Peach and plum spring breeze and a glass of wine

Chapter 147: Kill the chicken to scare the monkey (please vote for me)

Prince Ning's head was hung on the west wall of Ninghai County that day, and he enjoyed the same high treatment as Geng Jingzhong and his son.

‘The leader of Ning Wang and Zhao Liang, the mastermind behind the corruption of officials in Jiangsu and Zhejiang’.

Those who colluded with Japanese pirates to harm their compatriots died without intact bodies - Zhang Muzhiliu. ’

Using the city wall as the cloth and the Lengyue knife as the pen, Yang Ge personally nailed Zhao Liang to the pillar of shame in history and will be infamous for thousands of years!

As soon as he finished these things, he approached Prince Qianning's palace, armed with sword guards and sharp soldiers, and killed them at the gate of the west city.

After they erected shield walls inside and outside the city gate, set up artillery, and set up bow formations to aim at the city head, they sent a large and round messenger to stand up and shout to Yang Ge: Yang Erlang...

Before I get angry, I don't want to implicate the innocent.

Yang Ge's faint voice came from the top of the city: You all disperse on your own, otherwise... I have killed Zhao Liang, and I don't care about killing a few more. What do you think? His Royal Highness Zhao Hao, Prince Ning's eldest son!

After he finished speaking, a slender figure wearing infantry armor and a fine iron mask, protected by a large group of armored soldiers wearing the same infantry armor, slowly moved to the back of the shield formation, furious. He cursed at the top of the city: You, Yang Erlang, claim to be selfless and jealous of evil, how could you do such an inhumane deed of humiliating the body of his late father in front of the Son of Man? Such an approach is no different from that of an animal!

Yang Ge: If you are illiterate, you can find a literate person to read the words on the wall to you... I'm warning you for the last time. I won't kill you, not because you don't deserve to die, but because I don't want to be like your father and son. You are so cruel and inhumane, if you dare to bark any more, even if I chase you to the ends of the world, I will make you and your son reunite in the eighteenth level of hell! If you don’t believe me, just give it a try!

The man with the iron mask replied angrily: What's the difference between you humiliating Prince Ning's house and killing everyone in Prince Ning's house?

Yang Ge laughed out loud, shook his hand and chopped off a series of sword energy, which was like practicing, and landed in front of the shield formation.


The bluestone ground tore apart, and the flying stone fragments hit the shield wall, making a crackling explosion.

Yang Ge: Get out!

The man in the iron mask shook his head and stood there for a long time, looking up at the top of the city, but in the end he did not dare to say another word.

If the lives of these thousand sword-wielding guards and sharp soldiers could be exchanged for his father's head, he would not even blink an eyelid even if these thousand men and horses were put on top of the city!

No, even if he couldn't get his father's head back, but could only get a peace of mind and a good reputation as a filial son, he still wouldn't blink an eyelid!

But Yang Erlang directly pointed the finger at him...

He doesn't dare to take risks at all!

Because Yang Erlang said he would kill him, and he really knew how to kill him.

His poor old father is proof!

Just like that, the Iron Mask man came with a thousand men and horses aggressively, abandoned the thousand men and left in despair, without even daring to say a harsh word.

The artillery and bow formations that had been set up were all reduced to decoration.

The sun sets.

Yang Ge sat on the arrow stack, facing the setting sun that was as red as blood, swinging his long legs in boredom, gnawing dry food in the clear water, and watching a large number of people wearing commoners riding tall and strong horses. The sturdy knights poured out from the south city gate and the north city gate, whipping their horses wildly and diving into the setting sun, looking as panicked as if the sky was about to collapse.

Are you going to pass by Luting...

He lowered his eyelids and murmured to himself in a low voice: Can you go see my little yellow for me and tell it for me that maybe, maybe, maybe... daddy can't come back.

Yang Ge, surrounded by a thousand sword-wielding guards and sharp soldiers, sat quietly on the top of the city for a whole day and night.

It wasn't until dusk the next day that he jumped out of the city wall, and disappeared into the faint twilight of the wilderness step by step under the watch of thousands of people.

At the right time, Yang Erlang appeared in Ninghai under the pseudonym Zhang Muzhi, cut off the head of Ning Wang Zhao Liang in the street, and hung it outside the gate of Ninghai. Together with the two sentences on the wall of the west gate of Ninghai, the news spread like a virus and crazily attacked the city in all directions. Wherever they go, they quickly occupy the high ground of public opinion in that area with overwhelming absolute advantages.

