Peach and plum spring breeze and a glass of wine

Chapter 143: Cultivation of martial arts first

Then I'm coming!

Yang Ge said with a smile, his tone was clear and calm, even a bit of a joke between friends.

But just such a calm word made Xiang Wudi's heart suddenly rise to his throat... He felt like he was facing a formidable enemy!

He didn't say much, but stepped forward and leveled his spear, assuming a defensive posture that remained unchanged in response to any change.

Yang Ge took a long breath, and the energy around him slowly began to surge with his thoughts. A hazy light golden halo came out of his body, pushing away the rain...

Yang Tiansheng, who was watching the battle on the river, patted Li Jincheng on the shoulder excitedly: Second brother is about to get serious!

Li Jincheng stared at the river embankment intently, not daring to blink for fear of missing something.

When the onlookers watching the battle around the river embankment saw this, they all retreated a few feet again, for fear of harming the pond fish...

In full view of the public, Yang Ge gently closed his eyes. In an instant, Nanshawan's thunderous shouts of killing rang in his ears again, and those passionate faces appeared in front of his eyes again, with dripping blood and glistening knives. Light... shots from far or near flew through his mind like a marquee, and finally settled on a beach full of flowers blooming under the morning sun.

He breathed out softly, opened his eyes, stepped forward, and swung the sword with a lightness that seemed heavy, and the sword's aura was not revealed. In the eyes of onlookers, they only thought that his gesture was ordinary and completely unworthy of the majestic sword. Rock forward.

But Xiang Wudi, who was standing in front of Yang Ge, only felt that his eyes were blurred. Although one man came here sacrificing his life with one sword, he seemed to see thousands of troops risking their lives to attack. Its majestic and tragic momentum was like Mount Tai pressing on top. Suffocating...


It's not an illusion!

Xiang Wudi's eyes widened suddenly, and he clearly saw that the rain curtain in front of Yang Erlang was empty, without a trace of raindrops.

The trembling feeling of thousands of troops rushing towards his face instantly broke down Xiang Wudi's mental defense.

But instead of his will collapsing under the crushing force of this sense of shock, instead, as if he had bottomed out, a strong spirit of Thousands of people will die, I will go suddenly surged up, and people immediately did not hesitate. The spear merges into one, sacrificing one's life in one blow.

The red tassel spear and the green dragon probe the claws.

Lengyue's knife slashed Huashan with force, and the force of the blade poured out to both sides along the tip of the spear.


The slightly trembling sound of the intercourse between gold and iron was as loud as muffled thunder, and the sound shook ten miles away!

The next second, only a loud bang was heard.

The solid river embankment built with bluestone strips between them cracked horizontally. One end of the river cracked toward the river embankment with a crack one foot wide and ten meters wide. The other end fell into the river water and broke through ten meters of the river surface. Then it suddenly exploded, setting off a huge explosion. Several waves were more than ten meters high.

Faced with this almost powerful blow, all the spectators were so shocked that their pupils trembled. After opening their jaws, they forgot to retract them...

Yang Tiansheng and Li Jincheng on the river were almost knocked over by a wave higher than the others, and they didn't even care. They stared at the two people holding weapons on the bank, saying Fuck.

Time seemed to become extremely slow at this moment, and every second seemed extremely long.

I don't know how long it took, but I heard a ding sound, and the tip of the red tassel gun in Xiang Wudi's hand gently fell to the ground, bounced on the edge of the crack and then rolled into the crack...

Xiang Wudi suddenly exhaled a breath of turbid air, and a large amount of hot air spewed out from the pores all over his body.

He looked at Yang Ge blankly and asked in disbelief: Is this what you said...a half-move?

Yang Ge nodded: It's really just a half-move.

This move he learned from the Battle of Nanshawan is the essence of all men are destined to die, which may be heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather.

Heavier than Mount Tai... already has it.

Lighter than a feather is still waiting for him to get it.

