Peninsula Prosecutor

Thank you Nuanyang brother for your golden alliance

Hiss~ It’s so cold when I wake up in the morning.

But my heart is warm.

Thank you Nuanyang brother for your golden alliance!

I was so excited that I pulled out a handful of hair on the spot.

It is no exaggeration to say that Brother Nuanyang is really a warm sun in the Internet literary circle. Countless great gods and people like me have basked in his glory.

Ever since I met Brother Nuanyang, I have stopped reading Shenhao's novels because I really can't stand it. I have always wondered whether he also has a Shenhao system.

The first silver was also given by Brother Nuanyang.

He didn't even read the book, he just wanted to give it.

He warms me to tears!

Many people think that Brother Nuanyang is a bastard. In fact, this idea is not outrageous. After all, poverty limits everyone’s imagination. If I hadn’t received so many favors from Brother Nuanyang, I wouldn’t have believed it!

For the first time in my life, I only wished I was not a girl.

Otherwise, we can commit ourselves to each other.

What kind of book should I write?

Anyway, thank you Nuanyang brother!

Thanks to all my readers who support me!

I don't like to post single chapters, because readers are not here to read single chapters. I must post one today. In addition to thanking Brother Nuanyang, I would like to say a few words by the way.

This book is a temporary product that I created after my previous book was forced to die. It only took half a month to prepare. Although I tried to find a lot of information online, I didn’t make too much of an outline.

Everything after that is being perfected as I write.

Many people think that I must have watched a lot of Korean dramas before writing this. In fact, I have only watched two of them, and the other one is about ancient themes, so many parts are just made up based on some information and should not be taken seriously.

Because I don’t have enough things to support me, I feel very strenuous and tired now as I write.

Especially as the protagonist's status gets higher, he can't do many things by himself. After all, if the protagonist does everything by himself, why is he constantly getting promoted? Why do you need so many subordinates?

So it becomes harder to write because of that...

Then the timeline will be accelerated later.

Mainly just write about some major events and push the main line.

Unless you particularly want to write branch plots, you won’t open as many branch plots as in the early stage, because the protagonist’s official position will be promoted soon, and there is no need for him to intervene in ordinary events, and there is no way to open so many branch plots.

As a new author who has only been in Qidian for a year and a half, it is not easy for me to achieve the results I have achieved now.

So for three consecutive books, I didn’t dare to take a day off, and I didn’t dare to stop updating for a day. I updated at least six to seven thousand times a day. Thank you readers for your support!

In addition, today is still my birthday. After today, I will be 23 years old, but I still have to get up early in the morning to update the coding. Please vote for me!

Well, finally let me talk about the following six points:

Okay, I'm done.

When I woke up this morning, I received several birthday red envelopes. I really wanted to take a day off! But I dare not, eh eh eh, wash my face and code!

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