Before that, Prince Ning was generally doing well in the Jiangsu and Zhejiang areas.

Because the wrong voices had already fallen outside the mainstream voices due to the double blow of Prince Ning and Zhejiang Party officials.

But now, the name Yang Erlang appears together with Prince Ning's reputation.

The emperor’s life is at stake...

No one dares to suppress it.

No one can suppress it.

At the same time, the old stories that had been suppressed by Prince Ning and local government officials into a no-man's land were also revealed by the people of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, who confirmed each other and passed them on word of mouth.

Heinous old stories, including Prince Ning's private organization of overseas smuggling fleets, colluding with Japanese pirates to plunder the southeastern coast and taking the opportunity to seize the means of production of various industries, amassing money and land, killing people and selling goods, have all been retold and exposed to the world!

Prince Ning's method of covering the sky with one hand was actually very clever.

He used the Wei Dynasty to gain huge maritime business interests, then used the huge maritime business interests to win over the entire Jiangsu and Zhejiang officialdom, and then turned around and used the entire Jiangsu and Zhejiang officialdom to maintain and expand the huge maritime interests for him.

In other words, while using the productivity of the people of Jiangsu and Zhejiang to gain huge profits, he is also using the profits to tie the entire Jiangsu and Zhejiang officialdom to his chariot. Finally, he uses the entire Jiangsu and Zhejiang officialdom as a white glove to isolate people's complaints and continue to squeeze the productivity of the people of Jiangsu and Zhejiang... A very perfect closed loop of benefits!

Under this closed loop of interests, even though the whole of Jiangsu and Zhejiang has been exploited by him like a hungry and cold-blooded baby, he is still the carefree and well-known Prince Ning, who walks through thousands of flowers without touching a single leaf!

With this perfect closed loop of interests, it is difficult for those numerous skeletons deposited under the path of King Ning’s chariot to be exposed to the eyes of the people at the bottom...

How many bones were deposited under King Ning's chariot?

As we all know, the Wei Dynasty had a three-piece overseas trade: tea, silk, and porcelain.

These three trades accounted for such a large proportion in the overall commercial trade in Jiangsu and Zhejiang. King Ning ate up how many people in Jiangsu and Zhejiang were eaten alive!

Coupled with the unintentional consequences of Prince Ning's far-sighted and generous efforts, as well as the negative consequences caused by his allies and partners who exerted their subjective initiative for group interests, it can be said that most of the man-made disasters in Jiangsu and Zhejiang can be traced back to Prince Ning. on the body.

Not a year.

But more than twenty years!

Until now...

Prince Ning is dead, as dead as a dog.

The person who took action was Yang Erlang, a top figure in Jiangsu and Zhejiang who was both human and spiritual.

What's even worse is that the officialdom in Jiangsu and Zhejiang that Prince Ning spent a lot of effort to win over collapsed last year...

After a three-pronged approach, those decayed skeletons finally came to light.

They are layer upon layer, endless, as numerous as if they were all fake.

But upon closer inspection, it is clear that there are relatives and friends, neighbors and acquaintances, and even you, me and others...

Faced with irrefutable evidence one after another, Prince Ning's reputation in Jiangsu and Zhejiang took a turn for the worse.

It was like a gust of wind blew by, and the well-known King Ning disappeared.

What replaced it was a piece of stinky dog ​​shit that was also named Ning Wang but had a terrible stench, and a street rat that was also named Ning Wang but everyone yelled and beat and everyone gnashed their teeth...

Later, in any city in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, whenever Prince Ning was mentioned, if the people present did not gnash their teeth and curse Mother Xipi, they would immediately attract a strange look and even have a quarrel on the spot: You even Even if Prince Ning doesn’t scold you, what exactly are you? ’

This public opinion offensive did not stop after it captured the entire Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces, and continued to spread to other provincial roads.

Although the people in other provinces and highways do not feel the same pain as the people in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, most people will spit out thick phlegm with contempt on their faces after hearing the whole story!

As another protagonist of this public opinion offensive, Yang Erlang was respected as much as Prince Ning was hated.

Prince Ning was scolded everywhere, but Yang Erlang was rarely mentioned anywhere.

Occasionally someone would quickly mention words related to two, and they would be immediately stopped by the people around them.

Even those hard-working men who didn’t know the word “一” when their poles fell down knew in their hearts: ‘What the Second Master did this time… was a big deal! ’

Therefore, they wishfully used this clumsiest and simplest method to protect their second master.

