Zhou Fu is an honest man worthy of Yang Ge's kindness.

After Yang Ge pointed out that the Japanese slaves joining the army, Xiaobuxiaoying Camp, were of no importance, and asked him to coordinate the Japanese slaves joining the army, samurai at all levels, and suppress Xiaoying camp just to temper his essence.

Zhou Fu did not relax his vigilance and watch the show just because the Japanese slaves were insignificant at Xiaoying Camp. Instead, he was more diligent than before. He patrolled the camp with translators day and night for two or three days in a row, comforted the warriors at all levels, and actively He asked Yang Ge for advice on the art of making compromises in drawing cakes and drawing on opposition, and tried his best to stabilize the camp.

However, it is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without straw, and no matter how good the art of painting a cake is, it cannot defeat the terrifying survival instinct of the upright ape!

The Japanese slave army's camp finally collapsed on the fifth day when they were putting out food before nightfall in Tajima Kingdom.

A ninth-level warrior who had all his rations robbed by his immediate superior, with ten slaves under his command, attacked another ninth-level warrior and robbed them of all their rations...

He thought he was doing it secretly, but when the aroma of cooking food came from their tent, the Japanese warriors of all levels who had been watching for a long time without waiting for the first-level Chinese warriors to intervene finally couldn't hold back the feeling in their hearts. The hungry beast with red eyes pulled out its sharp steel knife and swung it at the comrades who were fighting side by side a few days ago.

The sound of killing swept through the entire camp.

There were hysterical roars and wails everywhere.

There was the muffled sound of sharp blades cutting flesh everywhere.

Japanese slave soldiers were everywhere.

Clash of swords and guns.

The flag fell.

The tent burned.

Some Japanese slaves grabbed bloody food and swallowed it directly with snow in their stomachs without even daring to cook it.

Some Japanese slaves had just swallowed grain and snow in their stomachs, and were disemboweled by other Japanese slaves.

Some Japanese slaves not only failed to steal the food of other Japanese slaves, but even became the food of other Japanese slaves...

On this night, the nine-level samurai system established under the cruel and violent rule, instead of falling apart, became more solid and indestructible.

Because the low-level Japanese slaves can only protect themselves from becoming food in the pot of other Japanese slaves by completely obeying the more powerful and larger warriors.

When the snowball effect occurs, no Japanese slave can stay away...

Can't hold it down!

Totally unstoppable!

Zhou Fu led the Twelve Earthly Branches to kill three samurai groups who took the opportunity to cause trouble. Instead of controlling the chaotic situation, they pushed themselves into a very dangerous situation. Wherever they passed, the Japanese slaves who were causing trouble were everywhere. They all secretly observed them with a very dangerous look, as if they were weighing whether their own strength could take down this domineering Chinese Shangguan...

The Japanese slaves who joined the army were not without reverence.

It's a pity that the Japanese slaves who joined the army were never in awe of Zhou Fu and others who directly managed them.

What's even more pity is that the Japanese slaves and soldiers are not face blind. They recognize the face that is wrapped in thousands of golden lights every time, and is as handsome as a god descending from the earth.

As a veteran general in the army, Zhou Fu was very keenly aware of this dangerous aura, and decisively gave up the useless attempt to suppress Xiaoying, and retreated to Yang Ge's military tent with the support of the Twelve Earthly Branches.

As a result, when he opened the curtain of Yang Ge's tent, he suddenly discovered that the brothers from Xichang and Xiuyiwei had long been crowded in the warm military tent, sitting on the floor with steaming meat porridge and sipping sips. Seeing him come in, Liu Tang held up the porridge bowl in his hand and laughed and asked him why he came...

He looked again at the iron porridge pot set up in the center of the military tent, which was larger than a water tank and boiling with white hot steam. The dreamy feeling that seemed to span two worlds in one step became even more intense. Got it!

When the heat wave and the salty aroma of meat porridge hit Zhou Fu's face, he felt like he suddenly woke up from a long nightmare. The anxiety and suffering in his heart disappeared in an instant, and then he felt so stupid and so stupid. of……

Are you tired of shouting?

Yang Ge filled a bowl of steaming meat porridge with his own hands and stuffed it into his hand: Find a place to sit by yourself and wait until daybreak...relax, you have done your best.

