Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 61 Reliable Brothers and Sisters

Aiwass was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously reached out to touch the remaining red powder on Yulia's forehead.

He felt a hot touch coming from his fingertips - it was like touching hot water that had just been poured in through a glass, which would cause his fingers to subconsciously feel burning pain.

The sweat from Yulia has now turned into the flaming essence exuded by the phantom demon "Flame Butterfly" in her body!

Aiwass suddenly recalled that on the day after the first warehouse explosion...that is, the day when Senior Sister Haina came to his house, Yulia didn't just wake up until almost dusk in the afternoon, and He looked extremely weak.

And just was obviously just a warehouse explosion, but Edward gave up taking Aiwass home, and instead immediately sent Sherlock away to deal with the matter alone. In the end, he came back earlier than Sherlock.

Aiwass immediately realized who the “culprit” in these two warehouse explosions was——

From the very beginning, there was no demonologist trying to summon demons.

It's because the "Flame Butterfly" in Yulia's body is out of control!

The flames in her body leaked out uncontrollably, eventually causing the two warehouses to burst into flames... and the fire spirits collected in the warehouse were not imitation fire spirits synthesized by alchemists, but the "Flame Butterfly" activities The remaining traces!

"...Okay, it's glued back together."

Edward breathed a sigh of relief tiredly: "I'll leave the rest to you, Aiwass. I'll take a breather and explain to you later... You can help your sister treat her first."

After he said that, the invisible chains on Yulia dissipated. She was hot and fell into Aiwass's arms. Unexpectedly, she felt that the unconscious girl seemed a little heavy.

The cracks all over Yulia's skin no longer shine red, nor spit out terrible tongues of fire and heat, but they have not yet completely healed. It looked like there were fresh wounds cut by knives all over the body, with blood slowly oozing out.

And Edward's lips were already dry - after he sat aside, he immediately poured himself a full glass of water. After drinking it all, he poured a second glass.

After drinking the second glass of water, he immediately closed his eyes and lay back on the sofa. His whole body was stretched out and he was visibly weakened.

Aiwass also looked familiar. This is clearly a sign that the magic power has been almost drained.

He recognized clearly that the spell that sealed Yulia was not the legal spell learned by the Law Master - because there was no mark of Avalon on it at all.

This kind of transparent shackles is more like the soul shackles of the ancient country of Anxi.

It was a ring technique they used when capturing slaves or performing sacrifices. It could directly bind the soul and thus temporarily seal the mana pool. It was by unleashing this spell with all his strength that Edward forced back the Flame-Contrary Butterfly that was about to hatch.

Is this a spell he mastered from Milton University...or was it taught to him by his adoptive father?

Doubts arose in Aiwass's heart, but he had no time to ask.

Yulia was only spared the fatal fate of being burst out of her belly by the phantom, but the high fever and high fever in her body still needed to be dealt with.

"Give me a clean towel and wet it with water."

Aiwass pulled the wheelchair to the bed and said quickly to Oswald: "Warm water is best."

"Okay, coming right away."

Oswald nodded and went to do it, while Aiwass frowned.

He removed Yulia's burned and tattered pajamas and tucked her lower body into the quilt first. He held Yulia's upper body in his arms, let her head rest on his lap, and lay on the bed with her back up.

He stretched out his left hand and pressed it steadily against Yulia's heart from directly above. Close your eyes and visualize yourself shining brightly.

Aiwass's palm bloomed with bright light, quickly burning and expelling the pain in Yulia's body.

Yulia became visibly calmer, her cheeks that had been burned to a crimson color quickly began to fade away, and the murmuring voice in her mouth also became calmer. But Aiwass’s brows furrowed deeper and deeper——

Feeling that his palms were soaked with damp sweat, his expression became serious.

As he was undergoing treatment, Aiwass clearly felt an anxious and frantic heat flowing into his body along the palm of his hand. It's like eating very spicy dried chili peppers and then choking and coughing. It becomes hot from the depths of the throat to the entire esophagus. The presence of a tube-like organ in the senses becomes clear.

