Peach and plum spring breeze and a glass of wine

Chapter 189: Small-minded (please vote for me)

Yang Ge rushed to the dock and saw Li Jincheng slashing people with a knife from a distance.

He casually took out a copper coin and missed the knife in Li Jincheng's hand. He jumped onto Li Jincheng's boat. Looking around, he saw several corpses of serial dock minions dressed as shipwrights lying on the deck...

Three million taels of silver flew away, and he didn't feel anything.

But seeing these corpses, he suddenly felt tired...

Li Jincheng's face was terrifyingly gloomy, his eyes were fixed on the minions in front of him, and he was holding the steel knife tightly in one hand, making a sizzling sound.

It's okay, I'm here.

Yang Ge gently patted his shoulder, stretched out his hands, slowly took out the steel knife in his hand and threw it to the ground.

Then he turned his head and said to Wu Eryong, who was trotting up to catch up: Eryong, please make arrangements and leave a few brothers to clean up this place. You take the rest of the brothers into the city to eat something good and have a rest.

Wu Eryong tried his best to control his breathing and looked at Li Jincheng subconsciously.

Li Jincheng bit the corner of his lip hard, took several deep breaths, and then managed to suppress the anger in his heart and said stiffly: Follow the Second Master's instructions.


Wu Er breathed a sigh of relief, raised his hand and nodded twice at the crowd: Liu Da, Zhang Er, take your brothers to tidy up this place, wipe away the blood, and then go back to your own ship. We’ll bring you some food back, and the rest of the brothers will follow us into the city to make tooth sacrifices...

The minions huddled together were relieved, and with tears in their eyes they all clasped their hands towards Yang Ge and Li Jincheng and said, Thank you, Mr. Master, for being the head of the family. Thank you, Second Master.

Li Jincheng had a livid face and said nothing. Yang Ge could only wave for him and said: Go and eat well. This meal is for you, the young master.

The minions were cautious about opening their mouths to speak, but Wu Eryong had already shouted to them to get off the boat, lest they say something wrong again and cause the young master to stab someone again...

Yang Ge stood with Li Jincheng, watching the people left by Wu Eryong quickly handle the body, wipe the blood on the deck, and bow down.

This matter is because I, Li Jincheng, didn't do my job well and caused trouble for our brothers!

After there was no one on the boat, Li Jincheng gritted his teeth and said harshly: The loss this time is mine, and your share will be mine. I'll ask Boss Yang to organize the manpower to send it to you again. You don't have to do anything. No matter what, I, Lianlianwu, will give you an explanation!

Yang Ge opened his mouth, hesitated to speak, and finally pushed Li Jincheng into the cabin to sit down, trying his best to calmly say: You and I are not outsiders, so I won't hide this matter from you... , it’s clear that they are coming for me. Since the other party dares to make a move, he is either sure that I will not trace it, or he is not afraid of my move. No matter what the reason is, it is not something that your chain dock can solve, so you can Stop trying to force yourself to do this!

Li Jincheng lowered his head, his eyes blazing with fire: I don't care who they are attacking, the money was lost on my ship in Lianlianwu, that's my Lianlianwu's business... The men of my old Li family are not dead yet. !”

Yang Ge wanted to persuade him again, but he swallowed his words when he reached his lips and said instead: Okay, tell me, how are you going to investigate? I used to work in the Embroidery Guard, so I can speak professionally. Give you some advice.

Li Jincheng was silent for a long time, and then said harshly: No matter how clever he is, even if he knows the magic of moving five ghosts, there is no way he can steal money silently under my nose, Li Jincheng, without the help of thieves inside and outside. Transport away!”

Yang Ge: So you are just killing people indiscriminately? Do you have evidence? If you don't have evidence, you are acting so recklessly. I'm afraid that before the money is recovered, you, Lianlianwu, will break up the gang first!

How could he not know that there was a high probability that the minions he had just let go had an insider?

A total of 3 million taels of silver, more than 100 tons, Li Jincheng and others came in four or five ships. There was no internal coordination, and the external thieves took the lead to get out so much silver silently?

But the problem is that there are no clues now, how to check? We can't just detain all the minions and torture them, right?

Such crude methods can only be used to deal with those who are paid to do things, but if they encounter a tough person, they will be blinded!

Li Jincheng was speechless, but he was extremely angry: Then tell me, where should we investigate this matter? Should we start from the docks and ports along the way? We can't send people to dig through all three thousand miles of waterways. Bar?

Yang Ge smiled and said unhurriedly: Look, this is the difference between you doing it and me doing it. If you do it, you have to find evidence to prove who did it. But if I do it, I can ask those who are capable of doing this to provide evidence to prove that they did not do it themselves.

Li Jincheng was stunned, the doubts in his heart suppressed his anger, and he looked at him with questions: Huh?

Yang Ge stretched out a hand: If the Wei Dynasty dares to provoke me in public, the imperial court, the four foreigners, and a building outside the building will be included.

