Peach and plum spring breeze and a glass of wine

Chapter 130 Seeking common ground while reserving differences (asking for monthly votes)

After sending Wang Zuo away.

Yang Ge held a tea bowl and studied the booby trap strategy presented by Wang Sui.

There are two trapping strategies presented by Wang Zuoxian.

The first strategy is that there is a large island in the Zhoushan Islands, Liuheng Island, which is isolated overseas. There is a port on the island called Shuangyu Port. It is not only an important port for Ningwang and Zhejiang Party’s foreign trade, but also the entire southeast coast and even the entire maritime Southeast Asia. Money and goods circulation center.

Shuangyu Island is not controlled by the laws of the Wei Dynasty. The Japanese Japanese pirates used the Shuangyu Port there as a bridgehead and double supply station in their large-scale raids on the southeast coast.

Just set up a heavy ambush on Shuangyu Island, wait for work, and when the Japanese pirates enter Hong Kong for fun, you can sink several groups of invading Japanese pirates with one blow.

Another strategy is that Wang Zuo, in the name of the Pirate King of the East China Sea, will gather several groups of Japanese pirates that he will invade in Liegang, his water village on Jintang Island in Zhoushan, and set up an ambush in Liegang. This can also achieve a similar effect to that on Shuangyu Island. .

However, Wang Sui made it very clear. Although he had the false reputation of the Pirate King of the East China Sea, he could not control the pirates and Japanese pirates who were not subordinate to him. Therefore, those Japanese pirates who entered his water stronghold would not relax their vigilance. On the contrary, in order to Beware of him taking advantage of others, and he will be more energetic.

Setting up an ambush in Liegang can only defeat a few Japanese pirates. It is extremely difficult to annihilate them all!

At first glance, these two strategies seem to have cost Wang Zhen his heart and soul, even his own nest and reputation...

But the more Yang Ge thought about it, the more he felt that the first strategy was to borrow a knife to kill someone, and the second strategy was to borrow a chicken to lay eggs!

What does it mean to kill someone with a borrowed knife?

As an important commercial port controlled by King Ning, Shuangyu Port's existence must have greatly affected the interests of Wang Sui, the pirate king of the East China Sea.

If the battlefield is placed in Shuangyu Port, success or failure will be discussed first, but Shuangyu Port, a commercial port, will definitely be destroyed. Even with the mountain of King Ning at its back, it will be difficult to recover within ten or eight years. Yuan Qi, and with the help of Yang Erlang's banner, he also contained Prince Ning's firepower.

His king is sitting on his own to reap the benefits!

What is borrowed chicken to lay eggs?

Didn't Wang Sui himself say that his title of Pirate King of the East China Sea was just a false name, not real in name?

If he had defeated the remaining groups of Japanese pirates in the East China Sea in the battle at Liegang, wouldn't his name as the Pirate King of the East China Sea be worthy of his name?


In their line of work, reputation, strength and benefits are important.

As the old saying goes: Ten birds in the forest are worse than one in the hand?

At this point, Yang Ge has not yet calculated the risk of Wang Zuo pretending to cooperate, but in fact he is the lobbyist sent by King Ning to invite you to the urn.

Yang Tiansheng on one side watched him pacing back and forth around the map with a tea bowl in his hands without saying a word. He also reminded him in a low voice: Second brother, my father often said that these people who have been in the world for decades can still survive. When I fall into the old world, no one is easy to get along with, and everyone has a few brushes, so we have to be careful and don't be led into a ditch by him.

Yang Ge pretended not to hear the guy climbing up the pole and calling him Second Brother, and said with a smile: It's rare that Young Master Yang is willing to use his rusty brain.

Before Yang Tiansheng could cry out, he rubbed his sore temples and chuckled, But this time I didn't use any shady plots. All I did was scheming!


Yang Tiansheng was stunned for a moment, then he came to the map and pretended to look at it: What kind of conspiracy is this?

Yang Ge thought for a moment and then told Yang Tiansheng everything he had figured out.


Yang Tiansheng slammed the table and said angrily: You just saw that the bald donkey didn't look like a good person, so you shouldn't have let him go!

Yang Ge smiled and patted his shoulder, comforting him softly: It doesn't have to be so extreme. He has his own plans, and we also have ours. As long as things can be done, the people along the coast will indeed benefit from it, and so will we. It can save a lot of effort and save a lot of deaths... It's just like doing business as a partnership, he has his profit and we have ours, a win-win situation!

That's not okay, we can't let him win.

Yang Tiansheng held his chin and said matter-of-factly: You should think of a way to let us win twice!

