Peerless Demonic Lord

Vol 8 Chapter 403: Master 2 major martial arts

Turning the gods 诀 over the head, Qin Shi quickly mastered the essentials.

To this end, he could not help but devote himself to cultivation.

The gods are mainly on a single word.

The spiritual power merges in the upper part of the human body and recognizes the sea. It symbolizes the heavens, and the spiritual power gathers in the lower end of the abdominal cavity Dantian, which is called the ground.

In the eyes of outsiders and even Qin Shi, there is no connection between the two, but in reality, it is not the case, whether it is to know the sea or Dantian, in fact, they are the same life, and work in one, that is Qin Stone yourself.

&n+Pig+Pig+Island+Fiction+www+z+; Heaven and Earth are born in chaos, and finally cast this piece of ridiculous continent under the complement of each other, and the knowledge of the sea and Dantian is the same, as long as Qin Shi carefully maintains, both can be like the heavens and the earth, casting A new world.

This is the principle that the divine scriptures describe.

"That is, the mind is unified?"

Qin Shi closed the gods, and after closing his eyes, he tried to mobilize the spiritual power of Dantian according to the way recorded by the gods. Immediately, the spirit of Dantian burst into a golden glow, and it was stained with nine veins.

The nine spiritual veins were filled with spiritual power. At the same time, Qin Shi began to call for knowledge of the sea, and the invisible mind was formed in the spiritual rotation of the sea, and then slowly intertwined with the golden spirit in the spirit.

However, after one heart and two use, after the mother looked at it, the gods had just sacrificed, and the golden spiritual power was like the tide of the sea, and returned to Dantian.

"Oh, really not easy to control?"

"But this difficulty will be difficult for me? I don't think about it!"

A failure did not make Qin Shi discouraged, but instead made him more serious, splitting the energy into two equal parts, one straight to the sea and one to Dantian.

The two forces, like two streams, flow in the veins and then meet in the heart of the heart, but the calm before the encounter is immediately broken, and the golden spirits are violently tumbling, like hundreds. Only fierce beasts roared, and the mental power was not to be outdone, and the purple smoldering fire erupted like a volcano.


In a collision of water and fire, Qin Shi felt that his body was boiling like a sea of ​​water and a black blood spurted out in his mouth.

"Damn, how could this be?"

Qin Shi touched the corner of his mouth, which is completely different from what he imagined.

Whether it is spiritual power or mental strength, no one in the body will surrender to anyone.

"At this time, if Yu Jie is there, then."

In desperation, he thought quietly: "If it is Yu Jie, maybe you can understand the mystery of this."

But when I thought about it, Qin Shi immediately shook his head and shook his head: "I can't think so. If I can't overcome this difficulty, I still have to go to Xuan Dian to save the jade sister?"

"My own spiritual power, my own spiritual strength, can't I still suppress it? I still don't believe this evil!" Qin Shi once again closed the black scorpion, and transferred the two forces from the sea and Dan Tian, ​​immediately two The strength of the stocks meets in the heart, and then it is just the effect, the battle continues.

But this time, Qin Shi will concentrate on the energy, deliberately restrain the spiritual side, and firmly control the inner wall of the spiritual pulse, and then control the spiritual force to flow slowly from the side.

A trace of spiritual power passed through the spiritual power, and immediately gathered like a gathering into the river, rushing to Dantian.

At the moment when the mental power entered Dantian, the golden spirit of the floating in the center of Dantian suddenly burst into a glare of golden light, and then there was a terrible suction like a big mouth of blood, which stuck the spirit and dragged it into the inner of the crystal.


Qin Shi's thin body trembled a few times. At the moment when the spirit and the spirit crystal merged, he felt the blood of the whole body boil, and the black scorpion between the earth smashed like a gale, and two clear cold currents flowed through it.

Qin Shi could not help but rejoice: "Success?"

"Middle spirits in the middle?"

Originally, he reached the peak of the mysterious spirit. After transforming his mental power, he immediately broke through to the middle of the mysterious spirit. However, he found that with his current control of the gods, he could only transform 5 percent of his power. It is difficult to break through the levels of the two handovers.

But that is five percent, and it is very strong.

The spiritual power has been transformed into spiritual success. He has tried several times of spiritual power to transform his mental power. The same principle, according to the record of the gods, he transferred the spiritual power to the sea of ​​knowledge, and he was instantly recognized by the mysterious sea in the sea. Detected, quickly absorbed.

"Sure enough!"

This time, Qin Shi was excited to endure.

Practice the gods, until the middle of the night.

Until the body was exhausted, Qin Shi thoroughly stripped the spiritual and spiritual powers and retracted them into Dantian and the sea.

After stopping to practice, he picked up the divine character next to him and excitedly said: "This is a magical word, and this is the first layer. If you can find the second layer, even the third layer, you can not Zhīdào. What kind of miracle is it for me!"

Silently determined, if there is a chance in the future, you must find the two layers behind the gods.

"Next, it's you!"

