Pendor Empire In Other Worlds

Vol 3 Chapter 4: Heartbeat

Although the other leader's consent has been obtained, the security officers always hold a heart when they check.

Tables and chairs, corners, and bedding are all that the hostel has.

But when Ragoz carefully proposed that he wanted to check the package. The security officer could obviously feel the gaze that fell on him, which was even more piercing.

Especially when turning to some small bottles and tins of small notes. The other party once again held the hilt of the sword, giving everyone a premonition that they were close to death.

Fortunately, the security officer reacted quickly and quickly pretended not to see them and put them away again. The opponent temporarily restrained his hostility under the leader's sign.

With this episode, the inspection speed has been significantly accelerated. In less than ten minutes, all the places ‘should’ be inspected have been inspected.

And as a result, as Lothar said, nothing was found.

This also made Lagoz and his fellow eaters breathe a long sigh of relief.

Just when I thought the matter was over, let go of my hanging heart, and planned to leave.

The leader of the other party who had been very cooperative before, tactfully and resolutely expressed his desire to make a ‘friend’.

Then in their extremely reluctant attitude, they repeatedly ‘knowed’ with everyone.

As for the identity of the other party, the other party did not mention it, and the security officer did not dare to ask more.

For his unwillingness to cause trouble before contacting the other party, the security officer confirmed his guess more and more.

But they didn't know that their already convinced speculation was exactly what Lothar wanted.

Although that speculation is largely a fact.


After relying on acting skills to dismiss the security guards who came late at night, Lothar and his party were not disturbed until the next morning.

Obviously, Lagoz and the others, who consciously got hold of the handle, did not have the courage to report to their superiors about a group of criminals lurking here.

Or it may have been reported, but it has not attracted much attention.

In either case, it is true that Lothar's side was searched only once.

However, this expected smooth situation gave Lothar a bad premonition.

With the fearful search method of the police station, it was really hard for Lothar to believe that they could find the stolen treasure overnight.

It seems that things with suffixes such as'Rovpur' and'Heirloom' are not something that can be let go at will.

So early in the morning, Lothar sent soldiers out for reconnaissance.

Soon, the news that the soldiers brought back confirmed his hunch.

The city of Midloft has been sealed off. No entry or exit is allowed. The time for lifting the blockade is yet to be determined.

The fact that some caravans tried to advance the theory but were driven by arrows from the defenders showed the tough attitude of the Rovpur family.

Somewhat unexpectedly, even if the trouble had reached such a point, the Midyard family, which had always liked to block their opponents, did not come forward to express opposition.

Not only Midyard, there was not even a nobleman in the city who showed up in front of the blocked city gate.

It's like the blockade of the city has already obtained the approval of all the nobles in the city.

It was not until the afternoon that Lothar knew the ins and outs of the incident from some informants.

It turned out that not only the treasures of the Rovpur family were stolen. Midyard, who is also an earl family, also lost a precious treasure.

Among them, what Rovpur was stolen was actually a fist-sized crystal ball. What the Midyard family lost was a small silver-white sword.

It is worth mentioning that the specific images of the two treasures are engraved on their respective family crests.

In other words, the stolen things are really family heirlooms for the two families.

Moreover, it is not an heirloom in the ordinary sense.

It is said that the history of the two treasures can be traced back to the period of magical civilization. They are treasures handed down from the ancestors who established the two families, and they even retain some magical functions.

Losing such a treasure, it is no wonder that the two families that were incompatible with fire and water rarely stand on the same position and force other nobles to block the city by default.

As for why the city should be blocked, it is because the two treasures are always guarded and inspected, so the stolen time can be determined last night.

With the city gates closed at night, it is impossible for a thief to take things out of the city.

The blockade of the city is to keep the treasures in the city.

This is bad news for Lothar, who has already planned to withdraw from the Principality of Ireland

Of course, in fact, there is nothing bad about it.

Although the privileges of the two earls in Midrov are overwhelming, it is impossible to close the whole city for a long time.

Among other things, even if Grand Duke Elland's mind is full of mud, it is impossible to sit back and watch the practice of burying a city in this way.

And the residents of the city are not just the two earl families.

Like Lothar's disguised identity, there are not a few people with aristocratic backgrounds elsewhere.

Under heavy pressure, even if the two earls could ignore the lives and deaths of nearly 100,000 civilians, they eventually had to choose to lift the blockade in the city.

The impact on Lothar is just to replace the time originally prepared to detect intelligence with waiting for the blockade to be lifted.

The impact is not great.

After figuring out this layer of joints, Lothar became more mindful of the two stolen treasures.

It is so cherished by two families that have passed on for hundreds of years, and it is said to have a magical power.

To be honest, Lothar was really curious.

But if you want to participate in it, you have to have a good opportunity.


In the next two days, the police station and the city guards still did not stop the meaningless searches of the city residents over and over again.

And with the passage of time, it is obvious that the attitude of the investigators has become more and more impatient.

Incidents of smashing objects and assaulting civilians have occurred from time to time.

Even facing the disguised identities of Lothar and others, the attitude of the people who came to the search slowly became tough.

When on the third day, Lothar threw out a silly man who was clamoring "Move me to try" with a broken arm.

The time he was waiting for has come.

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