At this moment, this "hot" feeling appeared in the palm of Aiwass's left hand, and flowed rapidly along the palm towards his heart, forcibly opening a burning channel in the middle of his left arm.

Aiwass didn't know what was going on, but he instinctively sensed the danger.

He let go before the heat reached his heart.

At this moment, Yulia's breathing had become calmer. The scalding heat on the skin has basically dissipated, and the blood-soaked wound has healed again.

But the heat did not subside immediately, but remained in Aiwass's left arm.

There was an obvious swelling and pain, like the swelling of the gums when they are red and swollen. His left arm was even redder than his right arm, and both arms were at different temperatures.

He frowned and did not immediately take care of his left arm. Instead, he tucked Yulia back into the quilt first to preserve her body temperature and let her rest a little.

Although this may make the quilt stained by her sweat...but it is the flame essence after all, and it can provide a good temperature after drying it.

"Here comes the towel."

At this moment - less than half a minute later, a clean towel soaked in warm water was delivered by Oswald.

He handed over a basin and placed it on a shelf nearby.

Aiwass nodded and took it, carefully wiping the sweat on Yulia's body with a towel.

After just a few wipes, the originally pure white towel turned red, but it didn't look like a dark red color like blood, but rather like it had been wiped off the strawberry jam that fell on the table.

He handed the towel back to Oswald and motioned for him to wash it.

After repeating it three times, all the inflammatory essence on her body was basically wiped away. He deliberately kept some and put them in his pocket.

Yulia's body temperature finally returned, and she lay on the pillow with her head tilted and fell into a deep sleep.

Without waiting for Aiwass's instructions, Oswald had already brought a soft and warm quilt. He wrapped the quilt around the old quilt and rolled the sleeping Yulia into the new quilt. He also replaced the quilts and sheets contaminated by the flame essence.

"This quilt is obviously no longer usable - there are remnants of the Flame Essence everywhere inside."

Aiwass breathed a sigh of relief, leaned slightly on the wheelchair, and explained softly: "It's the same as this basin. Even if it is dried, it is very dangerous - as long as there is a little flame essence left after drying, it only needs a spark or a slightly higher temperature. , they will burn directly. Likewise, it is not safe to pour them into the sewer.”

"I understand, Master Aiwass," Oswald nodded, obviously very skilled in handling the current situation, "I'll find a place to burn them first."

After watching the old housekeeper leave, Aiwass glanced at Yulia, who was sleeping deeply, and then looked at his eldest brother Edward.

He asked in a deep voice: "What on earth is going on?"

"You should know that Yulia is the 'Phantom Demon Egg', right?"

Edward, who pressed his forehead hard, took a deep breath and replied in a low voice with a tired voice: "Even if you didn't know it before, you should have guessed it after being exposed to so many occult books.

"Yulia is already fifteen years old this year. Generally speaking, it is difficult for a phantom demon egg to live beyond the age of twelve... However, the Hypnos decoction purchased by her father can make the phantom demon in her body fall asleep and purify the blood. The potion can gradually separate body fluids contaminated by the power of the phantom.

"But as she grows older, the suppressed and accumulated power in her body becomes stronger and stronger. Now twice the dose of Hypnos decoction can no longer easily suppress the phantom demon, and increasing the dose may cause damage to her nerves. Irreversible damage. A slight fluctuation in her mood may cause her power to leak."

Having said this, Edward reached out and pressed his temples hard, opened his eyes and looked at Aiwass: "Speaking of which, this matter has something to do with you."

"...With me?" Aiwass opened his eyes in surprise.

"Yes. She was very nervous about you because you were attacked and fell into a coma last week. She didn't sleep well that night and visited you several times. She started to have a high fever the next morning."

Edward said in a deep voice: "Yuliya had a premonition that she was about to lose control. But her father had not left at that time, so Yulia immediately told her father about it.

"Father sent Mr. Oswald to take Yulia to a nearby deserted seafood warehouse, letting her burn as much as possible and vent her overflowing power - that warehouse is a subsidiary company of our family, so there is no need to worry. Warehouse owners have repeatedly requested the Inspectorate to investigate or hired private investigators to investigate the matter because they have suffered property damage.