The gods are completely in control, Qin Shi will move the black scorpion to the table, he is ready to fight the iron, and will practice the glamour of the glamour night.

To this end, he got up and opened the glamorous sky.

Simply flip through, the charm of the sun needs a very strong spiritual support, only to reach the middle of the mysterious spirit can be cultivated, see this line of description, Qin Shi mouth can not help but squat, if placed in a few Before an hour, perhaps he would feel a headache for this, but coincidentally, he mastered the gods, he just transformed his mental power into the middle of the mysterious spirit.

"Oh, these two martial arts, it is simply made in heaven, carefully prepared for me." This combination of before and after Qin Shi could not help but overjoyed.

The charm of the sun, although the seventh-order martial arts, but ultimately only ordinary spiritual martial arts, so in front of Qin Shi is like a pediatric.

"God word!"

He first converted 5 percent of his spiritual power into spiritual power, and then immediately put himself into the cultivation of the glamorous ghosts, the glamorous ghosts, the desert and the smog.

For a short half hour, Qin Shi will master the essentials.

"I will try it first!"

Qin Shi smashed his mouth, but this charm is different from the gods. The power of the seventh-order martial arts can't be imagined. Even if it is deliberately suppressed, this ordinary inn can afford it.

To this end, he waved his hand, a touch of golden power from his feet to expand in all directions, and then like the creeper in the summer, the room was quickly shrouded, separating the interior and the outside.

To do this well, he took a quick shot and clap his hands. He didn't want to let the scene of the phantom of the pines in Hongyun City be staged again.

"Ghosts are shining!"

Gathering the spiritual power, Qin Shi's black scorpion condensed a thorough light, and immediately two hands on the chest quickly according to the records in martial arts.


Handprinting, a group of golden spiritual power gathered in it, suddenly divided into a line of unrecognizable silk, and then gradually turned into a black phantom.

Soon, tens of thousands of phantoms were formed, and in the fingerprints, it was like a snake waiting for an opportunity, and the whistling was mixed with evil resentment.

Immediately, the snakes gathered together in a cluster, suspended in the middle of the fingerprints, and finally merged ingeniously to form a black ball of light.

call out!

The light ball just appeared, and the uncontrollable burst of the moment came out. The strong recoil was like a shelling, so that Qin Shi didn't have time to return to the gods, and one slammed into the back wall.

After a dry cough, Qin Shi said: "Scratch, a terrible power."

But this has only just begun. After the light ball struggles out, it floats in the center of the inn, and then connects with Qin Shi’s handprints. One and a thousand spiritual powers are separated from the Qin stone, and as his spiritual power dissipates, The ball of light is constantly expanding, and it quickly changes from the size of the rice to the bowl, and then from the bowl to the disc, getting bigger and bigger.


In a hurry, Qin Shi quickly broke the fingerprints. He felt that if he did not terminate, the light ball would even explode the entire inn.

"No wonder, in the previous record, it said that a strong spiritual support is needed."

Stop the transmission of spiritual power, the dark and transparent light ball finally stops expanding, just as it is tomorrow, the charm of the sun, suspended in the air like a black red sun.

After a pause, the dark day suddenly whirls rapidly. During the rotation, the spiritual power that has just been absorbed is rolling and blending, and then a burst of black light suddenly bursts around it.

One, ten, hundreds, thousands of ways.


Soon, the light ball is like a black sun in the air, and it spreads black and glare around the rotation.

The light passed, the tables and chairs were decaying, and the ground was ridiculous.

"Awesome power!"

Even Qin Shi is behind, staring at the tens of thousands of light and shadow that are approaching to the ground are all gathering the Huanren, scared to quickly raise two golden light to block the chest.


The black shadow hit the aura, and the two were only a short confrontation, and the enchantment was smashed, and Qin Shi was directly shocked out.


Falling over to the ground, Qin Shi's sweet mouth spit black blood, but then hurriedly hit two rolls on the ground, which barely escaped the black light.

Qin Shi relied on the big breath on the wall and gasped, and could not help but laugh: "Oh, I was hurt by my own martial arts. I am afraid that there is no one except me!"

The time when the black sun continued for half a cup of tea was gradually When the house was dissipated, the whole hotel became uninhabited and uncomfortable.

At the end of the glamour of the glamour, Qin Shi took a picture of the dust and stood up. He stared at him and couldn’t help but make his face stern: "I am really a seventh-order martial art that is rare in the whole empire. I just used it." The power of this can achieve this terrible effect. If all the spiritual power is injected into it, I am afraid that the strong one who wins the horizon will not be able to block it?"

Thinking of this, his mouth could not help but rise up.

"Huan Dian, wait, I will be here soon!"


But just as he was delighted by the mastery of two martial arts, the spiritual enchantment he had specially arranged in the room suddenly trembled.

"what happened?"

Qin Shi squatted back and saw that outside the room, the dark mist suddenly followed the door frame, and the gap between the windows poured into the room, eventually completely covering the periphery of the spiritual enchantment, making the interior and exterior completely Broke the contact.

"Hey? Is he!"

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