Peach and plum spring breeze and a glass of wine

Chapter 122 It’s hard to cool the hot blood

Yang Ge was still dealing with the aftermath of the old fisherman's funeral.

On Yang Tiansheng's side, he had just arrived at Songjiang Prefecture in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, where the Japanese invaders were seriously affected, with his elite followers, when he received news that a group of Japanese pirates were moving toward a village called Guihuaping 60 miles south of Songjiang.

He immediately sent out his scouting horses to investigate first, and he followed up with his elite followers.


Riding south, the bright red turban fluttered in the wind like a blood flag.


Yang Tiansheng raised his hand, and behind him all the masters from Baishi Mingjiao gathered their horses.

The scout clasped his fists and said loudly: Report to Lord Yang Xiang, the news is correct. Guihuaping is being plundered by Japanese pirates. The number of Japanese pirates exceeds a hundred!

Damn it, you are rebelling against Tiangang!

Yang Tiansheng was so furious that he pulled out the long sword on his horse and shouted angrily: Brothers, draw your sword!

The sound of the sword being unsheathed immediately echoed.

Yang Tiansheng took the lead: Follow me and charge!


Bai Shi rode a horse to keep up with him and ran towards the village with black smoke rising from the end of his sight.

After more than ten miles of flying, as soon as they approached Guihuaping, Yang Tiansheng, who was running at the front, saw a short man with an ugly Mediterranean haircut in the narrow village road ahead, carrying a Japanese sword. The swaddling boy was showing off his skills and shouting loudly in the village...

With just one glance, Yang Tiansheng's eyes turned red, and he pointed his sword: Chop these offal for me!

He jumped up from the horse, and the ten-meter-long golden-red sword energy fell like a golden sun piercing the clouds. With one sword, he chopped the squawking little man into pieces.

The huge sound of the sword energy hitting the ground instantly alerted the Japanese pirates raging in the village.

In an instant, a large number of half-dressed black dwarfs poured out of houses with two carrot legs, holding Japanese swords high and charging towards the Mingjiao masters who rushed into the village.


Dead, dead...

A group of Mingjiao masters were still unaware and rushed into the village with swords and horses.

The two groups of men collided violently, causing a large amount of blood.

Yang Tiansheng, who had landed on a thatched roof, saw this and jumped up again. With a stir in his hand, the long sword in his hand rolled up a cloud of fire and fell from the sky, slamming into the densest place of Japanese pirates.


The violent energy vibrated, twisting a large group of Japanese pirates into mutilated corpses all over the place.

Yang Tiansheng, who was among the broken limbs and corpses, was about to turn around and start killing when he saw a villager covered in fire, wailing and passing by him. After running a few steps, he fell to the ground and rolled all over the ground. Son.

Without thinking, he rushed up to help him pat away the burning fire on his body, but before the fire was extinguished, he stopped moving...


He gritted his teeth tightly and roared hysterically like a wounded beast.

At this moment, he could suddenly understand Yang Erlang.

It’s not that I want to be a saint…

But there are some bastards who really don’t deserve to live in this world!

He turned around and dragged his long sword towards the Japanese pirates who were rushing towards him.

But just when they were about to fight, he suddenly stopped.


The soil in front of him suddenly exploded, and a black figure rushed out from the ground, swiping a blue dagger towards his throat.

Yang Tiansheng calmly swung his sword to block the dagger in front of him, and slapped the approaching black figure with his left hand.

Seeing the opportunity, the jet-black figure was also very quick. He stamped his feet violently and shook his hands as he flew back, scattering a dense barrage of caltrops.

Yang Tiansheng braved this dense mass of hidden weapons and chased after him. He swung the long sword in his hand so that the wind could not blow it away and the water could not splash into it, and he knocked away all the hidden weapons flying towards him.

However, before he could catch up with the Japanese ninja in black, he felt wind in the back of his head again.

He turned around and struck with his sword without hesitation.


The swords met, and the surging energy spread out, and the ground sank more than a foot.

Yang Tiansheng took a closer look and saw that the person holding his sword was a middle-aged Japanese pirate with a cold face and gnarled muscles.

Different from other Japanese pirates who were dressed in rags and filthy as if they hadn't taken a shower in months, this middle-aged Japanese pirate's blue uniform was unusually neat, and the white socks on his wooden clogs were spotless, and the clothes in his hands were spotless. The sharpness of the Japanese sword is compelling...

With this appearance alone, he is at least a big boss.

