details, constantly reminding the participants of the ceremony that This is just a fictional temporary world.

It seems that as long as this is the case, people will regard the story that happened in this ceremony as an illusion.

On the contrary, newcomers like Lulu who are inexperienced will seriously discuss the subsequent development of this world with Aiwass and speculate on the reasons why they encountered such problems.

She was still guessing that Aiwass Moriarty's biological parents should have been killed by the Hook Demon...but she couldn't think of a reason why little Aiwass could survive. After that, she began to enthusiastically discuss with Aiwass the possibilities of an attack on them.

Sherlock mentioned once that "the stories that happen in this world are not necessarily the same as those in the real world", but Lulu obviously didn't listen. He stopped talking and didn't bother to listen - so he simply turned around and went exploring in the chemical plant to satisfy his curiosity and thirst for knowledge.

There is still something gained for the time being.

Sherlock found two bottles of pure water and a bottle of concentrated sulfuric acid from the abandoned laboratory. They can be used as casting materials. After that, Sherlock began to look through the documents in the abandoned chemical plant, looking attentively at the various leftover documents that he found.

Like a detective who was invited to investigate an abandoned chemical plant, he was carefully investigating this incident.

As an adaptor of the path of wisdom, he must have a certain intensity of reading addiction. Compared with chatting, this kind of reading is a more satisfying pastime for him.

"I probably understand why this chemical plant was abandoned..."

Sherlock came back satisfied, smiling happily and contentedly. But just as he was about to tell Aiwass his reasoning, he saw the two people still chatting in the same place - they started from art, went around in a circle and returned to art.

So the dusty newsboy raised his eyebrows and turned the sulfuric acid bottle in his hand: "You haven't finished talking yet?"

"Chatting is just about spiritual communication."

Aiwass turned back with a smile: "How can we finish the conversation?

"Family, life, dreams, what you read, do, think... Two different hearts, two souls that have not yet overlapped, are like two finely carved gems. Overlapping together makes a perfect match. The quasi-sunlight and slight rotation can reflect thousands of brilliance on the wall - those are the sparks of different thoughts. I call it chatting.

"And if it happens to be rotated to a certain angle, it reflects a dazzling beauty that is eye-catching and unforgettable for a lifetime - that is the focus of the soul. I call it love."

"I originally thought that you might be from Minato City and related to gangs."

Hearing this, Sherlock said coldly: "Now I am sure - you must be a playboy from a rich family. You are charming, sweet-tongued and eloquent.

"Do you read so many books just to please girls?"

While he was reading the account book, he was also distracted listening to the sounds outside. Of course, Aiwass's voice can also be heard in this silent factory.

——This is indeed a knowledgeable and cultivated person. Maybe he is not as young as he looks, or maybe he uses a magic potion like "Basil" to stay young... Maybe he is indeed just like the priest Julio he plays at the moment, a well-educated middle-aged man. young people.

But after hearing Aiwass's sophistry, Sherlock was convinced that the other party was a young man.

This sophistry reveals ostentation, childishness and frivolity, as well as a bit of arrogance - of course, he can also be proud. With such mature thinking and knowledge at his age, he is already far ahead of his brainless peers.

"Fox" is indeed very powerful.

But, not as good as Aiwass Moriarty.

Although Sherlock only met the real Aiwass once, the young man who suffered fundamental damage that could not be cured by lighting and was temporarily confined to a wheelchair was a truly smart, polite and humble man. .

Sherlock thought highly of him. If he hadn't been busy advancing, he might have had more interactions with him.

"Is the wisdom that is spoken and listened to not wisdom? Is the truth that is shared with others not the truth?"

Aiwass asked: "I read to tell others - isn't this also a kind of dedication? There will always be people who can't read, but they may not be the outcasts of great philosophers. They are just like the blind. The eyes, the legs of the lame, the ears of the deaf, they lack the organs that allow them to read. In addition, they are still mature souls, qualified to pursue light and pursue truth."

The young monk with black hair and blue eyes narrowed his eyes, but his mature and handsome face revealed a fox-like smile.

Sherlock raised his eyebrows and remained silent.

Although this still sounds like quibbling...but it doesn't sound bad.

However, Sherlock soon realized that this was just Aiwass changing his words to make him feel happy.

"As expected of a 'fox'."

Sherlock sarcastically said: "I heard that in the Taichu Empire in the east of the desert, there was a saying about 'foxing'. It tells the story of an eloquent fox who confuses the monarch."