He gently patted Zhou Fu on the shoulder, turned his face and waved to the twelve earthly branches and pirate translators behind him: What are you still waiting for? Come in and sit down!

The Twelve Earthly Branches and the pirate translators filed into the military tent with their hands folded, and their hearts were filled with the same absurd and dreamy feelings as Zhou Fu's.

The curtains fell again, once again isolating the lively banquet that was as warm as spring from the ice and snow where roars and screams from the outside world came one after another.

All night long, Zhou Fu was confused and didn't know what he was thinking...

When the tent curtain was raised again, a foot of gloomy skylight reflecting a bit of scarlet color entered the tent. He suddenly said to Yang Ge: Second Master, if we do this... is it too much?

God knows, he doesn't even know why he's asking this.

But he just asked this sentence without hesitation.

After his words fell, the military tent became audibly quiet for a moment. Everyone turned their eyes to Yang Ge, as if expecting him to give an explanation.

They do all need an explanation.

Even if this explanation is not that reasonable.

But as long as there is...

They can then pick up their spirits and move on.

Yang Ge raised his gaze from the lone ancient book in his hand, looked at Zhou Fu, and then scanned every chapped and dirty face in the tent, and every pair of muddy but clear eyes.

He pondered for a long time.

It lasted so long that everyone in the military tent felt as if they had endured three long winters.

I'm quite happy for you that you asked this question.

He spoke softly, speaking very slowly and in a gentle tone, but it gave people a very powerful feeling: This means that the books you have read are not in vain, and it means that the education you have received is not in vain. , you have a conscience, you have morals, you have to understand what tolerance is...

He paused, and then said slowly: I actually want to tell you all the atrocities the Japanese pirates once committed in my hometown, so that you can also know what a despicable person this is. , a cruel nation, but I can’t say it, and I can’t say it to anyone. In this world, I’m probably the only one who knows those things...

But it doesn't matter, even if I am the only one who still knows, the only one who still remembers, the only one who still exists...those atrocities will not disappear!

All I can tell you is that the atrocities they committed made me believe that only a dead Japanese pirate can be a good Japanese pirate.

For all the Japanese pirates who are still alive, no matter how kind, innocent, and submissive they appear... I always feel that this is a strategy, a way to deceive us, numb us, and get close to us, so that he can use it next time. Weapons set foot on our hometown, and then do the evil deeds they have done to our fellow villagers, and do the evil deeds they still want to do to our fellow citizens now!

You may think that I am here to avoid future troubles, or you may think that I am simply here to vent the bad anger in my chest!

Japan... I'm determined to kill him!

You all followed my invitation and my order to come here and do this!

If there really are eighteen levels of hell in this world, all the sins will be attributed to me, Yang Erlang!

It has nothing to do with you!

In addition, I would like to say one more thing to all of you here...

Kindness can be given to your own people or to strangers you meet by chance.

You can't give it to the enemy alone! Give it to the enemy!

They don't deserve it!

You... don't necessarily ration it!

I've finished speaking. Ahead is Heian Jing.

Brothers who are willing to accompany me on this journey, let's bring our weapons and go together to see how much the Ping An Jing built by the Japanese pirates is modeled after our Chang'an and Luoyang.

You can't go against your own conscience, and I still thank you for accompanying me here. This trip has been a complete success, and I have gained both fame and fortune. You can go home here and see you again in the world.

After saying that, he stood up and walked up to the military tent, grabbed the Lengyue sword and tied it to his waist, turned around and strode out of the military tent in a meteoric step.

The twelve earthly branches took the lead in keeping up with Yang Ge's pace, and the twelve people's pace was like one person.

Liu Tang, the embroidered guard, kicked over the table in front of him, stood up, spit out a mouthful of phlegm, and said loudly: Old Liu, we don't understand any big principles, but our family members have to help their own people to understand. We, old Liu Men'er, clear!

As he spoke, he took the gilded oxtail knife and struck at Yang Ge's back: Brothers, he is a man with a handle, just follow him!

He chased out of the military tent with large strides, and the six people in the Xiuyi Guards followed suit.

Xichang Nangong Feiying quickly got up and chased after him, shouting curses as he walked: Liu Tang, who are you scolding like this? All the brothers in Xichang are walking around for the Za family!

After hearing this, the six people from Xichang also quickly got up and hurried to catch up.

The military tent, which was still crowded enough to even sit on the floor before a cup of tea, was suddenly empty enough to play basketball, with only a few pirate translators and Zhou Fu left.

