The weather is great.

The unique warm sun in spring makes people sweat slightly and makes them feel comfortable all over. The clear sea water reflects the pure sapphire blue in the sun, making people want to strip off their clothes and jump in to swim a few laps, even the fishy and salty water. The sea breeze is as gentle as a lover's soft palms, gently caressing people's cheeks...

Yang Ge was lying on the hillside basking in the sun with the Lengyue sword in his arms, an unknown weed stem in his mouth, so comfortable that he almost fell asleep.


Yang Tiansheng touched his side and pushed him: It's already this time, how can you still sleep!

Yang Ge turned over, turned his back to him, and continued to take a nap with his eyes closed.

Yang Tiansheng rushed forward in dissatisfaction, grabbed his neck with both hands and shook him vigorously: You thief, you will die!

Yang Ge stuck out his tongue and rolled his eyes in cooperation...

People are coming!

Someone nearby whispered.

The two brothers who were fighting just a second ago quickly stood up, climbed to the top of the hillside and looked around. They saw a small gray-black dot where the sea and the sky meet.

Yang Ge exhaled softly and said softly to Yang Tiansheng: Have you finished giving instructions to your subordinates?

Yang Tiansheng nodded: I have given instructions to the leading helmsman and deacon one by one.

Yang Ge: What about yourself?

Yang Tiansheng: Huh?

Yang Ge turned around and glanced at him: They can't go up, and you can't go up. As soon as you, the incense master, get up, why can't they all follow you and rush forward?

Yang Tiansheng smiled and said: I understand, don't let mother-in-law and mother-in-law do it, you bitch!

Yang Ge turned his attention to the small black dot that was getting closer and closer, and continued: If a master appears later, don't force yourself to come forward. I will deal with Wang Lin as soon as possible...


Yang Tiansheng looked at him sideways: Look down on me? Who hasn't killed one or two true masters?

Yang Ge smiled and said: It's not worth it. You have to risk your life to kill a master of the True Realm. With me, it may only be a matter of two or three swords. It's not worth your risk.

Yang Tiansheng thought for a while and asked unconvinced: You mean, you can only deal with me now with a few blows?

Yang Ge glanced at him: Is it true, you haven't figured it out yet?

Yang Tiansheng smacked his lips and sighed helplessly: I think I could still hold you down at Luting... I really don't know how you practice your martial arts. How can we make such a small improvement with so much effort? , is it just like eating and drinking when you come here?

Yang Ge: You don't understand about geniuses!

Yang Tian was so angry that he turned around and strangled his neck with both hands: You thief, you will die!

Not to be outdone, Yang Ge also turned around and strangled his neck: Hit his nose and face, and you will die!

Let go.

You spread it first.

You spread it first.

Spread them together.

Then don't tell anyone.

Die to me!

Die together...

Wei Xin, who was not far away, couldn't stand it anymore and said helplessly: Xiang Master, Second Master, can we stop making trouble? The kids are all watching!

Are you two combined to be eight years old?

The two brothers looked around and saw a pair of strange eyes and faces that couldn't bear to laugh but turned red.



The two brothers let go at the same time, each tilting his head to one side.


One of the Ming Cult members couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud.

Yang Tiansheng looked over with a black face: Why are you laughing?

This member of the congregation was also a smart little kid. He clasped his fists and replied seriously: Master Hui Xiang, I think of the old cow giving birth to a calf at home, and I am overjoyed for a moment.

Yang Tiansheng's face turned pale, and just as he was about to speak, he heard another chi sound.

He looked over and saw that the nose was not a nose and the eyes were not eyes and asked: Why are you laughing again?

The man had an idea and pointed to the man who had just replied: Back to the incense master, his old cow has given birth to a calf, and the young one is happy for him.

As soon as these words came out, there were chuckles everywhere on the hillside.

Yang Tiansheng tried hard to keep a straight face and wanted to say something, but before the words came out, he laughed out loud. While laughing, he cursed: You bastards, what's the point of laughing now? Come back after the beating. If you smile in front of me, I will praise you for your talent... Don’t envy the little rabbit that just came into the family, give it a good beating, and after the beating, I will give each of you a calf as a gift!