As if they all denounced Prince Ning together, as if no one of them mentioned the second master...

The one in the Jinluan Palace would only focus on the countless and heinous things that Prince Ning had done, and let their second master go.

This stubborn donkey really makes people love and hate him at the same time!

In the Ziwei Palace and the Huangji Palace, Emperor Xiping, who was wearing a dragon robe with twelve chapters and a narrow sleeve and a round collar, was sitting on the dragon chair. He looked at the two memorials open on the imperial desk and murmured to himself with a chuckle.

The faint murmur of laughter echoed faintly in the empty hall, and fell into the ears of the three people bowing under the golden steps, but it was like the sound of a roaring mountain and a tsunami!

The three of them trembled together and lowered their heads in silence.

These three people are all wearing vermilion four-clawed python robes.

The man in the middle has a childlike face, a broad heart, and a plump body. The corners of his eyes and mouth are full of wrinkles carved from smile lines. Anyone who doesn't recognize him will feel doubly friendly when they meet him for the first time. He is as kind as a mother-in-law.

But as the saying goes, the man is actually Huang Jin, the eunuch in charge of the ceremony and the governor of the East Factory, who was privately called the Yellow-throated Sable by the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty.

As we all know, the yellow-throated marten is a very ferocious animal that bites the throat of its prey without letting go. It can hunt large prey dozens of times heavier than itself... a cute little animal!

On the left side of Huang Jin is Wei Heng, the newly promoted eunuch of the West Factory who grew a beard as a eunuch.

On the right side of Huang Jin was Shen Fa, the commander of the Embroidered Guards, who had a scar over his left eye, but it did not diminish his appearance at all, but made him look a bit more monstrous.

The heads of the three major secret service agencies of the Great Wei Dynasty gathered together.

Planned edict...

There was silence in Huangji Hall for a long time, and Emperor Xiping finally spoke again.

The three His Highnesses stood up together and shouted: Weak ministers listen to your orders!

Emperor Xiping said calmly: Hereby is Yang Erlang, a guard in embroidered clothes and black clothes, who left his post without permission, knew the law and violated the law. Without the trial of the Three Laws Division, he used lynching to kill an important minister from the first rank of Guanglu, Geng Jingzhong, and also killed My imperial uncle Ning Wang Zhao Liang desecrated and damaged the body of Ning Wang. This is a treason and an unforgivable crime. I immediately drafted a sea arrest document in Dongchang and sent it to all provinces, prefectures and counties. I will reward you with a hundred thousand taels of silver. I will make every effort to capture this unforgivable person. Any thief who brings Yang Erlang's head to the government will be given a third-grade civil and military certificate to report him, and Yinzi and his father...I appreciate this!

The hearts of the three His Highnesses were violently shaken, and they clasped their hands without hesitation and shouted in unison: I obey the decree, long live my emperor!

After the three people's shouts suddenly stopped, Emperor Xiping took off the jade pendant from his waist and handed it to Xiao Huangmen beside him. He said calmly: Huang Jin, with my imperial order, has promoted the Xichang, Xiuyiwei, and Punishment Departments. , the Supervisory Office, and Dali Temple are fully cooperating, dispatching capable personnel, and doing their best to capture Yang Erlang and bring him to justice, regardless of life or death... Within three months, I want to see the result!

The three His Highnesses clasped their hands again and said: I obey the decree, long live my emperor!

Emperor Xiping waved his hand and said, You should hurry up and go on your errands. I will wait for your success.

Three people: Here!

The three of them bowed and exited the Huangji Hall. Emperor Xiping's cold eyes stared at Shen Fe who was sweating profusely. After a moment, his eyes softened slightly.

He also knew that Shen Fa was not entirely to blame for things reaching this point.

Shen Fa promoted Yang Ge's stubborn donkey to join the Xiuyi Guards out of a desire to be loyal to the emperor and serve the country. Shen Fa had indeed remonstrated many times before and reinstated the stubborn donkey to his official post.


At this thought, Emperor Xiping sighed quietly... What a useful tiger-head guillotine, why is he so unruly?

But immediately, he extinguished the small flame of regret in his heart, once again picked up the two memorials on the imperial desk and selected them, put down the one on the right, picked up the one on the left with both hands, and opened it, eagerly Read it carefully and chew it word by word.