Yang Tiansheng saw the Japanese pirate clearly, and a strong force exploded under his sword to knock him back. Then he grinned and spat, and said with a ferocious laugh: I think I read the almanac well when I went out, and I caught him as soon as I entered Songjiang. You bastards, it turned out to be a trap!

Although he is not very smart, he also understands...

Looting a mere village is definitely not worth the effort of a great master of the Guizhen level!

But this truth did not make him feel relieved and proud.

On the contrary, it made him even more angry!

We have no intention of becoming enemies of your religion.

The middle-aged Japanese pirate opened his mouth and said in a clear and eloquent Chinese dialect: As long as Lord Yang Xiang is willing to show his noble hand, we will be very grateful to you when the thing is done!

After it's done?

Yang Tiansheng laughed loudly and strode towards him with his sword raised: What do you bastards want to do in our house? Have you ever asked us masters?

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly rose up, his sword and man united into one, and the sword energy was like a rainbow.

The middle-aged Japanese pirate retreated violently, holding a knife in both hands and slashing at Yang Tiansheng in the air. The sword energy roared like the howling of the north wind.


The sword rainbow shattered, and as soon as Yang Tiansheng's figure appeared, he suddenly stepped on the ground and stabbed the middle-aged Japanese pirate with his sword.

When the middle-aged Japanese pirate saw this, he advanced instead of retreating. The Japanese sword exploded into a ball of sword light and rolled towards Yang Tiansheng's sword.

Ding ding ding ding...

The swords struck each other quickly, and the crisp sound of the swords clashing was like countless wind chimes ringing at the same time.

Yang Tiansheng's swordsmanship is inherited from his family, and he has a very solid foundation. His sword energy is as strong as it is yang, and his sword path corresponds to the virtual and the real, making it airtight.

And this middle-aged Japanese pirate's sword skills are also very sophisticated. The sword's energy is strong and the path of the sword is strange, which has a sense of justice and magic.

Dozens of moves passed in the blink of an eye, and neither of them could catch the other's flaw.

At the right time, Yang Tiansheng exhausted all his energy and was about to retreat and regain his strength. The soil under his feet suddenly exploded, and a blue cold light hit his lower body from bottom to top.

You're the one I've been waiting for!

Yang Tiansheng laughed and spun around, and hundreds of fine sword energy suddenly erupted from his body, shooting out in all directions.

The middle-aged Japanese pirate, who was also exhausted, tried to cooperate with the Japanese ninja in the mud to attack Yang Tiansheng, but was helplessly forced back by the heavy rain of fine sword energy, leaving the Japanese ninja who had escaped in the mud to be cut into pieces by the sword energy. , spurting out several streams of bright red blood...


Yang Tiansheng landed on the ground, the jade crown that tied his hair was broken into pieces, his long shawl hair was fluttering messily, and there was a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, looking very embarrassed.

Obviously, the attack he just unleashed had exceeded the load limit of his meridians.

But his energy became more and more exciting.

Only you are left!

He stared intently at the middle-aged Japanese pirate in front of him, spit out a mouthful of bloody saliva, leaned over and pounced on him again.

The middle-aged Japanese pirate took a deep breath with a solemn expression, held the knife with both hands again, and when Yang Tiansheng was approaching more than ten feet in front of him, he suddenly jumped up and shouted: Wind cut!

The sword cuts like a bright moon, and the energy of the sword surges like a long river.

Yang Tiansheng, who was in mid-air, swayed, and when the sword energy fell in front of him, he suddenly turned into several afterimages, avoiding the surging sword energy: Hey, you can't hit me!

He used to use the Sun Eclipse Sword technique passed down from home to fight against enemies. People outside had almost forgotten that his father Yang Yinghao's nickname was not Eclipse Sun Sword.

But the Golden-winged Dapeng!


The sword energy fell to the ground, shattering two thatched houses and plowing a crack more than ten meters long on the ground.

The middle-aged Japanese pirate, who was distracted by Yang Tiansheng's skin, saw a bright little sun above his head before he could take another breath of energy.

Master Shi 'competes with the sun'!

The human sword merged into one, and the sword energy was as fast as a thunderbolt. It passed by the unprepared middle-aged Japanese pirate with lightning speed, cutting him into two pieces on the spot, and his blood spilled into the sky...

Yang Tiansheng, who had accomplished a great feat with his sword and eliminated the thief from the building, hit the ground heavily and knelt down on one knee holding the sword, panting violently.

It's a loss, it's a loss...