"Then I think you don't know much. According to the Taichu Empire, the fox is called 'Thousand Years and Tiantong' from the path of wisdom. From the perspective of stargazing adapted to the path, it represents the Osu Nine, which indicates the Many children bring blessings; from the perspective of authority, it is said that if the white fox comes, the people will benefit; if it does not come, it will lead to arrogance; from the perspective of love, there is also a saying that "the king will be successful if he does not indulge in sex", which is If the king is not greedy for beauty and is diligent in governing the country... then the fox will appear."

Aiwass counterattacked in the same language without any pause: "Then doesn't my appearance mean that Avalon is at a time of prosperity?"

...Do you believe this?

Aiwas's words choked Sherlock for a moment and he didn't know how to refute.

Especially when he knew that "Lulu" was Princess Isabel, he didn't dare to say anything. Compared with Sherlock, Lulu obviously has a better impression of the fox... If she goes back and spreads some words, he will be blamed for nothing.

——Sure enough, this "fox" also guessed who Lulu was.

That's why he specifically said that. That's why he deliberately approached "Lulu"...

Sherlock originally wanted to prevent the inexperienced little princess from being seduced by the "fox", so he came forward to stop it. It turned out that the fox was far more knowledgeable than he imagined... He had even read the original classics from another continent. In this case, the secrets he just told during the chat may not be all stories and lies...

Thinking of this, he actually admired the fox.

Such is the path of wisdom. They pursue mystery and truth, but not to leave a legacy or teach it to others.

Just learning is pleasurable enough, and exploring the truth itself is enough to become the meaning of life. From this perspective, if the fox walks on the path of wisdom, he may actually be called his predecessor.

Sherlock raised his eyebrows, but his tone softened: "I'm thinking that the third dual-path person will be you, right?

"Your knowledge and wisdom have surpassed many fools who are on the path of wisdom. If not, are you interested in walking on the path of a mage?

"If you are willing, you can come to me. You know where I am...I can help you on the path of wisdom."

"Ah, that's not necessary."

Aiwass shook his head: "I am very utilitarian in reading. If you want me to read just for the sake of reading, I may not be able to bear it."

"It's really strange. People who devote themselves to the road say they are utilitarian."

"There is no conflict. My purpose is to save all sentient beings."

Having said this, he smiled and said, "Maybe you won't believe it now.

"But I will eventually save Avalon...and even this world, from danger."

"...No, I believe it."

Sherlock paused, but replied softly.

Because when "Fox" said this, the subtle smile on his face that "seemed like it was not a good thing" also faded, but instead became much more serious.

At that moment, Sherlock always felt that "Fox" was telling the truth.

Maybe the cunning fox is telling lies when he opens his mouth and deceives people without drafting... But maybe, this is the only sentence that is the truth.

Seeing that the atmosphere between Aiwass and Sherlock suddenly became silent, Lulu on the side was a little panicked.

She just got a little tired from holding little Aiwass all the time, so she put the child's head on her lap. Let him lie on the side of the chair and sleep with his head on your lap.

Lulu actually didn't quite understand what the two people were talking about - because she didn't understand a bunch of foreign languages ​​spoken by Aiwass.

But she subconsciously felt that they might have had a fight. It may have something to do with yourself.

Thinking about whether she might have done something wrong, Lulu's expression became nervous.

And when she gets nervous, she has to stand up and speak - because according to the etiquette Isabel has learned, now as a protected person, doing so will appear formal and polite. As a result, she almost threw the forgotten child to the ground as soon as she exerted her strength. Fortunately, Sherlock had quick hands and quick eyes. He rushed over and used his hand to cushion the blow, preventing the back of little Aiwass's head from hitting the ground.

The three of them were busy for a while, but they managed not to wake up little Aiwass.

"...take good care of your children."

Aiwass was a little helpless: "How about I come?"

Sherlock sighed and said nothing.

And Lulu had forgotten what she had just stood up to say.

She stretched out her hand to twist her hair around her temples with some embarrassment, and whispered: "Let me think about what I just wanted to say..."

But at this moment, her expression suddenly changed.


Lulu felt a surge of pain in her belly, and suddenly there was a sharp pain - it was like the pain of menstruation magnified three or four times. She suddenly turned pale, her legs were weak, and her whole body was shaking violently.

She staggered forward and fell two steps.

As soon as Aiwass helped her, Lulu vomited a mouthful of dirty blood on the ground, and then coughed violently.

The dark red blood was mixed with jelly-like black clots.

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