I saw the first sentence in the title of the memorial in his hand: 'Open your eyes and see the world. '

Even though he had read this memorial for no less than the tenth time, Emperor Xiping couldn't help but sigh again when he was halfway through it. The small flame in his heart had just been extinguished and it was threatening to come back.

Although he had never met the stubborn donkey...

But Emperor Xiping knew that the stubborn donkey was not telling this memorial to King Ning, but to him.

He also knew that the stubborn donkey was about to deliver the book Open Your Eyes to See the World, which would be of great use to the contemporary and future generations, in his hands. He turned around and chopped Prince Ning into four pieces in the street, and showed his head to the public. , in fact, she was telling him: 'I have no ill intentions towards you, and I have no idea about your empire. I only care about Prince Ning. From now on, you take your Yangguan Road, and I will cross my single-plank bridge...'

He even knew that the stubborn donkey must also know that once he touched Prince Ning, no matter whether Prince Ning should die or not, and whether he wanted to kill him or not, he would definitely kill the chicken to scare the monkeys at all costs.

Look, Emperor Xiping knows everything.

However, he still had to... kill the chicken to scare the monkey at all costs!

Even though he knew that it would be difficult to capture the stubborn donkey and show his head to the public, he still had to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys!

This case cannot be opened!

You said you...

He rubbed the memorial in his hand lovingly, and the regret that had just been extinguished in his heart had the tendency to sweep over him again: 'If only, if only then...'


He put down the memorial in his hand that he couldn't put down without any interest, looked directly at the dome of the hall with unfocused eyes and murmured to himself: You are not that short-sighted fool, why can't you bear the anger for a moment?

Your shopkeeper gave you a job as a waiter, and you try your best not to repay the favor.

The civil and military officials of this court kneeled down at the palace gate to kill you. I did not hesitate to turn against you, but I tried my best to protect you!

You have been demoted to a cook, but I didn't forget to give you a New Year's Eve, and even ordered someone to deliver it to you!

Even when you killed Geng Jingzhong and his son, I turned a blind eye and thought I didn't know anything anymore...

Why don't you want to remember me better?

You are a bitch, you are a bitch, you are ungrateful, you have no king or father, you are not a son of man...

On the other side, Shen Fa and Wei Heng, who had finished dealing with Huang Jin with smiles on their faces, turned around and their expressions turned bitter.

what to do?

Wei Heng glanced at Shen Fa, gritted his teeth and spit out a sound like a mosquito from the corner of his mouth: Really follow that old bastard to fight with that little bastard? That little bastard is probably going crazy right now. If we If we go, he won’t care who among us is the admiral of the West Factory or the commander of the Embroidery Guard!

Shen Fa's face darkened. He suspected that this dead eunuch was trying to hide himself, and he already had the evidence: The Good Cult Overlord knows, only we...not you!

Wei Heng was stunned, and then said angrily: You still want to give up on the mess you made? That little bastard really wants to kill the Zajia, the Zajia will strangle you to death first!

Shen Fa became angry from shame and thought: 'Am I a fake commander? How come everyone is shitting and peeing on my head? ’

What do you mean the mess I made?

He roared in a low voice: Is it me who took away Toad's official position? Is it because I refused to reinstate his official position? Is it because I refused to go to the south of the Yangtze River to bring him back?

Don't say these are useless!

Wei Heng waved his hands impatiently: Let's talk about what to do. That little bastard is going crazy when he does things, but he never does anything he's not sure about. If he dared to kill Prince Ning, there's no way he didn't expect us to go south. Catch him and bring him to justice. Since he still dares to kill, it means that he must have something to do. If we just rush forward with our eyes darkened, we will be severely maimed even if we don't die!

Shen Fa was even more impatient than him: It's useless for you to tell me these things. I'm already guilty, and it's too late to make up for my past mistakes. How can I have the energy to think about other things... I should talk to Eunuch Huang about your words. By the way, you two are both from the palace, so it should be easier for you to talk!

Wei Heng frowned, took a deep breath, and said solemnly: The Za family and the old Papi are not the same miserable people, so I have nothing to say.

Shen Fa took a deep look at him. It was well known to everyone in the palace that the eunuchs in the palace were fighting among themselves and killing people without blood. It was not a strange thing, but it was indeed the first time today that he learned that the governor of the East Factory and the governor of the West Factory The master was actually a eunuch from two eunuch factions.

But this is correct, otherwise we already have the East Factory, why would we build another West Factory?

Accompanying you is like accompanying a tiger!

But I don't remember, you and I are the same person...