"As a result, maybe after the last venting, her father forgot to re-strengthen her seal... Today it's because you went to Princess Isabel's dinner, or maybe you have to go to school tomorrow, or something else. The reason is that Yulia lost control again. She probably had an attack when Oswald was sending you out.

"At that time, you and Mr. Oswald went to attend the dinner of Her Royal Highness the Princess. I was invited by Sherlock to investigate a group of Lloyd's gangs, and my father also left Avalon temporarily. The other servants had not been exposed to the supernatural. , she didn’t know who to ask for help and was afraid of causing us trouble, so she decided to handle it herself.

"I guess she wanted to go to the warehouse last time. After all, it's not far from home, and it takes about fifteen minutes to walk there... But she wouldn't know that the place is still under martial law.

"The destination couldn't be reached, and she didn't know how to take the road outside. But she followed the road and started looking for an unmanned warehouse... In the end, she was lucky, and she ran into an unmanned abandoned stone warehouse before losing consciousness. In the warehouse.”

"Yuliya doesn't know the way at all, and she actually dares to go out alone..."

Hearing Edward's words, Aiwass shook his head with some fear: "Fortunately, he didn't run too far and is still in White Queen District. It might be dangerous if he goes to Lloyd District."

"No, I think she can actually remember the way. Last time she was only carried by Mr. Oswald for one trip, and she was still in a state of confusion due to high fever. This time she can actually use her remaining memory to , found the warehouse by myself.

"I think her behavior was too decisive. If it weren't for this, I'm afraid the mansion would have been burned down by fire. Many servants will definitely die because of this, and her identity as the Phantom Egg may also be revealed. Exposure - According to today's laws, phantom eggs are usually euthanized.

"From this point of view, Yulia may have the adaptability to the path of balance or the path of wisdom. I think she should be praised more than scolded."

Edward sighed: "But it's useless to say that. Anyway, it's okay now. From an optimistic point of view, this may also be a good thing. Yulia used the power of the phantom twice in a row, which almost exhausted the phantom's power. Power. I have just used a secret method to re-strengthen the seal - as long as she takes the potion on time, even if her mood fluctuates, she will not lose control so easily."

it's all over.

The eldest brother of Aiwass said this while lying on the sofa tiredly.

Even though his clothes looked a little messy, half black and half torn, Edward's voice was still calm, steady, and unhurried: "Don't worry, Aiwass. It's too late today, and it took too long. Yeah... That's why I need you to use the 'illumination technique'. If it's daytime, I can call Bishop Mathers to come and see it.

"Although the fire this time was not as fierce as last time, it was because of this that I discovered the fire too late. I was not at home that day - luckily I happened to hear Mr. Oswald talk about it this morning. So. When I saw the fire, I immediately thought of Yulia, so I rushed over as soon as possible.

"But her burning lasted so long this time that her spiritual shell began to crack and fester. If it can be suppressed in time next time, this situation will not happen, and the seal will become much easier."

This square-faced man with a serious expression and always frowning spoke calmly and clearly in the voice of a reliable adult: "It's my fault this time. I forgot to remind my father to check the seal, and my father left too hastily..." …This won’t happen again.

"As for the remaining flame essence, you don't have to worry. Due to historical and political reasons, the Avalon royal family can hire few alchemists. The scholar responsible for testing the dangerous alchemy products brought back by the Glass Island Supervision Bureau, There is only one person.”

"Who is it?" Aiwass asked.

"Dr. William Wayne Westcott. He now teaches alchemy in the Department of Occult Studies, the sixth department of King's Law University, and also teaches anatomy in other departments. You may also meet him at school. He is a good friend of my father, and my father has already taken care of it... I will accompany you to school tomorrow and go to greet him by the way."

Edward narrowed his eyes and spoke dangerous words calmly: "I'm sure he will only give another result after the test."

Then, he looked at Aiwass and consoled him: "Although my father is not here, I will go home and check on him every day. If there is nothing wrong with the Inspectorate, I will not go out.

"You can go to school with peace of mind and study hard. Leave everything at home to your elder brother."

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