Pendor Empire In Other Worlds

Vol 3 Chapter 138: 1 person counts the short, everyone counts the length (1)

?   is too reasonable.

   The layout of Grand Duke Celugago was so reasonable that it almost subverted Lothar's perception of him.

   From purpose to execution to result, everything is too reasonable.

   Especially Lothar just put forward the price, and Essien immediately agreed. Not only the Rainbow Pass was packaged and sent, but the corresponding documents were also compiled.

   is almost as if it had been expected.

   Is it true that people have been forced to the extreme, and the potential is stimulated?

   Lothar is unknown.

   But precisely because this strategy is so brilliant, it made him feel that there are some unexplainable problems in it.

   If you apply Lothar's previous analysis to the thought of the Grand Duke, you will discover the dilemma that the Marquis will face after the success of this strategy.

   When the Principality Army puts down the Paiano Rebellion, it is also a problem they need to face, and it will not reduce much.

   Such an ingenious strategy is just to win a chance to fight for life, and Lothar is really hard to believe.

   But he can perceive that there may be a problem, but he can't figure out where the problem is.

   But it’s okay, one person counts the short, and everyone counts the long.

   Lothar was never a self-employed person. If you can't figure it out by yourself, let's think about it together.

   If it really doesn't work, then vigorously perform miracles and crush all conspiracies and tricks with plug-ins.

   Therefore, this meeting is said to be a military meeting. In fact, it is impossible to discuss any definite results. It is just to listen to more different ideas.

   did not tell Patrick and others the news in advance, precisely because of this consideration.

   As Lothar's most trusted subordinates, they knew Lothar's plans for the territory best, and they also knew the price tag given by the Grand Duke best, and how much his mind had been deflected.

   Not only is Lothar able to recruit those rare units in his tavern after getting a city, without having to make excuses to go to Qatar City again and again.

   Well, this is indeed the main reason.

   But Philbirn’s population and the city’s more advanced functional facilities are also important influencing factors.

   Instead, it was the Rainbow Pass with greater strategic value, which was just an addition in Lothar's eyes.

   One thing is that he wants to make trouble.

   When Nuremberg was first banned, Lothar expected a surge in the dinar of his weekly income, and made a follow-up plan for military expansion.

   The fact is also true. More than 40,000 new residents can provide a poll tax of 30,000 per week. After the increase in functional facilities, it will be even more.

   But this is more, and it did not reach the level Lothar expected.

  Because he wants to come, the villages and towns are fully equipped with functional facilities, and all of them can increase the basic tax revenue by about twice.

   The tax increase of the castle should be higher.

   However, after an actual inspection, Lothar found that after the castle’s functional facilities were completed, the tax increase rate was less than 13.

   This is the result of those buildings that will reduce local relations.

   Although it does not match Lothar's cognition a little, but when you think about it carefully, this is the situation that really echoes the logic.

   Under the background of the feudal era, the main economic output was never the city, but the villages and towns scattered around the city.

   The reason why the Principality of Perth is anti-epoch, the characteristics of population urbanization appeared in advance.

   On the one hand, the development of the Perth Plain by the Principality is still in its infancy. In addition, the economic structure is more commercial, and the existing land is sufficient for the needs of urban residents.

   On the other hand, under the enfeoffment system of the nobles of the duchy, the nobles who received the fief tended to concentrate the population in the areas where they had strong control, rather than scattered out to form new villages and towns.

   Although he figured out the joints, the expansion plan had already begun, but he had to stop halfway.

   Lothar's boredom is also conceivable.

   Therefore, once Patrick and the others knew the news in advance, they would inevitably think that Lothar took Philbien as the starting point to think and analyze.

   And this is exactly what Lothar wanted to avoid.

   What he needs is more and more divergent thinking.

   It's not just Patrick and the others, but also the non-system personnel invited to this meeting.

  Although Monroe has a close relationship with Lothar, he is also the new Earl of Qatar. Of course, he will first consider his family.

   Lothar has never helped Monroe by himself, so he should always follow his own ideas.

   The same goes for the ancient repair knights. On the surface, they hug Lothar's thighs tightly, but the fundamental purpose is to preserve their own family.

   If the thigh is reliable, then continue to hold it. If it is unreliable, it will be easier to get a new thigh if you have a name.

   The Ragnar Chief Priest is somewhat different from the previous two, and how Lothar will ultimately have little influence on him.

   His purpose here is actually to pick up the plane from Lothar to buy a batch of weapons and armors for the newly formed church army.

   Of course, this was just his thoughts before he knew Lothar would get the two important towns.

   Among the people present, he is probably the one who most hopes that the Perth family will be weakened, but he also least wants it to be subverted.

   Several territorial officials share the same interests with Lothar. They started at the end of the day, and they desperately needed an opportunity to express themselves in front of the lord.

   These opinions from different positions are what Lothar needs.


   From whispering discussions to publicly expressing one's own views, it has lasted quite a while.

  In the middle Lothar was mostly just listening quietly. Someone asked for certain information in the middle, or wanted to leave the table to discuss with his entourage, he also nodded and agreed.

   An hour later, finally Lothar's bright speech began to appear.

   "I think the key to the problem may be time.

  Once Lothar takes control of Philbirn and Rainbow Pass, the Marquis rebels will never give you more time to "development", and will fight you as quickly as possible.

   In this way, the fighting between the two sides is bound to be very fierce. If the Grand Duke chooses to insert a knife in the back, it is entirely possible to defeat both of you in a short time.

   The eastern gateway of the Principality, naturally returned to the hands of the Perth family. "

   Although Lothar didn't feel that Monroe had to stand with him.

   But I have to admit that Lothar was quite relieved when he expressed this opinion from Lothar's position.

   It's a pity that although this is also a possibility, it has the same problem as Lothar's own thinking.

   That is, they all have the element of gambling.

   It's just that Lothar started from his confidence in himself, thinking that the Grand Duke was betting that he could defeat Lothar, who occupied two important towns.

   And Monroe went one step further, thinking that the Grand Duke was betting that the Duke behind Lothar was from the sea, not from the other side of the Rainbow Pass.

Although    can be used as a reference, it lacks a smooth logical relationship.


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