Shen Fa calmly replied: If you and I have a heart-to-heart relationship, and you always play tricks on me, and then turn around and sell me to Eunuch Huang, wouldn't I be entering the wrong ancestral hall and crying in the wrong grave?

Wei Heng glanced at him and said with a warm smile: Little guy, you are not big, but you are quite clever... But you'd better be more straightforward. With the Za family's understanding of the old Papi, he thought of that little guy. After finding out the details about the bastard, the first one has to make a fuss about Luting Yuelai Inn!

Shen Fa's face suddenly turned serious and he said in a deep voice: We'd better teach him to weigh the consequences. That guy dares to kill even Prince Ning now. If we really touch Yuelai Inn, that guy will have to go to the capital if he turns around!

Wei Heng: The Za family has the same view... So tell me, what should we do? If we don't put in the work, then three months later we can justifiably overthrow the old robber as the governor of the East Factory?

better not.

Shen Fa shook his head slightly, moved his lips and said in a low voice: With such a large-scale imperial mission, it would be too eye-catching for both our families to be unable to work. Once someone stabs the official family... You and I can’t finish our meal and walk away!”

Wei Heng frowned and thought for a long time before nodding in agreement: Then what do you think we should do?

Shen Fa looked around and said in a low voice: If you really want to follow my advice...our two families can do whatever they want!

Wei Heng:? ? ?

Shen Fa: Think carefully, what did the officials say in the imperial edict and oral instructions just now?

Wei Heng replied without hesitation: Is there an embroidered guard, a black suit, and a cavalry Yang Erlang... Yang Erlang?

He suddenly raised his eyelids, as if he had discovered something special.

Do you understand? The person your Majesty wants to arrest and bring to justice is Yang Erlang!

Shen Fa moved his lips without squinting and said in a clear voice: What does it have to do with Yang Ge at Yuelai Inn?

Yang Ge has many external vests, such as Yang Erlang, Zhang Mazi, Wu Yanzu, Ding Xiu, and recently he created Zhang Muzhi.

Even in official documents, the pseudonym Yang Erlang is mostly used.

But those who really know the details of Yang Ge know that his real name is Yang Ge.

He also knew that his real identity, which he valued most, was actually the owner of the Yuelai Inn.

Emperor Xiping obviously knew the details of Yang Ge.

But on the occasion of such a quarrel, he spoke of Yang Erlang... He didn't mention Yang Ge even once!

Once it may be a slip of the tongue, twice it may be a mistake, and if it is the same every time, it must not be a coincidence.


Wei Heng understood what Shen Fa wanted to express, but he still frowned: It's not much of a difference, right?

The only difference he could think of was that there was Yuelai Inn.

He thought this was normal. For a genius who was approaching the level of a peerless master at a young age, who would dare to really push him to death before killing him?

Not leaving room for others means forcing others to leave no room for yourself.

Shen Fa: There is a big difference. Yang Ge is Yang Ge and Yang Erlang is Yang Erlang. The court went to sea to capture documents and arrested Yang Erlang, not Yang Ge... Please think carefully about the official's oral instructions.

Wei Heng frowned and silently recited the official instructions from the beginning one by one...

Shen Fa: You didn't realize that something was wrong?

Wei Heng shook his head in confusion.

Shen Fa whispered: If the officials really leave no room, how could they forget your horse supervisor?

Wei Heng was stunned for a second, and his heart suddenly became enlightened.

This may be a fan of the authorities. He himself came from the Royal Horse Prison. Because he knew the Royal Horse Prison so well, he instinctively ignored the Royal Horse Prison.

The so-called Royal Horse Prison is nominally an inner government office that raises horses for the officials, but in fact it is the highest garrison force in the Ziwei Palace in charge of the inner secret guards. The elders of the two dynasties and the three dynasties in the palace have long withdrawn from the competition for power in the inner court. The elders and even the ancestors of the eunuchs of the Wei Dynasty who were left over from the Taizu dynasty are all hiding in the Royal Horse Prison to take care of their old age, and there are many peerless master-level beings among them...

Perhaps it is because eunuchs have lost worldly desires after castration, and being free from desires is more conducive to health.

Or maybe it's because many eunuchs were castrated as boys when they were young, so it's easier to achieve success by practicing boy skills.

Anyway, most of the eunuchs who are successful in martial arts have a lifespan far longer than ordinary people. Those in the outside world who are in their seventies or eighties can only be regarded as grandsons when they go to the Royal Horse Prison. They have to sit at the children's table to eat...