Yang Ge laughed and said, Do you think I'm a god?

Yang Tiansheng joked: Yang Erlang is really a god in this three-acre land in Jiangsu and Zhejiang!

Yang Ge was silent, and after a long time he said: If you really want to scheme, it's not completely impossible. The problem is, now I'm not sure what that old guy is thinking. If he is really as interested in Wei as he said, , principled and moral, it doesn’t matter if we give him a ride, at least with his men and horses patrolling the sea, it can also provide an extra barrier for the people on the southeast coast, right?

Just be afraid, this guy will do the same thing in front of you and behind your back. After eating the Japanese pirates, he will turn around and eat the people along the southeast coast.

Then we brothers have good intentions and do bad things!

Yang Tiansheng didn't have as many worries as him, so he said without thinking: Then just go ahead and kill him and those Japanese pirates in one spoonful!

Yang Ge pinched the bridge of his nose with a headache: But we can't treat people as bad guys just because we think they have the ability to make mistakes. If we say this, doesn't the emperor have to deal with you and me now?

Besides, if we deal with him, won't there be no worries about those Japanese pirate islands floating on the sea anymore? We can't expect Prince Ning to do human affairs, right?

Also, it is indeed a big problem for the Wei Dynasty to keep seclusion in the country. Keeping this guy will leave a breathable gap for the Wei Dynasty's tightly closed country. If we deal with him, we will really have to be beaten passively in the future. ”

Yang Ge's character is not clear yet.

But Yang Ge agrees with some of his ideas.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten. This is an eternal truth!

As for Yang Tiansheng, just listening to his words made him feel like his head was as big as a bucket. He tiredly picked up the tea bowl and sat aside, saying feebly: By the way, aren't we two knights who are wandering around in the world? Why should we worry? Is it all about family and country affairs?

Yang Ge: Cheer up, you are a rebel!

Yang Tiansheng said disdainfully: Have you ever seen that rebel and the official's family hanging out together?

Yang Ge sat next to him: You are wrong about this. Most of the rebels are not related to the officials and their families...

Yang Tiansheng turned his face to the other side, too lazy to look at him.

Yang Ge patted his shoulder and chuckled: Don't be discouraged... I know, you always think that this world belongs to the Zhao family. In fact, it is not. The world belongs to everyone in the world. We are not doing things for the Zhao family. , we are doing things for ourselves, for those we care about, and for those who also care about us!

There is a saying: Do good deeds and don't worry about your future.

We just do what we think is right and do our best to make this world a better place.

If...I mean if, the Zhao family really can't help us, we have overthrown the world, what's the harm in starting over!

Yang Tiansheng let out a fuck and clapped his thigh with joy: No wonder other people are getting bigger and bigger as officials, but you, Yang Laoer, are getting smaller and smaller as an official. The crooked ideas in your mind are worse than those of a small official. A rebel thief still looks like a rebel!

Yang Gepi smiled but said: I made you laugh!

The two laughed for a moment, and Yang Ge patted Yang Tiansheng on the shoulder and stood up: Okay, let's get up and do things!

Yang Tiansheng: Have you thought about it?

Yang Ge: Well, let's put the ambush location in Liegang, Wang Zuo's hometown.

Yang Tiansheng frowned: You have to think clearly...

Yang Ge: I have thought clearly. There must be King Ning's troops at Shuangyu Port. Putting the ambush site there would be too risky. Moreover, Shuangyu Port is the only foreign trade port in Wei Dynasty. It still has great use, if you can't just destroy it, just leave it in Liegang. If Wang Sui is really ungrateful, I can send him to the throne of the Pirate King, and I can send him to the underworld to queue up!


Yang Tiansheng suddenly felt a little pity for Wang Zui: I hope that guy has a clear mind and doesn't mess with you, a stubborn donkey who accepts death!

Wontons, a time-honored wonton brand in Hangzhou. New guests must not miss it...

Green jujubes, the green jujubes we grow at home are crisp and sweet. We sell half of them and half as free. Guests from the north come to try them...

An old man and a young man walked together through the Liushang Restaurant, and the ups and downs of the hawking sounds kept coming and going.

In the restaurant, a tall and strong man with arms thicker than an ordinary person's thighs sat cross-legged in an elegantly decorated chapel, grabbing a roasted golden and oily lamb leg with his bare hands and tearing it apart. The dark red tassel gun made of fine iron was leaning quietly beside him.

An old man with gray hair and a golden-red attire and a weathered face pushed open the door and walked in. He walked up to the strong man and whispered: Young Master, we found out where the Ming Cult people are hiding.