As for the imperial court, I am certain that it was not the emperor who took action. With the emperor's careless nature, if he doesn't take action, the action will definitely come towards me. This will not cause any harm to me, but will only cause me to harm the court. A more dissatisfying approach would never have come from his hand.”

As long as it was not done by the emperor, I can ask the emperor for someone from the court. It doesn't matter if I don't hand over the person. But if I find out that someone from the court did it, then don't blame me for being cruel!

In the world of martial arts, Quanzhen and Shaolin are said to be well-established and well-established families. They are both Taishan and Beidou, who are the leaders in the martial arts world. They should have no motive to do this, but the right way is to know people and know faces. My heart, maybe they just want to teach me, a young boy like me who doesn’t know the heights of the world, a lesson?”

As for the Ming Cult and the White Lotus Cult, they both have a hand in this matter. Logically speaking, they shouldn't do this again. It's not good for them both emotionally and rationally. But it's hard to say. These two families are stabbing each other. We are all used to poking each other, maybe there is some smart guy who is not very smart and will use this matter to give the other party eye drops?

That is to say, all four elders may come to do this...

Don't worry, of course I can't go to each house one by one to cause trouble for them. If I were to be so brainless and reckless all the way to the end, wouldn't I be tricked by my opponent?

Yang Ge smiled and patted Li Jincheng's shoulder gently and said. Li Jincheng felt relieved after hearing this: I was afraid that you were in Japan...

He wanted to say, I'm afraid you're used to having a smooth sailing in Japan.

But he swallowed the rest.

He knew that Yang Erlang was not happy to hear this.

How smart am I?

Yang Gefeng smiled lightly and said: How can you do such a thankless thing? Of course such a villain must let Louwailou do it!

Li Jincheng:? ? ?

His mind was confused: Would Louwailou be willing to take this kind of job? If I remember correctly, you and Louwailou not only have no friendship, but also have some hatred, right?

Yang Geli nodded confidently: Yes, there is a grudge, so I suspect that they stole my money... Is this reasonable?

Li Jincheng almost laughed out loud: How dare Louwailou come to mess with you? They are probably hoping that you will never remember them, right?

Yang Ge spread his hands: What do they think, and what does it have to do with me? Anyway, I only know that right now I have a grudge against them, Louwailou, and they are the only ones who are not afraid of me and dare to provoke me. Now that my money has been stolen, if I don’t go to Louwailou, who else can I go to? I can’t go to the Mingjiao and the White Lotus Sect to cause trouble, right? They are still doing business in partnership with my brothers, so I Can you doubt our business partners?

Li Jincheng seemed to understand: Are you planning to... give in to a trick? Let Louwailou come up with the three million silver?

It's not that it's not that...

Yang Ge shook his head: I have a small grudge against Lou Wai Lou, but this small grudge is not as expensive as three million taels of silver. I just want to borrow Lou Wai Lou's help to dig out the real master from the gutter... …Isn’t he outside the building Jianghu Baixiaosheng? I will give them a chance to use their talents on the right path. If they do well, the past grievances will be wiped out. If they do not do well, you can’t blame me for bringing up the old things again.

Li Jincheng furrowed his brows and pondered over it for a long time before saying, There is another question: You have said it yourself. Those who dare to do this are most likely not afraid of you doing it. Louwailou can't offend you, so he can offend that person. Are you here?

Yang Ge asked back: But there is no reason for Louwailou to help that person carry this thunder, right?

Li Jincheng seemed to be possessed by a bully spirit at this moment: What if Yilouwailou handed over the money, but refused to say where the money came from?

This possibility is indeed possible, and it is very high.

Yang Ge nodded: But at present I can only think of this step, but after getting the money back, the face of our brothers will also be back... Well, after all, it is still a bit of a loss. If it doesn't work, just say me to the outside world. What was stolen was five million pieces of silver!”

If our brother is a little angry and embarrassed, we can buy two million taels of silver... Don't feel aggrieved, right?

Li Jincheng really couldn't stand the argument any longer. He couldn't hold back the endless admiration in his heart. He smiled and gave Yang Ge a thumbs up: It's better to offend you, Yang Laoer, than to offend you little brat!

Seeing that a smile finally appeared on his face, Yang Ge breathed a sigh of relief.

He stood up, slowly opened his arms as if stretching, and then with lightning speed, he hooked Li Jincheng's head and stuck it under his armpit: What did I tell you before? There is a thunder in my chest. If you have a face as flat as a lake, please be a general! You promised me well, just turn around and give it all back to me? If you can't keep calm over such a trivial matter and stab people with a knife, how can you be your home in Lianhuanwu in the future?

Li Jincheng struggled to raise his head and argued loudly: It's a small thing? Is it so small? Do you know how many floors can be built with three million taels of silver together? Do you know that if three million taels of silver are thrown into the rivers and lakes, it will How many people died? You don’t even know. I just saw the silver in the box turned into stone, and half of the sky fell... Also, those people who chopped off their heads just now did not die unjustly at all. The night watchers dozed off, and the night patrolmen went to gamble. I am 80% sure that they were paid by others...

Are you still reasonable?

