Pastor's Tantra

Chapter 66 The podium is given to you, you come and speak

"Who is that?"

Aiden heard someone whispering beside him: "He's a cripple...but he's quite handsome!"

The sound became chaotic, and the students who were sleeping gradually woke up. Those who were not awake were also shaken awake by their friends to watch the fun.

"That's Aiwass Moriarty!"

Someone clearly said Aiwass's name: "The great detective who was featured in the "Glass Steps" newspaper a few days ago!"

When more people heard this name, they suddenly realized and showed approval.

After all, he is senior Haina's partner, so it is normal for her to bring him here.

However, some people expressed disdain for this old man-like hobby: "Ah, do you still read newspapers?"

"...Moriarty? Is he Professor Moriarty's child?"

Others were keenly aware of Aiwass’ surname.

"It's him, 'Heartthrob' Moriarty!"

Apparently Aiden isn't the only one who remembers Aiwass.

The only person who cared about Aiwass's body was a worried girl: "His legs..."

Others were talking about Haina's unprecedented caring attitude, which could almost be said to be "careful": "Could it be that senior Haina doesn't accept Allen because she already has a boyfriend?" ?"

——Mostly not. Aiwass doesn't look like he's going to fall in love with senior Haina...

Aiden said in his mind.

Of course he knew the man in front of him. It's easy to recognize at a glance.

There is no doubt that this person is Aiwass Moriarty, who was in the same class with him in middle school!

As early as middle school, Aiwass always tended to be the center of conversation.

He is just like Haina today, warm and cheerful, gentle and kind, and always thinking of others. But even Haina’s most criticized flaw of “originality” does not exist.

Aiwass comes from a family of founders. Although he is only an adopted son... but on the premise that his father has no descendants, an adopted son is actually not much different from a direct bloodline.

The difference between him and Haina is that because of her cheerful personality, Haina can mix well in the circle of boys and girls.

Aiwass was the opposite. He obviously mixes better among girls.

It's not that Aiwass has any grudge against the boys, it's just that he sucks up too much attention and doesn't leave any soup for others. The most hateful thing is that he didn't really fall in love, he just showed off his tenderness and charm. In other words, he does not have a confirmed girlfriend... Therefore, girls are unwilling to take a step back and always have fantasies.

——He is so kind to me, does he actually like me?

But if the other party confesses, Aiwass will politely refuse the other party while taking care of the other party's dignity, and make it clear that he is actually very good to everyone. Although there are people who understand...but so what?

Compared with those boys of the same age who are naive, rude, and self-centered, Aiwass, whose behavior is obviously mature, reliable, and understanding of people's hearts, is more comfortable to get along with. Even if you don't fall in love or have close contact, you are undoubtedly a good friend of the opposite sex.

From what Aiden knows, Aiwass's "deeds" include helping a girl find her abducted sister, helping to mediate misunderstandings and conflicts between a young couple, and skipping school to accompany a girl who lost her parents due to sudden misfortune. Girls help rebellious classmates restore their relationship with their families - the most outrageous thing is that a female teacher was extremely sad after a breakup, and Aiwass personally wrote a witty poem for her and played it like a bard. Harp, enlighten the other person that there is nothing wrong with being single.

And with Aiwass as a comparison, after raising expectations...those peers who are still very immature appear to be even more immature.

Because of this, Aiwass doesn't have a good reputation among boys.

Many people say that his girlfriend changes every Monday - from a female teacher in her thirties to a classmate's sister who is in elementary school, but these are just rumors of jealousy against him. Only those friends who are relatively close to him and familiar with his private life know that Aiwass does not actually have a girlfriend.

Aiden is one of them.

He even knew why Aiwass didn't have a girlfriend. Because that guy is an idiot brother who always has a long "Yuri" and a short "Uri" - and his "sister" is also Moriarty's adopted daughter and has no blood relationship with Aiwass.

Although I have never seen the frail and sickly sister in legend, I don't know what kind of amazing beauty she has... that can make Aiwass never forget her.

But Aiden knows that those girls who don't understand where their enemies are will definitely not win... because Aiwass really doesn't care about them at all. He only had eyes for his sister who was so mysterious that he didn't know if she really existed.

Even when someone spread rumors, Aiwass did not pursue them.

"It's okay, it won't have any impact on me anyway. Besides, I did do something wrong... The fundamental reason is that I went beyond the limit in helping them and not keeping good terms with them. distance……"

At that time, two girls, after being rejected by Aiwass, lied to save face and said that Aiwass accepted them; but they happened to bump into another person who had the same idea. The two got into a fight, and neither one wanted to admit that he was lying, so they accused each other... As a result, word spread and Aiwass stepped into two different harems and the harem caught fire.

What about Aiwass?

Awas playing cricket.

After hearing the news, he was not anxious. Instead, he explained the logic of their behavior to the other brothers on the cricket team seriously: "They just have a sense of luck and don't want to admit their failure. At the same time, they still have some good face." That's it. If I blame them at this time, loudly reprimand them for lying and spreading rumors, it may ruin their lives. They all love me, and I don't hate them. I can't do such a wrong thing.