The strong man said in a loud voice without even raising his head: Uncle Fu, please bring back all the brothers who have gone out.

The gray-haired old man hesitated for a moment and said with concern: Master, we should be polite first and then fight... to avoid being criticized.

The strong man glanced at him in confusion: What's the reason?

The gray-haired old man hesitated and whispered: Isn't the young master planning to knock on the door directly?

This is what you've done before!

Fight up?

The strong man sneered, grabbed a gnawed lamb leg bone and pointed at the shouts outside the window that had not yet faded away: Are you going to let all the folks from Jiangdong poke the backbone of our Xiang family after the fight?

The gray-haired old man: Huh?

You wouldn't have considered this before!

The strong man grabbed a piece of roasted mutton and brought it to his mouth, tearing off a large mouthful. His lips wriggled as he rolled the strips of mutton into the bloody mouth: I told you a long time ago, if I want to be known as the 'Gun Hao', I will I will be slapped with a serial dock justifiably, but you don't listen and insist on using such shameful means to make me suffer a bloody head injury and force me to come out to regain my place... This is not a shameful thing to do in circles. ?

When the old man with gray hair heard what he said, he felt that it was both ridiculous and helpless: Young master, the dead end is done. It will be of no use to find out who is right and who is wrong. The Xiang family cannot lose face, and the fourth master's revenge must be avenged. For now The only strategy is to stick to morality, be courteous before fighting, and not fall into the trap of others.

With your wisdom, how can you think that our family can still stand morally?

The strong man looked at the gray-haired old man in confusion, and said unhurriedly: Not to mention, I am not sure of defeating Yang Erlang. Even if I can narrowly defeat Yang Erlang in public, do you think I can defeat him? Will the Jianghu comrades and Jiangdong elders really give a thumbs up to our Xiang family if they mention this again?

The gray-haired old man didn't answer.

He couldn't answer this question either.

He could only change the topic: Then the young master thinks, how should our Xiang family deal with this matter?

The strong man steadily grabbed pieces of mutton and stuffed them into his mouth. After a long time, he suddenly said: Aren't Yang Erlang and Yang Tiansheng strangulating the Japanese pirates? What do you think of me going to kill the Japanese pirates with them now?

The gray-haired old man was completely confused: Huh?

After it's done...

The strong man seemed to have already made up his mind, and continued unhurriedly: I will set up a challenge to Yang Erlang again. No matter who wins or loses, in the future, Jianghu comrades and Jiangdong elders will mention our Xiang family again. Everyone will definitely give a thumbs up, and in this way, our Xiang family’s face will be restored!”

The gray-haired old man's thoughts froze: Huh?

The strong man continued: If Yang Erlang is just a person who deceives the world and steals his reputation, I will kill him, and my fourth uncle's revenge will be avenged.

If Yang Erlang is really as strong as the rumors say, I can't beat doesn't make any difference, right?

The gray-haired old man finally came to his senses and gave the strong man a thumbs up: The old man's vision is indeed as unique as ever. The young master is really the unicorn of the Xiang family!


The strong man smiled casually and thought to himself: How can there be a Qilin who was trained in the courtyard...

The gray-haired old man exhaled a long breath, as if a big stone had been lifted from his heart. He straightened his back and said, Young master, let me know what to do!

After pondering for a moment, the strong man said softly: I remember that our family is in Shaoxing, and we still have a capable team.

The gray-haired old man nodded and said: There is indeed an elite army in the ancestral land of Kuaiji.

Strong man: How many?

The old man with gray hair said: There are not many people, only three hundred, but they are all elites who are accomplished in martial arts and proficient in battle formations!

The brawny man: Tell me over.

The gray-haired old man: Tell them all?

Strong man: Tell them all!

The gray-haired old man hesitated for a moment, then stamped his foot and said: I can go and send the message. It will take up to four days to arrive in Hangzhou!

With that said, he turned around and walked out quickly.

The strong man said loudly: You can eat before you go...

The gray-haired old man waved his hand without looking back: I won't eat anymore!

The strong man looked at the old man's back walking faster and faster, with the wind blowing under his feet, and smiled softly: 'Actually, you don't want to face Yang Erlang, right? ’

He turned his head and listened to the shouts outside the window, and murmured in an arc at the corner of his mouth: How can we live in such a prosperous and turbulent time and let you two be the most beautiful!

Yan Bufan, this time I took the first step...

There is only this chapter today, please let Fengyun take it easy... Everyone, go to bed early and wish you sweet dreams.

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