Yang Ge pushed him to the ground with one arm, pinched his neck and asked loudly: Are you short of money now? Am I short of money now? Three million taels of silver sounds like a lot, but as long as we are willing to run, A trip to Japan only took three to five months...Isn't this a trivial matter? If I can't hold my breath like you, do I have to go home to pack my clothes now, ride on the outer building of the Erhei Court and the Four Old Buildings and go from house to house? Are you going to knock on your door and ask for money?

Li Jincheng's face turned red and he tightly closed his mouth without speaking.

Yang Ge let go of him and stood up slowly: In the future, use your brain more when encountering problems...especially when it comes to human life.

He stretched out a hand to Li Jincheng, and Li Jincheng grabbed his arm and climbed up, saying angrily: That's a lot of bullshit!

Yang Ge glanced at him and walked out of the cabin on his own: I'm the host, what do you want to eat?

Li Jincheng's eyes lit up, he covered his head and followed him: I have a headache...

Yang Ge was extremely angry: I already told you that I'm the host, but you still want to touch me?

Li Jincheng: You said this yourself, I didn't force you: I want to eat hot fried kidneys, beef stir-fried with green onions, mutton in a copper pot...

Yang Ge walked in front, walking faster and faster.

Li Jincheng, who announced the name of the dish, quickly chased after him and said angrily: Don't even think about defaulting on your bill!

Li Jincheng sat on the second floor of the front hall and left the gang to eat wildly. Yang Ge wiped his hands and walked from the backyard to the front hall. The salted fish who were throwing pots in the front hall invited him to join.

Yang Ge waved his hand and refused the salted fish's invitation, and then said seriously: You are all old Jianghu, I would like to ask you to bring a message to Louwailou for me, tell me what they did to steal my money. It's very unreasonable, I'm very angry, and the consequences will be very serious. If I don't return my money within two months, his building outside the building... will close down!

As soon as these words came out, the front hall suddenly became quiet. Even Li Qing looked at Yang Ge in astonishment, wondering how much money he had lost and why he wanted to go to war in such a big way.

Damn it, the shopkeeper is so pissy!

I told you that the shopkeeper's mind is only as big as the eye of a needle. Do you believe me this time? Lou Wailou offended the shopkeeper once. He trembled and hid for so long without even being able to dodge a blow to the head.

Shopkeeper, I still owe you the wine money, is it still too late? You can't hit me, but I can scream...

When the salted fish came back to their senses, instead of feeling afraid, they started to express their opinions with increasing vigor, with excited faces with bright eyes, as if this was not a huge storm, but a grand event. Jialianhua.

Yang Ge was too lazy to pay attention to them. He knew that among these salted fish, there must be undercover agents from Louwailou.

They will bring his words to the Taoist Lord outside the building in detail.

Thinking of this, he walked behind the counter, took out a pen and paper, and waved to the lucky cat eating melon over there: Miaomiao, come here and write two words for me.

Zhao Miao was chasing the salted fish to find out what Louwailou was and how he offended Yang Ge. After hearing this, he reluctantly returned to the counter, rolled up his sleeves and said, What are you writing about?

Yang Ge replied: Pay back the money!

Zhao Miao rolled her eyes at him: Are you obsessed with money?

Yang Ge looked at her unkindly: Your skin is itchy again, right?

Zhao Miao trembled and nodded quickly: I write, I write, I can't write...what font should I use?

Yang Ge: Use whatever font you usually use.

Zhao Miao agreed with Oh oh oh, raised his hand and wrote the word pay back the money in a font similar to the thin gold body: Second brother, do you think this is a good thing?

Yang Ge took a look, nodded and said: That's right, go and have fun!


Zhao Miao threw down the brush and rushed out of the counter like a rabbit out of the cage. With bright eyes, he continued to find a few familiar salted fish to eat.

Yang Ge stood alone behind the counter, put the two words written by Zhao Miao into an envelope, sealed it carefully with paste, and wrote the words Yang Erlang at the signature.

After finishing the work, he took the envelope and went out. After looking around, he waved to the middle-aged man selling pancakes across the street.

The middle-aged man came over quickly carrying the boiler and said with a smile on his face: Shopkeeper, how many do you want? The cakes have just come out of the pot and are still hot...

Yang Ge threw down a copper plate, wrapped two cooking cakes through the lotus leaves, brought them to his mouth, took a bite, and immediately curled his lips and said: The cooking cakes are so unpalatable, aren't you a strong man from the Right Institute? You have time. It will be good for you to go to Shangyou Institute for an induction class and learn how to make pancakes...

As he spoke, he stuffed the envelope into his boss's arms: Send it to the capital and present it to your officials.

The smile on the middle-aged man's face suddenly froze, and he stammered while sweating like rain: This... that... humble... villain...

Yang Ge looked back at the lucky cat having fun in the room and said, The mung bean cake I gave to your princess last time was pretty good. Send me some next time.

The middle-aged man's knees weakened and he almost fell to his knees: I'm sorry for my humble position...

Yang Ge supported him: It's okay, I don't blame you, try to make the cakes more delicious next time.

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