This time, the chirping sound on the hillside became louder, and the breath of joy spread down the hillside. Although the people below did not know what the people above were enjoying, they all laughed together.

Most of the oppressive atmosphere on the eve of the war slowly dissolved in this happy atmosphere.

Many people only realized at this moment that the handles of the knives in their hands were soaked with sweat...

After the fight was over, the two brothers turned their attention again to the small black dot in the sky that seemed to have not moved much.

You also fight well. After the fight, I will teach you a move!

Yang Ge patted Yang Tiansheng on the shoulder: Brother, I only have three or four of you friends. Don't waste yourself in pieces. Uncle Yang is still pointing you to spread your business!

What can you teach?

Yang Tiansheng glanced at him with disgust: Teach me how to use a sword?

Yang Ge said with a smile: You don't want to learn the sword, but do you want to learn the way of the master?

Yang Tiansheng: You are just fooling me, can you make up a more reliable reason... Grandmaster? Are you worthy?

Yang Ge: Then I want to say that I will definitely become a master within three years. Do you believe it?

Yang Tiansheng: Do you think I have a brain?

Yang Ge looked at him carefully, shook his head and said, I don't think you have one!

Yang Tiansheng was stunned when he saw his serious look and said in disbelief: Are you serious?

Yang Ge nodded: Although I don't guarantee that my way will definitely be suitable for you, I can guarantee that this is definitely a way that points directly to the master!

Yang Tiansheng: Is it the move you used to draw a knife from the air last time when you practiced San Gong?

Yang Ge smiled, this kid really couldn't forget that handsome move: That's just a side effect... the most insignificant side effect.

Yang Tiansheng:......

He admitted that he was attracted by the way this guy said the most pretentious words in the calmest tone!

He gritted his teeth and said, Yang Laoer, you really deserve to die!

Yang Ge smiled and said: Want to learn? I'll teach you!

Yang Tiansheng:......

In that compartment, there was a Japanese pirate ship riding the wind and waves.

Wang Lin, disguised as a pirate, stood on the bow of the ship, looking at the coast ahead. His right eyelid beat uncontrollably, and there was always an indescribable feeling of haze in his heart...

This feeling was something he had never felt before.

Even when he met the famous Quanzhen Sword Immortal Li Qing, he never put such great pressure on him.

My mother has no life, my hometown is empty!

He silently recited the greetings in his heart and slowly calmed down.


Wang Sen, who was also disguised, walked out of the ship building and clasped his hands at Wang Lin's back: The Wang Zhi ship has sent a signal. We will land among the first wave of Japanese pirates ashore. Do you want to identify yourself? , postponed for two rounds?”

They were the Ning Prince's Mansion who contacted a group of Japanese pirates alone and packed them into the fleet privately. Wang Sui, as the nominal leader of the Japanese pirates, did not know of their existence.

Prince Ning's Mansion did this, of course, to maintain its shaky and fragile relationship with Wang Zuo.

Wang Linxi moved his lips, as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he only said: No need!

As the saying goes, cats have their own cat ways, and rats have their own rat ways.

As the White Lotus Sect is an ancestral rebel household that is as powerful as the Ming Sect, Yang Tiansheng led a large number of people to attack Zhoushan. Naturally, it was impossible to completely hide the sights of their father and son, including Wang Sui, who most likely contacted Er Yang privately to sell these Japanese pirates. There is some speculation...

Wang Lin just didn't care.

The price offered by Prince Ning's Mansion was only the price to kill Yang Ge.

Assisting this group of Japanese pirates to successfully land on the southeast coast and plunder is another price.

Prince Ning's Mansion might not be able to afford that price, and their father and son might not be able to take that job.

After all, although the White Lotus Sect is a professional rebel, they still want to save face. Even the White Lotus Sect does not want to be accused of colluding with Japanese pirates.

This is also the reason why they disguise themselves as Japanese pirates...

