Path to Heaven

Chapter 316: Mao Diaoya


The charming feminine nun originally thought that Wei Suo was a blank goose without personnel, and wanted to make some teasing, but when he saw Wei Suo's clear eyes, there was a flash of surprise at the same time. , But a smirk came out of his eyes, "Little villain, there is this dress on that sister, do you want it?"

At the same time that a fascinating voice came out, the nun turned out to be the only belly-thin bellyband that was thin and cicada-like, and threw it towards Wei Suo.

A pair of jade rabbits that had lost their restraints jumped out suddenly, looking bigger than they were in a bra.

"Okay! Then thank you."

Wei Suo stretched out his hand and actually caught the dress, tucked it in his arms, and said this, but the figure that flew back still kept on.

"Do you want this thing for that sister?"

Although the whole body of the temptation was exposed to the air, the female nun did not seem to feel any strange appearance, but instead stood proudly on the chest, a very elegant jade hand waved, a rotating black The air headed towards Wei Suo, who flew backwards.

"This is not necessary."

When Wei Suo reached out, a miniature white ice dragon emerged from his body and collided with the black gas.

With a crackling sound, the white ice dragon was smashed, but the black gas did not lose much power, and continued to head towards Wei Suo.

Although any monk’s accomplishment in this large array of lunar eclipses is only equivalent to the original 10%, everyone is the original 10%, can’t cast the magic weapon, they all cast their own spells, and Wei Suo is the heaven level. The skill is divided into four levels of cultivation, but the power of the cast spell is much worse than that of the other party. The cultivation practice and identity of this female practitioner immediately emerged.

yīn Lihua!

This glorious nun is the only Jindan period nun in the northern part of Yunling mainland.

This female nun moved the Yunling Continent under the name of beauty and cultivation. Now she is naked in front of Wei Suo. The convex part is convex, the warped place is warped, and there is no trace of fat in the place where there should be no meat. Even the mysterious dark black is too thick for one point, and too light for one point. It can be said to be perfect.

However, the white ice dragon released by Wei Suo at this moment was easily broken by the technique of this Jindan female nun, but the **** on his face did not change much at all.

I saw a light yellow mask outside his body suddenly, and the appearance of this light yellow mask also had some runes like the evergreen.

At the same time, something protruded from Wei Suo's body, it was Wei Suo's bird-Yangzhi Bird. "Hoo!" Yang Zhiniao's mouth spewed out a golden flame, and at the same time, Wei Suo's empty space underneath him suddenly appeared many white blades.

After the black gas smashed the ice dragon, it was rushed by the golden flame and the white wind blade, but it could quickly dissipate without hitting the light yellow mask outside Wei Suo.

Seeing the light yellow mask out of Wei Suo's body and the scene that was easily blocked, this name was originally proud to hold the two peaks, the gorgeous female nun who smiled lightly, but he was shocked, and his eyes flashed. Unbelievable God, "What is your name? What is the relationship between Xuanyuan Patriarch and you?"

"Mao Diao..."

Wei Suo flew back without stopping, and one person and one bird quickly turned into a black spot in her sight, and a voice like Wei Suo came from afar.

"Mao Diao?"

The whole body of Liyin was startled and repeated, and I couldn't help thinking, how could there be such a weird name in the world, and this person obviously used the Xuanyuan ancestor's celestial defense method, Xuanyuan Among the ancestral disciples of the ancestors, haven’t I heard of a young monk named Mao?

And after repeating the name again, this extremely hot female practitioner suddenly seemed to react to something, and looked down. As a result, the name was just for the beautiful female nun who chased down Wei Suo who didn't blush at all with her beautiful buttocks, but her face was suddenly unconsciously slightly red.

There was an imperceptible black silk on his white thigh, which fluttered slightly.

"Little villain!"

The nun's hand seemed to move slightly, the black silk turned to ashes, and after a slight red face, the face of the nun appeared a crying expression.

As a Jindan monk, this charming and beautiful stunner has few rivals. She thought that this young man in a blue shirt was a monk in the Palace of Fire, and she saw that it seemed to have only a single cultivation practice. So I entered the formation with confidence. I originally thought that this young monk was extraordinary. If I wanted to see if it was interesting, I would "eat" him if it was interesting, and kill him if it was boring. Anyway, this world is boring. Jing Menxiu is endless.