Xiang Wudi looked disbelieving: You don't know how to lie to children, do you?

Yang Ge didn't answer and slowly sheathed the sword: What you just used was the 'Overlord Unarmor'?

Xiang Wudi nodded.

Yang Ge reached out and patted him on the shoulder: Your shooting skills are about to break into the house.

Xiang Wudi was startled, and then realized that Yang Erlang's level was actually far above his own... more than one level higher!

Seeing that he understood, Yang Ge smiled and pointed to the crack under his feet: You picked the land. Find someone to repair the embankment yourself. Don't cause trouble to others.

Xiang Wudi nodded solemnly: I will personally lead people to repair the river embankment, and then I will come to apologize to the folks here.

That's good.

Yang Ge nodded, jumped down from the river, and walked across the water toward the boat: We'll see you later.

Xiang Wudi slowly stood up straight, leaning on the iron rod, watching Yang Ge go away, and shouted loudly: The enmity between you and me will be settled now!

He knew in his heart that if Yang Erlang hadn't deflected the blade in time and released the sword energy horizontally, it wouldn't have been the river embankment and the river surface that were torn apart...

Regardless of whether the clan would seek revenge from Yang Erlang, Xiang Wudi didn't have the nerve to seek revenge from Yang Erlang again.

Hearing Xiang Wudi's shout, Yang Ge, who had just landed on the boat, turned around and waved to Xiang Wudi.

When the spectators saw this, they all clasped their fists and shouted loudly: Send off the second master!

Yang Ge on the other side also cupped his fists and handed them over...

The boat carried three arrogant young men holding red paper umbrellas as they cut through the waves and drifted away.

The onlookers on the river bank did not disperse, but started chatting enthusiastically.

Second Master's martial arts skills are almost catching up with that of 'Quan Zhen Sword Immortal' Li Qing, right?

Even if it is still worse, the gap must be extremely small. I guess even Daochang Li would not be able to say anything that would definitely defeat the second master after he saw the second master's sword.

Aren't you talking nonsense? Who is Daochang Li not 'slightly better'? When has he ever said that he is sure to win?

Isn't the second master always kind to others? He even hugged us just now. If it were other heroes, who would look at me twice?

The second master and Daozhang Li are still different. After all, Daozhang Li is an outsider. He has been famous for many years but has never touched a human life under the sword. But the second master...

What the hell do you mean? You only watch the Second Master kill people, but don't look at who the Second Master kills, right? If practicing martial arts is not for the purpose of hoeing the strong, helping the weak, and acting chivalrously, what is the difference between being an official? ?”

Are you an official?

I won't do it.

Can officials be good people?

How many good people can be officials?

Despicable (in unison)!

That's too far-fetched... How do you think Second Master and his friends practice their martial arts? I'm thinking that I'm quite diligent, so why do I still keep Qi Hai after practicing?

Haha, the second master Ren has not only practiced martial arts to the best in the world, but has also done so many great things that benefit the country and the people... Thinking about it like this, do you want to draw your sword and wipe your neck?

Is this the world of genius?

Can't compare, can't compare...

Let's just ask, is there a possibility that it is precisely because the second master has done so many great things that benefit the country and the people that he can practice martial arts to this level?

What you said is quite novel!

My master once said that when practicing martial arts, you must first cultivate your character, be upright and upright, and have a clear conscience. Only then can martial arts be upright and unobstructed. If you think about the great things that the second master has done, we are the same as Qi Hai. You and I are still fighting for a few liang. While Broi Yin was running around trying to survive, Erye Ren was already fighting for a way out for the people of several provinces. He then went to Jiangnan to kill corrupt officials, and then went to Jiangnan to fight against Japanese pirates and ensure peace along the coast... One after another, one after another, which one Are you not facing up to the difficulties? Which one is not enough to be upright? Even if it is you and me, if we can have this ambition and spirit, our martial arts will not be any worse, right?

Well said, brother, what's your surname? Where did your master come from?

