Peerless Martial God 2

Vol 2 Chapter 516: The last one is human! (3 more...

Lin Feng said, squinting at the snow goddess, but seeing the snow goddess at this moment has pale face, she heard Lin Feng said the solution, has been utterly disillusioned, she was wrong in choosing a dream, she did not know Lin Feng used to have The experience of cutting off the ruthless way, now naturally does not need to take the nose.

Snow Maiden knows that she can't live, but she breathes a deep breath, relaxed, lying on the ground, looking at the blue sky and white clouds, looking at her new snow, she lurked tens of thousands for revenge Years, now rely on dreams to completely come back.

But she wouldn't have thought that she had encountered Lin Feng. If she had to know that such a situation would occur, she would not be so unrequited. Maybe she would really treat her dreams as an apprentice, and teach morality well, perhaps not. There is today.

The snow maiden is a bitter smile, and the beautiful face is accompanied by long white hair, which always gives people some misery and beauty.

"Lin Feng, I am sorry for this dream, you take care of her." The snow maiden looked up, her eyes finally increased the kindness she had never seen in tens of thousands of years, and she was reluctant to look at the new snowy area that was hard to establish.

Lei Gang, maybe I can't find revenge for you in this life, you should be happy, but my son, she...

The snow maiden thought of the child who died in the belly of her unborn child. Her tears could not help but flow down. She was also a bitter woman, but she was too obsessed with revenge, and she was enchanted.

Now she is free.

"Lin Feng, I am sorry." The snow maiden closed her eyes and a golden dagger appeared in her hand. The snow maiden held the dagger and placed it between her neck. She suddenly looked up and yelled at Lin Feng: "Lin Feng, after I died, I made it into a blood Dan, giving Dreaming of it."

"This is the last time I compensated for this girl. I will say sorry to her, sorry!".

Snow Maiden said that the smile on her face was completely bright, but she still had hatred in her eyes, but she could not be finished.

Hey! A stream of blood spurted out, and the Snow Maiden cut through the meridians that connected her heart. All the repairs were turned into a gust of wind, and she fell.

Snow maiden eyes widened, as if there were only two characters in the eyes, Lei Gang.

Dead, the snow maiden is dead, Lin Feng silently looks at this vicious woman, but at the moment she is dead, her heart is also sour, perhaps what is vicious and poisonous, is the former hatred or too much, caused by .

Shengji will be counter-productive. This is probably the reason. When you hate too much, it is easy to change qualitatively, and your heart is distorted. Snow Maiden is such a person.

Lin Feng sighed and went forward. She closed the snow maiden's eyes, but quickly opened it again. Lin Feng closed it with her hand, but she still opened it.

Lin Feng sighed, this is still not eye-catching, hatred is not reported, will never look good.

"Master, you can rest assured, your hatred, handed to the disciples, your new snow, I will continue to create."

At this moment, Lin Feng came back with a gentle and full of sad words. Lin Feng looked back and suddenly became shocked, staring at the dream that had already woke up.

Dreams of a white dress, the whole person is the snow lotus in the snow, giving people a pure feeling of blue sky, and the dream looks at Lin Feng's gaze soft water, that is to say, her ruthless way, was inexplicably cut off .

Dreams picked up the long skirt, then crouched down, slowly raised his hand and closed the snow maiden's eyes, this time the double scorpion was closed, and also a drop of tears, this is hot tears, the mouth is still bleeding It is also blood.

"Master, although you are ruthless, but after all, I still have love for you, your mouth is too hard, why bother?" Dreams looked at the snow goddess, sighing lightly.

"You cut off your heart, but you are not dead. You use up the last bit of strength, and you will not hesitate to succumb to your own remnants. You must also ruin your own ruthlessness, Master, you...".

When the dream came here, the tears couldn’t help but flow down again. Lin Feng’s dreams were in his arms, and behind the dreams of comfort, the dreams silently wept.