Li Hua is quite confident in her beauty and body. Basically, the cities in the northern part of Yunling mainland, her posture can be said to be the first brand, not to mention that she has a special secret for seducing men. The technique of "robbing the soul pupil", not to mention the general monk, even some golden monsters, under the hook of her magic eyes, she can't help but move her heart, forgetting why she fell on her. Come.

But what she didn't even think of was that the young monk in the blue shirt didn't seem to be moved by her flamboyant eyes and magic eyes, but she was not fascinated by her, and she didn't rush into the peace with her heart. She interacted, but ran away with all her stuff!

And from the point of view of Fang Cai, she felt that this young monk in green shirt turned out to be a celestial monk who divided into four levels of monks!

This is not counted, he still has two monsters that are obviously all above level 6! What's more, there is another head that is actually invisible. Under this kind of magic circle, she can't even judge what kind of monster at the moment, it is so strange.

With the strength of the other party, under such a circle, if she is chasing hard, she will not be able to deal with the young monk's grasp at all, and she may even be attacked by the invisible monster of the other party. If it is not done well, it will fall into the hands of this young monk.

A gold monk monk was actually made naked by the other party, and he didn’t even have one piece of clothing to wear. When Li Huan was really even whimsical, she never thought such a thing would happen. How could this not make her cry or laugh.

"He clearly used the technique of the old man Xuanyuan. It seems that I haven't shown yīn corpse for a long time, but I don't know that Haixianzong actually produced such a talented monk."

"It seems that the old man Xuanyuan has got the news."

Some yīn Lihua, who was crying and laughing, was holding her cheeks, and some was thinking deeply. After a while, this fascinating female practitioner appeared a smile, looking at the position where Wei Suo disappeared, and bit her lip. After scolding the little villain again, he laughed to himself again, "Little villain, I must have eaten you."


Just as the indistinct yīn Lihua chuckled to herself, Wei Suo was already in a basin filled with light yellow waterholes.

In the midair above the basin, there are many jellyfish-like translucent brilliances, and the face is pink, very strange.

However, Wei Suo walked very carefully according to a certain direction. He often took a few steps to one side, then took a few steps forward, and then turned to the other side. The situation should be that the old man in the green robe knew here The prohibition is guiding Weisuo through here.

After Yi Xiangxiang's time passed, Wei Suo passed through the basin very smoothly. In front of him, a black mountain appeared.

But when the sight was swept away to see the scene of this black mountain peak, Wei Suo's eyes appeared a horrified god.

More than half of the mountain of this black mountain peak was actually carved, and the upper half of the mountain was directly carved into a palace.

This black mountain peak is more than 400 feet long, and it is at least ten miles away. Half of the mountain peak is directly carved into a palace, and many magic circles have been artificially arranged, resulting in gray clouds. It's awe-inspiring.

After taking a deep breath, Wei Suo wiped a sweat and quickly took out the Nabao from Lihua Lihua's clothes.

Fortunately, Wei Suo was already accustomed to the face of Ji Ya Qing Guo Qing Cheng, plus his consciousness was stronger than yīn Lihua, plus the reminder of the old man in green robe, so he did not receive yīn Lihua’s Yan Sè and Mei Gong are bewitched, otherwise I am afraid that they will have been eaten and wiped away by Lihua Li at this The Golden Treasure Nabao, he still got it for the first time!

I saw that Li Hua's Nabao was azure blue, very small, but it seemed to be more powerful than Weisuo's high-end Nabao.

After carefully checking with the old man in the green robe, and confirming that there is no triggering ban on this high-level Nabao, Weisuo took all the contents of the Lihua Nabao.

There are not many things in Li Hua's Nabao, only a few, but as soon as these things appeared in front of Wei Suo, Wei Suo's eyes lit up!

One of the most dazzling is a prism-shaped red gemstone that is one foot long. The red light of this crystal-clear red gemstone is extremely brilliant, which makes it almost impossible for people to watch. This kind of red light almost makes Weisuo sure for the first time, that is the dazzling red light on the altar of the green Tallinn Issued!

And the second thing that attracted Wei Suo's eyes at once was the three-handed white sword. These three-handed white bone bone swords are all covered with flame-like runes. It is exactly after being injected into the true yuan, it will become a white flame ice cold flame "white bone cold fire"!

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