I am Haoran Zhengqi Alliance Zhuo Ying, and my master is Cheng Dingjiang, the 'mountain whip'.

He is actually the disciple of Alliance Leader Cheng. It is true that a famous teacher makes a good disciple!

Ashamed, ashamed.

We are waiting to meet again today. How about we go into the city and find a wine shop to have a drink?

Let's go if we say we can!

Let's go together...

Crowds of people went to Qiantang County in droves.

From afar, he ordered his entourage to invite stonemasons to survey and repair the river embankment. Xiang Wudi looked back at the dispersed spectators and murmured thoughtfully: Cultivate martial arts first...

At this moment, he was particularly touched by this theory that seemed novel but seemed to be a commonplace upon further reflection.

What made Yang Erlang better than him was neither technique nor power.

But the mood, the spirit, the pattern...

Especially Yang Erlang's last knife, he clearly saw some scenes of the Battle of Nanshawan.

As a witness of the Battle of Nanshawan, Yang Erlang was able to realize from that battle that a sword as heavy as a mountain and as majestic as the sea was possible.

But he was still secretly enjoying his reputation as one of the Five Heroes of Zhoushan...

He suddenly thought about many things and sighed sincerely: That guy does have a sensitive but tough heart!


The three jars of wine collided together, and the crystal wine splashed everywhere.

The three brothers collapsed in the boat canopy, drinking heavily.

There is a fight!

Yang Tiansheng breathed out the smell of alcohol and laughed loudly: You can rest easy in Lianlianwu!

Li Jincheng raised the wine bowl to Yang Ge, raised his head and took another big sip... He did not say thank you.

Yang Ge also picked up the jug and took a sip, and then said softly with the smell of wine: This matter can only relieve the temporary difficulties of Lianlianwu. If you really want long-term peace and stability, you still have to work on yourselves.

Li Jincheng pondered for a moment, then nodded heavily and said: This time when I return to the dock, I will immediately retreat to the realm of return to truth. If I can't practice my true energy, I will never leave the retreat!

Yang Ge frowned: Your father's there really no room for recovery?

Li Jincheng sighed helplessly, held his eyes with one hand and said in a low voice: I won't hide it from you. My father said that his future has been cut off and he has even hurt himself. Even if he doesn't fight with others, at most he can still do it. Four or five years of longevity...

Yang Tiansheng sighed after hearing this, patted Li Jincheng's shoulder with one hand, and touched him with the wine bowl in the other.

Yang Ge looked at the two of them, and sighed and said slowly: Return to your true self...but you can't keep a family fortune as big as Huanwu!

Li Jincheng wiped the wine from the corner of his mouth and said with a forced smile: We can only take one step at a time... It's just that I was young and careless. I only wanted to eat, drink, have fun and do whatever I wanted under the shadow of my father, but I never thought about it. If this big tree like his falls down one day, where will our Lianlianwu and our Li family go?

After talking about it, his eyes darkened a lot.

Yang Ge was silent for a moment, brought up the wine bowl, touched it with Li Jincheng, and said lightly: I have something to say.

Li Jincheng waved his hand: You have helped our Lianlianwu enough, why bother bothering you all the time? Besides, such a big Lianlianwu can't always rely on you to support it. If I really can't keep the family business of Lianlianwu, what should I do? Just let it go, if you try hard to maintain it, it will be a drag!

Yang Tiansheng carelessly patted him on the shoulder again: Don't be so frustrated. If you really can't do anything, come to our Mingjiao. I will clear the way and turn your chain dock into an independent hall. You will still be in charge. At that time, except that part of the income from the water will be handed over to the general altar, it will be no different from what you are doing now.

Yang Ge rolled his eyes angrily: Do you want to listen to what you are saying? If his chain dock is branded as your Mingjiao, can the court still allow them to continue to control the canal waterways? It would be better to disband. If you go to Lianhuanwu, you can take the money and become a rich man with peace of mind, at least live in peace.

