looked at the dragon silhouette standing back, everyone was shocked speechless, the legendary Six Clawed Golden Dragon, even in the same order to beat!

that you dare to believe

fairy on the table in the clouds, wash Moon Sect main Nianxu smile, said:? "it seems that the outcome had been, this child aptitude well, look into where he came from, if nothing else problem, you can nurture, estimated to be a hundred years we will be able to in the. Ritz Ritz- ----- "" "" having read wonderful read, read read aftertaste, is your reading of choice. "

man handed a white kitten pastry to shoulder, laughing and said: "eight roads even to comprehend, this aptitude even if we are ashamed of being inferior ah, but unfortunately, he met True Dragon, or Dragon Clan and the Sovereign, fairy Dragon Clan forces or human irresistible ah! "

" very unfortunate, if he can win, I'd like to see, him with water months of fighting, I do not know that he can shore up a few rounds. "another Meifu gentle smile.

next to a few people is the default.

It is true today, even though Wu Feng prevail, but they know the outcome already out, fairy Dragon Clan's power should not be underestimated, even super genius, could not withstand the merits of the gap between the races!


just when a few people, then down, stood Wu Feng Long back, the body suddenly appears briefly, disappeared, appears at the other end of the Immortal Platform, face the smile has been completely gone, replaced by a deep dignified.

Golden Dragon slowly move the body, looking down Wu Feng, golden pupil glowing icy sheen, not violent, there is only one absolute majesty, which is part of standing on the top of the food chain arrogance, must not allowed to be desecrated!

"this is the real thing it?" Wu Feng stared Golden Dragon, which is the body of the atmosphere has completely changed, full of strange, dangerous, if he is sensible enough, At the moment will be scared petrified escape, this is the True Dragon Viagra!

override majesty over all things!

"one thousand domain!"

Golden Dragon mouth read out the cold words, is one thousand voices, but not before refreshing sweet, but as the trial like no emotion.


Wu Feng in front of the world, between the suddenly changed, Immortal Platform disappeared, Golden Dragon infinitely larger, the head is almost touching the clouds of the sky, seen around, thunder and lightning, as if space collapse, pitch black of lightning snake random jump, with the forces of terror, destroying everything.

"domain!" Wu Feng heart shock, he has been struggling to delve into the field, even in their own eyes, one thousand though immortal Dragon Clan, but in no way weaker than the comprehension of human genius, even to the the immortal Realm to comprehend the domain, such innate talent in fairy Dragon Clan, is simply super monster!

you know, fairy Dragon Clan though unrivaled, almost a symbol of perfection, if really want to say what are the disadvantages, and that is the time required to grow too long!

a young Dragon Clan, to grow into adolescence, need at least tens of thousands of years to reach adulthood, you need ten years!

Sin Dragon Clan's lifespan is almost endless, enormous life force so that they do not worry about old age, one hundred thousand years in their lives, just like humans a year is not much difference.

The one thousand Although Dragon Clan, but this comprehension, beyond the speed of transformation can be said that Dragon Clan in the alternative!


at this point, that pupil to a huge shrouded Golden Dragon, lift the front foot, trampling down to Wu Feng fiercely!


Wu Feng want to move , but the body is completely unable to move, as if an invisible force sealed off the body, the entire world are squeezing himself, a person's strength is bigger, after all, is limited, and world of boundless power.

There is no suspense, dragon claw his body was pressed into the soil, around the world do not know when, turned into a wilderness, Heaven and Earth the dark, by Divine Grade Divine Consciousness, Wu Feng knew it was hallucinations, among themselves in the illusion, however, although he knew that everything was false, but can not breakthrough this layer of illusion, like struggling in a nightmare, but now the dream is different, if he died here, in reality, will die !

Golden Dragon eyes cold and heartless, looking down at him, before and after the huge front foot rubbing, Wu Feng's body was rolled almost crushed, skeleton begins to fracture, tendons and almost its breaking, even if he has a wood Dao Rhyme blessing, healing force jumped two or three times, but also keep up with this overwhelming rolling!

pain spread of the body, Wu Feng teeth clenching, is aware of Golden Dragon deliberately ** yourself, like a warm-up before ...... eating!

cool! cool!

Wu Feng hearts cry, such as needle-like pain stimulate his brain but his brain as if not hers, eyes quickly restored calm.

"I can only throw in the towel." Wu Feng to think hard to come up with one hundred thousand twinkling of an eye the way, but none can escape one thousand domains, paid with their lives too much for a repair dantian grass worth, although I do not know in the illusion that he can not throw in the towel be heard outside, but only give it a try.

His mouth open, shouting was about to throw in the towel, a cold touch from the chest intestines suddenly jump straight up, touch on the throat, then choked!

not out sound!

at this moment, Wu Feng in the kind of experience the fear side of Cher and the others did, but because of it, but his heart inexplicably threw up anger!


Kill Kill Kill !!!

in his mind she suddenly Beng infinite killing intent, awareness directly runaway.

"is over." Fire Spirit Peak Master looked on Immortal Platform, was pressed before the Golden Dragon enough to live Wu Feng, along with another one in Zuta Golden Dragon, and this will be completely turned into a super genius Beach mess, disappear from history, as those turned out, shining moment, but like a meteor-like disappearance of countless genius.

genius? His heart smile, only the last laugh is a genius.

Cher side face lost color, lips tremble speechless.

Dragon-Tiger Taoist complexion ashen, finally muster chest, growled: "We are abandoned -"

"right" not to say the word, a huge roar sound suddenly sounded, shook the entire Immortal Platform, glaring white light bursting out from the stage, shine throughout the main peak, and even thousands of miles of rolling ridges and peaks all!

when white light convergence, everyone can not wait looked terrible scene appeared, Peak treasure this stage of Immortal Platform, actually, actually ...... split!

split in half !!

a huge dividing gap from Immortal Platform zhong yang, if the barrier is connected with each other, Immortal Platform each will collapse.

Most people consternation, this huge cracks, deep into a golden rays of light, is the Golden Dragon!

hair, what happened?

everyone eyeball bulge, surprised to see this scene.

would have been a close call, even a sudden reversal of the situation!

Everyone subconsciously looked towards Immortal Platform above, I saw a silhouette standing there, covered with blood-stained, black hair flying , dancing like a demon's arm, makes a kind of sense of fear.

Fire Spirit Peak Master face stunned, What was that? How could not he breakthrough to the Divine Immortal realm?

His Divine Consciousness quickly sweep, however, saw Wu Feng of the atmosphere have not changed much, it's still Earth Immortal Early-Stage, however, Earth Immortal Early-Stage forces, how could defeat one thousand, but also in the one thousand domain beat it!

not to mention wu Feng, even if he himself locked into one thousand domain only dead end!

Although not want to admit, but the fact is that several decades ago was to retrieve his young dragon, and now has enough to beat own, showing the strength of one thousand with the growth of how terror, although one thousand domain is not a true Divine Realm, belonging to the pseudo-Divine Realm, but the strength of a doubt!

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