The child knows.

Wang Sen saluted again and turned around to return to the cabin to organize people.


At this moment, Wang Lin, who had been facing away from him, suddenly called him.

Wang Sen turned around and saluted again: Father, do you have any other instructions?

After Wang Lin was silent for a moment, he said softly: If things cannot be violated, we will return to our hometown in Luanzhou and wait for the weather.

Wang Sen felt a thump in his heart when he heard this. His old father never said such words to show weakness, so he was about to speak now.

However, Wang Lin seemed to have expected what he was going to say. He stretched out his hand to block what he had not yet said: Don't worry about being an invincible father. Just back off!

Wang Sen was worried in his heart, but he also knew that the more he spoke at this moment, the more disadvantageous it would be to his old father. He could only suppress his worry, suppressed his crow's mouth, clasped his hands and said, My child, please leave.

Wang Sen retracted his hand and looked at the increasingly clear coastline. His eyes seemed to see a long and narrow Lengyue sword on the vast coastline.

He lowered his gaze and murmured in a low voice: Old Mother Wusheng, protect this disciple to pass this test...


The white waves pushed more than a dozen three-masted boats more than 40 meters long to the coast. A large number of dirty Japanese pirates put down the gangplank and slid off the boat. The crowds of people were like a colony of ants that had exploded on the golden beach.

Yang Ge looked at these dirty Japanese pirates who looked like they had not taken a bath in decades. He saw real Japanese pirates with shaved Mediterranean moon hair, Wei people wearing short jackets from coastal fishermen, and red-haired and blue-eyed pirates. Western pirates... Yang Ge even saw a few ghosts as black as carbon among them.

The things in my hands are also a mess, including Japanese swords, long Japanese swords, harpoons, thick-backed machetes, ring-shou swords, Western swords, Western knives, and many long and short fire guns...

What a mess!

The first round of Japanese pirates who came ashore numbered about four thousand.

When Yang Ge saw that the four thousand Japanese pirates did not rush to cross the strait after landing, but instead gathered on the beach to wait for their companions, he raised a hand and clenched his fist tightly.

When Gu Tong from behind saw this, he firmly held down the command flag in his hand.

Not long after, the second round of Japanese pirates came ashore, and the number of Japanese pirates on the beach quickly increased to nearly 10,000.

Yang Ge stretched his neck and looked at the ships drifting on the sea, and found that only half of the ships were still floating on the sea, and nearly half of them were flying the five-peak flag...

He finally opened his fingers and waved downwards heavily.

Upon seeing this, Gu Tong quickly waved the flag in his hand vigorously.

The next moment, there was a loud killing sound...


Yang Tiansheng, who was ambushing at the mouth of the gorge, took the lead and led a thousand Mingjiao followers to swoop down from a high position. In the blink of an eye, a dozen or so Japanese pirates rushed into the scattered Japanese pirates on the beach, setting off a dazzling scarlet blood.

There was chaos on the beach. Amidst all the hoarse shouts, the scattered Japanese pirates rushed toward Yang Tiansheng and others like a tide. The Japanese pirate ships that were about to land on the sea also quickly lowered their springboards...

As expected by Zhou Fu, when these Japanese pirates saw that the ambush consisted of only a few hundred or thousands of people, they had no intention of retreating. Instead, they attempted to defeat the ambush as quickly as possible through numerical suppression!

Go and cooperate with Zhou Fu in mobilizing troops!

Yang Ge grabbed the Lengyue sword and stood up. After shouting an instruction to Gu Tong behind him, he jumped down from the twenty-meter-high cliff at the top of the hillside with the Lengyue sword. He was still in mid-air. He drew his sword and slashed out dozens of gleaming blades of light, like waterfalls, falling into the large group of Japanese pirates.

In the bloody explosion, a large number of Japanese pirates turned into fragments of limbs under the flickering light of the sword, flying all over the sky!

Suddenly, countless exclamations of cake sellers, Baga, and Master Tian sounded densely on the beach. The wave of Japanese pirates that originally hit the coast like a tide also seemed to be poured with boiling water. The crowd dispersed in panic.