And those ancestors of the Royal Horse Prison are the highest military force in the Kingdom of Wei, and they are also the strongest combat power of Wei in deterring foreign enemies!

If they hadn't been in charge of Ziwei Palace, this forbidden area would have become the back garden of generations of great masters, allowing them to come and leave as they pleased.

If the officials really want to kill that little bastard Yang Ge at all costs to scare the monkeys, even if they forget all the three offices in the inner court and the three law offices in the outer court, they should never forget the Royal Horse Prison!

The Royal Horse Prison can't come out. With the few pieces of information we have, it's obviously very difficult to capture that toad.

Shen Fa said in a low voice: So we don't have to think about how to work hard, we can just perform normally. When three months are up, we will go back to Beijing!

The three yamen of the inner court and the three judicial departments of the outer court, together with the sea fishing documents of one hundred thousand taels of silver...

Even if we still can't take down the toad, it's not because the imperial court is not determined or powerful enough.

But that toad is stronger!

At this point, he lowered his voice again and said in a voice that only two people could hear: A seven-level super strong man whose combat power is infinitely close to that of a peerless grandmaster, even if he kills a vassal king who has done many evil things and cares about human can he do it? how?

The White Lotus Sect and the Ming Sect have been raising their rebel flags for hundreds of years, and no one dynasty or generation has really been able to do anything to them...

He learned from Fang Ke in advance about Yang Ge's plan to attack Prince Ning, so he naturally thought more comprehensively and thoroughly than Wei Heng and others.

Wei Heng stared blankly at the fox-like face in front of him, and gave him a thumbs up with conviction: No wonder you and that little bastard can pee in the same pot!

Shen Fa glanced at him and felt that this dead eunuch was cursing him in a roundabout way... Is that reckless man who only knows how to kill people with a knife worthy of being compared with him as a 'jade-faced fox'?

But at this moment, he was not in the mood to bid farewell to Wei Heng, and continued: The most urgent task is to protect the Luting Yuelai Inn... The old shopkeeper is the last rope to tie up the toad. If he There are three advantages and two disadvantages. From now on, all of us have to dig a hole and hide ourselves tightly, otherwise we will die if we show up!

After a pause, he added hesitantly: And based on my understanding of that toad, if he dares to do such a heavy hand this time, he must have made great progress in martial arts... Don't force him, don't force him. , I suspect that if we push that guy again, he will really become a peerless master!

Wei Heng's eyes almost popped out of his head at his words, and he said in a broken voice: Can you still force that thing out of the peerless master?

Others don't know how difficult it is to climb the towering and dangerous peak of the Peerless Grandmaster's Realm. How could he, a master who has climbed halfway up the mountain after climbing for more than 40 years with a boy's body, still not know?

You don't understand about peerless geniuses!

Shen Fa shook his head like a rattle: Can you imagine that two years ago, that guy was just a waiter with some brute strength who was almost cornered by a trained bodyguard?

At that time, he could crush ten Yang Ge to death with one hand!

And now, Yang Ge can crush ten of them to death with one hand!

It's only been two years...

No normal person would really push this kind of peerless genius to death.

As the saying goes: Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the eventuality.

What if? What if we force out a ruthless person who confiscates homes, exterminates clans, and massacres cities and countries?


After Shen Fa said this, Wei Heng immediately remembered that a year and a half ago, he had beaten Yang Erlang and Yang Tiansheng one against two, and they were jumping up and down, rolling and crawling. As a result, less than half a year later, he couldn't. Looking directly at Yang Ge's murderous eyes again, he couldn't bear to look back at the past: The Za family has lived like a dog for a long time!

Shen Fa's eyes were not squinting, but the upturned corners of his mouth were harder to suppress than AK.

Wei Heng glanced at him and said disdainfully: The Za family is still alive to a dog, what about you? Even a dog can't afford to lose this person... Do you want to ask the Za family to teach you the golden bell? When that little bastard comes to Beijing and beats you up, you can get a few more punches, right? The dignified commander of the embroidered uniform guards was beaten to a bruised nose and face every three days. In the end, it was the officials who were embarrassed.

Shen Fa's eyes widened in an instant, he grabbed his wrist, and shouted loudly: Wow, wow, that toad's golden bell, it turns out you, the old bastard, taught you that?

Wei Heng: ‘That’s bad, I spilled the beans! ’

A chapter of nearly 8,000 words, with more updates~

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