After a long time, the dream began to look up, the master's clothes were sorted out, although the snow maiden finally calculated Lin Feng, even at the expense of the beauty of the flesh to seduce Lin Feng, want to poison Lin Feng, but she is still dead.

This is also a retribution.

"People, I want to bury the master in this snowy mountain and engrave her tomb in the new snowy area. From then on, it is the new snowy area."

The dream came up and looked at this vast white snow mountain and said to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng began to want to say that the wish of Xue Niang before her death was to let her smelt her into a blood Dan, and to serve her dreams, but Lin Feng thought for a long time and finally did not say it, with the temper of dreams, most of them would not If you take it, you will have a split in your heart.

Lin Feng nodded, dreaming of snow-capped mountains thousands of miles away, and finally chose a good place to live for the snow goddess, dreaming of burying the snow goddess, and finally grinding a kilometer-sized rock with thousands of fans. Well, become a square, dreams are engraved with the three characters of the new snowfield.

Since then, this new snow area is both the burial place of the Snow Maiden and a new force, and the dream will become the second generation of the new snow.

Lin Feng regrets that there is even a little self-blame in her heart, but when she thinks that her dreams are controlled by Snow Maiden, the dream becomes a ruthless person. What is even more terrifying is that she was almost used by Snow Maiden to seduce that Lei Gang and ruined it. The innocence of dreams, such a thought, Lin Feng's heart is very calm.

No matter how she dreams of her, but in her own place, Snow Maiden is a thoroughly vicious woman who can completely keep her a whole body. She did not make her a blood Dan, but she was cheaper.

Lin Feng spent some time in the new snowy area, helping the dreams to recruit scattered from all over the world and become a member of the new snowfield. Fortunately, he also recruited four elites of the Emperor level, one of them. Already reached the triple Emperor, Lin Feng is afraid that he will be reassured in the future and will not see his dreams in his eyes.

So I used the name of temptation to stun the old Emperor of the Emperor. After the old man woke up, Lin Feng wanted to run. Lin Feng also warned him naked, if he dared not listen to his dreams in the future. If you are arrogant, then Lin Feng is the first to take his life.

The old man only said that it was, before he heard the name of Lin Feng or the lord of the heavens, and now he was taught by Lin Feng. He was completely afraid. He never dared to rely on the strength of the Emperor and the old man.

Lin Feng was bullied for his dreams in the future. Lin Feng asked the blood **** to temporarily grieve, staying in the new snowy area to help the dream, and the blood **** emperor agreed, and Lin Feng promised his 30 blood Dan as the price.

Poor Lin Feng, but also to search for World of Warcraft, and then into a blood Dan, only blood Dan can become a strong partner, let them serve their lives, blood gods to a certain extent, this is also the case.

After Lin Feng handled the dreams, he was ready to return to the gods of the East and take the autumn moon and Duan Xinye back. They could not let the two women bear such great pressure and burden, and their own new born children could not No father.

Lin Feng knows that if a child has a feeling of inferiority when he was a child, then he will not be able to change it in his life.

Lin Feng started alone went straight to the Shenlu Dongfang, and also searched for Warcraft on this road. If there is Warcraft, they all smelt and do blood Dan.

Lin Feng’s news of going to the East of Shenlu, I don’t know who passed it out, and listened to this news, whether it’s the Dan Dian or the Yinling Hall, or the Emperor and the Shenfu, all of them are just around the corner.

Lin Feng has provoked a lot of power, especially in the three-party contest, so now these people see Lin Feng alone to go to the gods of the East, it is heart-to-heart.

Since the news has spread, some people have killed Lin Feng. Naturally, some people are worried about the safety of Lin Feng. The great wilderness is now growing day by day. The wild girl sent a basaltic beast and two powerful four-powered gods, and quietly ran to the gods and the east. .

The Tianyan dynasty also sent a strong man to go quietly to the gods and the east, Lin Feng did not know, he originally wanted to pick up his two wives and children, but it caused such a mess.

Lin Feng did not know that this time the trip to the East of the Gods, the degree of danger is not weaker than the Tianyan battlefield.



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