"At this time, they are like standing on the edge of a dangerous mountain, just a hair away from falling, and they only need to calm down to return to normal. At this critical moment, what I have to do is not to push, but to Just give them a hand. After they calm down, they will naturally help refute the rumors."

At that time, Aiwass was sitting on the table, and the brothers gathered in a circle below, listening for a moment.

——Are you sure this is okay? Is it really possible that they would refute the rumor? Wouldn’t love turn into hate?

But it turns out Aiwass was right. It’s them who don’t understand.

Aiwass' romantic rumors had no negative impact on his halo, but instead made the number of people pursuing him become more and more active. And the two girls did take the initiative to admit their lies and rumors after calming down, running around trying to eliminate his influence, and even became close friends with each other who talked about everything.

Aiden was convinced.

Master, what a master!

Please teach me, Master! I also want to find a girlfriend!

But not long after that, Aiwass, who was admitted to the seminary of Wangli University of Law, suddenly and mysteriously disappeared.

It is said that he was in poor health and was recuperating at home. But no one would believe such an outrageous reason for taking leave.

Some people say that he went to practice at the church headquarters of the Eternal Theocracy, while others say that he found his biological parents and left Avalon.

Later, the rumors further fermented, and some people said with certainty that Aiwass had probably gone to study at a university in the Iris Kingdom. His romantic temperament showed that his biological parents were obviously aristocrats of the Iris people. The romantic Avalon has such outstanding characteristics; some people say that one of his parents has elf blood, so he should be in the Theocracy now.

The most outrageous theory is that someone said that he was summoned by Princess Isabel. That princess, who is also their second-year senior, has now embarked on the path to transcendence. We need a long-term ally who is loyal, reliable, not too lusty, and at the same time careful and smart enough. After hearing about Aiwass's magical experience, Her Royal Highness may have chosen him.

——Now Aiden realizes that those conjectures were all wrong.

It turns out that Aiwass was really injured!

Did you hurt your leg while playing ball? How else would I be in a wheelchair...

The students were talking a lot, and the noise in the classroom was getting louder and louder. Professor Bard also stopped teaching and turned around.

"Good morning, Professor Bard!"

Haina greeted the old professor energetically.

"Good morning, Miss Dane."

And this short and thin old professor also had a good impression of this student who had good grades and was very polite.

He turned off the speaker button on the podium and turned around. A smile appeared on that prim face, and she politely called Haina by her surname.

As he spoke, he cast his gaze behind Haina and touched his shiny top of the head, which had almost no hair: "This is... Mr. Aiwass Moriarty.

Unlike the students, Professor Budd obviously reads newspapers every day.

Therefore, it is not surprising that he knows the young detective who cracked the Pelican Bar case, solved the previous demon sacrifice case, warehouse explosion case, and at least twenty-three smuggling cases.

"Hello, Professor Bard."

Aiwass nodded politely.

"Actually, Aiwass is also a student of this seminary," Haina introduced the old professor enthusiastically, "You should know him too.

"He was just in poor health before, so he has been recuperating at home. But even so, Aiwass also conducted self-study at home - you know, his father is Professor Moriarty. So the homework has not fallen behind... Although the final exam is approaching, Professor Moriarty believes that Aiwass can also try to take the exam.

"He, including this Miss Lily, can be regarded as transfer students in our class. However, he is two months behind, and it is difficult to get along with his classmates. Therefore, I would like to borrow your professor's speaker to help Aiwass introduce himself."


The old professor's eyes lit up.

He already had a good impression of the young and promising Aiwass in the newspaper, and the enthusiastic recommendation from the now trusted student Haina made him even more hopeful.

So he felt something in his heart and asked Aiwass softly: "Do you know anything about the Kingdom of Star Antimony and Herasl?"


Aiwass replied affirmatively: "I know everything about the four countries including Star Antimony, Iris, Narcissus, and Black Eagle after the split of the Herasl Empire."

Not even just to the extent of understanding them - the background stories of these countries were what his screenwriter friend liked to talk about most when he was having dinner. Instead, he was worried that he might say something he shouldn't say...

"In that case..."

The enlightened old professor happily gave up his seat: "Just come here and introduce yourself.

"After that, let's talk about the establishment of Star Antimony by the way. No, the lesson plan is here, the textbook is here... Let's start from this section. You can watch and talk about it, or you can use it freely.

"I think after you showed up, they would not be able to sit still and listen to the lecture. And you are in a wheelchair, and it is not easy to go up the steps. You have to sit next to the podium. Then you might as well teach this class... I believe The students will definitely listen carefully."

Professor Bader encouraged: "Don't worry, if there are any mistakes, I will point them out - this is a rare opportunity, isn't it?"

Haina on the side was a little stunned when she heard it. She hesitated for a moment and didn't know whether she should stop it.

But Aiwass agreed briskly: "No problem."

This only made her look bitter and she chose to stay aside and watch.

——At least she was here, even if Aiwass didn't make it right, those brats wouldn't dare to make fun of her in front of her.

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