Yang Tiansheng said angrily: Do you look down on our Mingjiao?

Yang Ge: It's because you Mingjiao look down on the imperial court too much. The reason why the imperial court didn't suppress you to death is because the cost of suppressing you far exceeds the cost of keeping you. However, the cost of keeping you on any given day far exceeds the cost of suppressing you. The price is, if the court doesn’t kill you, I will write the character Yang upside down!

Yang Tiansheng was speechless... He had also heard this theory from his father.


Seeing both of them drinking wine in a depressed manner, Yang Ge brought up the wine bowl and touched it with the two of them respectively: Don't worry about things that haven't happened yet. Who knows what direction the world will develop? Maybe one day the court will I suddenly want to spend a lot of money to recruit your Mingjiao? Maybe Jincheng suddenly enlightens, his martial arts improves by leaps and bounds, and he joins the list of heroes in the world in two or three years? Do your best, obey fate, and let nature take its course!

After the three of them drank a large sip of wine, Li Jincheng turned to say: Don't just talk about us. No matter how bad we are, we still have this little life in front of us. What about you? What are you going to do after you kill King Ning? You can’t just spend your whole life hiding here and there, right?”

It comes back to the issue of cost.

Yang Gemo held the wine cup and said calmly: After I killed Prince Ning, in order to prevent me from endangering his throne and country, and to scare the monkeys, the emperor would definitely send a large number of masters to hunt me down. But Once I really have the power to shake his throne and his empire, he should send someone to negotiate peace with me...just like your Ming Sect and White Lotus Sect!

Peerless Grandmaster?

Yang Tiansheng looked him up and down suspiciously: Can you last until then?

Yang Ge told him that he had understood the way of the master.

He also believed that Yang Ge would not lie to him.

But even if it’s the Tongtian Avenue, you still have to spend time and energy to walk it, right?

to be honest……

Yang Ge replied: I'm actually not sure myself, but it doesn't matter. At worst, I'll get a boat and go to Japan for a tour. It's not rude to come and go!

What the hell?

Yang Tiansheng's eyes widened suddenly: Have you thought about it a long time ago? You thief, you didn't say a word about such a big thing!

Yang Ge smiled faintly and said: I won't leave in a short time. I have to give the emperor a chance to vent his anger, right? Otherwise, if I chop up Prince Ning and leave, if I can't protect him, he will have to spread evil fire to the people related to me. By the way, let’s teach him a lesson!”

Yang Tiansheng scratched his head hard when he heard this: You... are even more rebellious than us! Who was the blind and unlucky guy who recruited you, a fool, into the embroidered clothes guard?

When Yang Ge heard this, his eyes seemed to have caught sight of the unlucky guy standing in the lobby of Beizhen Fusi Office in advance, beating his chest and feet with remorse, incompetent and furious, and a faint smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

I told you to take care of me in the first place!

Deserve it!

With a smile on his face, he mentioned drinking in the wine bar and replied: If I really want to go to Japan to be happy, I will definitely call you. I have long heard that the gold and silver mines there are extremely rich. We two brothers are partners. If you go there and work for a big job, you will have food and drink for the rest of your life!

It is certain that the unlucky guy from Beizhen Prefecture will be implicated by him.

But Emperor Xiping had an idea of ​​what was going on, so he wouldn't really behead him anyway... The head of the second son of the Shen family was not that easy to behead.

As long as you don't die, you'll have to eat some food, wear some small shoes, and be demoted two levels. That's all it should be. Isn't a creature like the boss just for taking the blame?


Yang Tiansheng's eyes lit up: Then I'm just waiting for you to believe me. Don't eat alone!

Li Jincheng also said quickly: Call me, call me. I know how to sail a boat, and I have many people who are good at water. Take me with you, and you can grab more!

Yang Ge smiled and raised the wine bowl: It's easy to say, it's better to have fun alone than to have fun with the crowd!

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