He tried hard to stand up with his sword, but his feet gave way and he knelt down on one knee again. He muttered: How come I am the seventh on the list of fish and dragons? I should be the seventh on the list of fish and dragons. One… vomit…”

He spat out a large mouthful of blood, hurriedly covered his mouth, and mumbled indistinctly: You damn Yang Laoer, you have made me miserable. This matter, this matter, there are not even two plates of fried beef with green onion. , I can’t get through it, I can’t get through it, you bastard!”

At this moment, he felt as if every muscle, bone, and flesh in his body had been hit with a big hammer.

But in his heart, he only felt as happy as he had ever felt before, and an inexplicable confidence supported his energy like a backbone.

How many things are absolutely true in a person's life?

This one is it!

‘Did Yang Laoer do the same thing when he executed those corrupt officials? ’

He thought secretly in his heart.

Oops, the incense master vomited blood!

Master Xiang, hold on!

Master Xiang, you can't die...

The Mingjiao masters who had already defeated a group of beggar Japanese pirates in that compartment saw him vomiting blood from a distance, so they hurriedly swarmed over and helped him up with all their hands and feet.

Yang Tiansheng struggled and stretched out his hands tremblingly: Medicine, medicine...

One person held his hand tightly and said with tears in his eyes: Xiang Master, what do you want?

Yang Tiansheng rolled his eyes and shouted with a red face: Give me medicine, give me medicine, you bastard!

Several Mingjiao masters woke up from a dream and quickly took out a lot of small bottles from his body: Master Xiang, which one do you want to eat?

Yang Tiansheng was almost so angry that he lost his temper. He grabbed the small gold bottle from one of them, bit off the cork, raised his head and poured two pills into his mouth.

After taking two pills of the Yang family's secret medicine for internal injuries, Yang Tiansheng immediately felt energetic again.

He broke away from the men who were supporting him, stood firm on his own with his sword in hand, spun on the spot and took another look at the miserable scene around him...

He closed his eyes and squeezed out a sentence through his teeth: I will chop up all the Japanese pirates and stuff them into the pits!


A group of Mingjiao masters shouted in unison, raised their shining weapons and pounced on the dozen or so Japanese pirates who were still resisting.

When the middle-aged Japanese pirates died, the angry battle cries of the beggar Japanese pirates quickly turned into desperate wails.

A group of Mingjiao masters really did what they said, whether they were living Japanese pirates or dead Japanese pirates, they chopped them into pieces and shoveled them into the pit...

Yang Tiansheng sat on a stone mill with his sword propped up, and ordered his men to search for living people.

After a while, the only remaining survivors in Guihuaping were searched out by a group of Mingjiao masters.

Are they all here?

He looked at his men in disbelief.

He clearly remembered that the news he received said that there were hundreds of people in Guihuaping.

All the Mingjiao masters lowered their heads with gloomy expressions. No one dared to look directly into his expectant eyes, and no one could answer his question.

Yang Tiansheng stretched out a trembling hand and counted the points one by one, over and over again.

After clicking and counting, there were still only eight...eight children.

Some of them were soaked all over, and you could tell at a glance that they had just been fished out of the water tank.

Some of them were covered with plant ash, and even without asking what they were used for, they knew they must have been pulled out from under the stove...

Yang Tiansheng could imagine their parents and elders hurriedly hiding them and facing the Japanese pirates with grinning faces.

Eight children hugged each other in fear, howling and crying...

Childish hysterical cries floated back and forth in the dead village.

Yang Tiansheng wanted to comfort them, but after opening his mouth, no words came out. He felt like a big stone was stuck in his chest, making him breathless.

He could only turn his face away, wave his hands vigorously, and ask his men to find some clothes for these children.

After a while, he took a sharp breath and muttered to himself: What a sin, what a fucking sin...

He never wanted to be a good person.

Because being a good person is too tiring, too difficult, too troublesome, and too overwhelming.

He just wants to be an idler who is neither good nor bad, drink, make friends, join in the fun, and live his life freely, unrestrainedly and unrestrainedly...

But at this moment, he really hated himself for coming so late.

Why did he come so late?

Was it the top star last night who was too enchanting?

Is the steamed bun and fish fillet porridge so delicious this morning?

Or is it that horses are too valuable and must be conserved in terms of horsepower?

Maybe both.

Every thought of yes made Yang Tiansheng want to slap himself.

The righteousness is too false and too broad.

But the suffering of the people is too real and too concrete...

This matter is not over!

Yang Tiansheng couldn't calm down and hissed: Immediately send a signal to each hall to ask for help. As many people as possible can come. As long as they are willing to send people, I will never hesitate to ask Yang Tiansheng to carry a chamber pot for them in the future!

The spring is cold and the north wind is howling.

But it's hard to cool down the hot blood in the heart of a good man!

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