Several pirate translators first looked at each other in confusion, then looked at Zhou Fu, turned around and swarmed after him.

Seeing this, Zhou Fu rubbed his face vigorously up and down, then grabbed the oxtail knife and stood up, and quickly chased after him.

He actually didn't quite understand what Yang Ge said.

But he felt that there was nothing wrong with what Liu Tang said, and his family had to help his family!

Think about it from another angle...

‘To be able to offend a kind-hearted person like the Second Master like this, how much evil did these Japanese pirates do in the Second Master’s house? ’

This reason... is enough!

Outside the military tent.

Yang Ge expressionlessly glanced at the camp where corpses were strewn all over the place. Wherever he looked, pairs of green eyes that were as vicious and cruel as hungry wolves lowered their eyes involuntarily. No Japanese slave dared to look at him.

After glancing around, he bent down and grabbed a ball of ice and snow stained red with blood, stood up, took it in his hand and crushed it gently, and then passed away with the wind...

This heat is enough...

He murmured to himself and let go of the suppression of his evil aura.

He only heard an extremely violent sword cry, and a black and reddish halo rose into the sky, like a black banner connecting the sky and the earth. His own momentum also increased steadily. The five elements of true energy that had been suppressed for a long time set off a raging tide like the Yellow River overflowing. Each type of true energy was making its own voice without giving in, but it was unable to overturn the control of the power of his mind.

He raised his left hand and smashed the marching drum stand on the side of the military tent with one palm.

A huge marching drum as tall as a man flew up, and he blasted it up through the air with one palm after another, making a dull and powerful drum sound that resounded throughout the entire camp.

Third-class samurai, Saburo Mori, enter!

Third-class warrior, Kitaoka Chaoichi, please join us!

Third-class Samurai, Murakami Yusei, Senjo...

In response to the sound of drums, one after another, fierce and fierce figures flew from all directions, knelt on the ground and shouted in harsh Chinese to pay their respects.

Zhou Fu, who had just arrived behind Yang Ge, glanced at the fierce figures in confusion... He dared to use the heads on his neck to guarantee that before last night, these people were not among the Japanese slave officers above the seventh-level warrior. .

Where did these harsh words come from? And who promoted them to warriors? Who else has the courage to come to see the Second Master?

'Could it be...'

He secretly looked at the tall figure in the front with fear, and felt that the mountain was standing tall and majestic like a mountain!

Without leaving the tent, you can reach this tacit understanding with these outstanding Japanese slaves...

This method is simply more terrifying than his force!


On the plain where hundreds of thousands of shogunate troops gathered, military tents were connected to the ground, and the flags were like clouds.

Two tall figures of similar age, both dressed in linen, stood on the high ground of the military camp, looking to the northwest with their hands behind their hands.

After a long silence, the older, thin middle-aged man with a goatee spoke softly and asked unhurriedly: Kamiquan-kun, do you feel it?

The burly middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and beard on one side whispered with a worried look on his face: Disciple senses... such a strong evil spirit, he is worthy of being the master of 84,000 evil demons!

The thin middle-aged man closed his eyes and sighed softly: What a disaster at Fuso.

The burly middle-aged man was silent for a long time, and then sighed softly: I have long said that each of the guardian lords despises China and ignores the retainers and warriors. Repeated invasions of the country will lead to war, and now it has become a prophecy.

The lean middle-aged man shook his head and said, It's too late to regret now. I have no choice but to devote all my life's knowledge to slaying the golden-armored evil demon and help my Fusang overcome this catastrophe.

The burly middle-aged man silently placed a hand on the sword at his waist and gently rubbed the lines on the handle. However, the lines that used to make him feel peaceful every time he touched them could no longer give him any confidence at this moment.

The lean middle-aged man glanced at him: Your heart is messed up!

The burly middle-aged man tightened the hilt of the knife in his hand and said in a solemn voice: The disciple dare not deceive the teacher. Only when the disciple's 'take without a knife' swordsmanship can he understand the essence, to deal with such a powerful evil demon, I may only have the power of one sword. .”

After the lean middle-aged man was silent for a long time, he said calmly: Success, failure, honor and disgrace, one knife is enough!

The burly middle-aged man chewed for a moment, nodded and said, Disciple, I would like to be taught.

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