Naturally, Yang Ge didn't care which god they were calling. When he landed on the beach, he kicked out a strong airflow at will. After buffering the acceleration of his fall, he used the skill of a thousand catties to sink firmly into the noisy Japanese pirates. Among them, they cut down the dirty Japanese pirates like mowing grass with their swords...

The smooth use of sword energy combined with Gengjin's true energy makes the Lengyue sword in his hand like a retractable lightsaber. Each sword can cut into pieces dozens or even dozens of Japanese pirates, including their weapons. into two sections.

His biggest problem with the human sea tactic was that the Japanese pirates dispersed too quickly, and he had to run after them and kill them...

Bang bang bang bang...

There was a dull roar of artillery at a very close distance suddenly. Yang Ge raised his head and looked around in confusion, still muttering in his mind: 'Old man Qin drank again? Isn't it time to show off your power at the artillery position... If I attack your mother, all of you will be attacked?

But when he raised his head, he heard a scream, and when he looked closer, he found several dark cannonballs flying towards him!

He jumped up with rage in his heart, threw up the Cold Moon Sword, held up the snowy palms with both hands, and used the skill of softness to overcome hardness to throw the several incoming cannonballs behind him, then turned around and swung them back and forth: Give them back to you!


Several artillery shells flew back without losing momentum, and landed close to them in the desperate eyes of the Japanese pirates who were manning the artillery.

Boom boom boom boom...

The cannonballs exploded, and a lucky cannonball also hit the ammunition depot, causing a fatal explosion, turning the three-masted ship into a sky full of wreckage.

What the hell, a bomb?

Yang Ge, who had just landed, was trembling in shock when he saw this scene, and said in his heart: 'Pretend to be cool, show off, be low-key, low-key, low-key...'

He had to know in advance that these shells were explosive shells. Even if his brain was kicked by a donkey, he would not pretend to be so.

He didn't want to test whether his crude golden bell could withstand the power of explosive bullets...

Just when he retrieved the Leng Yue sword with lingering fear and wanted to step back for a moment to take a look at the situation, he suddenly felt a strong and heavy wind blowing towards him.

He took a closer look and saw a bronze fist the size of a sandbag smashing into his chest.

Sooner or later, he saw the bronze fist rushing three feet in front of him. Without thinking, he tilted the knife in front of his chest and pressed the blade with his left arm, using all his strength to activate the golden bell.


The fist hit the Lengyue sword, making a loud sound of gold and iron. The strong force suppressed the Lengyue sword and hit Yang Ge's chest hard, sending him flying backwards.

The bronze fist was unforgiving, and she caught up with him and punched him in the chest again.


Seeing this, Yang Ge forcibly raised his energy and roared out with a move of Frost-covered Extraction. With one strike, he struck out dozens of afterimages of sharp sword energy, all of which were condensed into that bronze fist.


The two powerful qi blasted up the dust in the sky, and the two of them flew out at the same time.

Yang Ge crashed into the beach and slid more than ten feet away before finally regaining his balance. He first glanced at the Lengyue sword in his hand, and after confirming that there was no damage to the blade, he stretched out his hand and wiped the corner of his mouth. See a flash of bright red.

He twisted his mouth and spit out a mouthful of bloody spit, panting slightly and complaining to himself: Every time I fight, I vomit blood. I really don't have the style of a master...

He looked intently at the dust in front of him, and saw a middle-aged man in linen clothes who was not very tall or strong, but was dressed in stringy muscles, walking through the dust step by step, walking towards him, as if he was a real man. The energy enveloped him like a raging flame, blocking all the sand and dust from him.

Yang Ge asked: Wang Lin?

The middle-aged man in sackcloth also asked: Yang Erlang?

The two nodded at the same time, then jumped up at the same time, swinging their swords and fists to attack each other.

Although I caught a cold again today and have a terrible headache... But I’m going to update the book twice. Everyone, get up and read the second chapter tomorrow morning!

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