Ron learned these specific details through the information Eltan obtained in Orion.

"Are you here for the auction too?"

Ron asked.


The girl nodded and said: "I came here with the elders. They have something they want. I am also a little interested in this auction."

0 ·······Asking for flowers··· ·········

"I heard there were a lot of interesting things at the auction."

"By the way, have you been to Youkexin before?"

Ron shook his head.


“I don’t know what kind of city Youkexin will be like.”

There was a hint of expectation in the girl's eyes.

The young man on the seat next to him looked at the girl, then at a middle-aged woman not far away, but hesitated to speak.

The middle-aged woman shook her head.

The young man did not stop the girl from continuing to chat with Ron.

Ron could tell that the girl rarely went out and was curious about everything in the outside world. She even had few playmates of the same age, so she couldn't stop chatting with him.

........ ........

What surprised Ron was that the girl was actually very interested in video games.

Rather than being interested in dolls, flower arrangements, small skirts, or musical instruments like other girls of the same age.

Ron hesitated.

"Have you ever heard of the game Greed Island?"

"Island of Greed?"

"Yes, it is a very famous game. The price of the login device is extremely high. I heard that the game maker is very careful. I am very interested in this game, but until now, I have not found it."

"Is this game fun?"

"I heard it's very fun and very realistic."

Greed Island is certainly very realistic because it is the real world.

"That should be a fun game."

The girl's eyes lit up.

Due to her own circumstances, the girl’s growing environment is different from that of most of her peers.

Dissatisfaction with reality often can only find sustenance in games.

Towards evening, the airship descended.

When the airship stopped, everyone stood up.

They lined up and walked out of the airship one after another.

Ron followed the girl.

The moment he stepped out of the airship, Ron found something in his hand.


Inside is a note.

The girl looked back at Ron and waved.

Ron also waved his hand to the girl.

But Ron was a little distracted, because what was on the note was an email address, and besides the email address, there was also a name. This name made Ron a little concerned.


A name that Ron was very familiar with.

Chapter 155: Cajin Empire, the king’s illegitimate daughter! (Please subscribe)

Ron was very impressed by the name Melena.

In the original plot, the Black Whale chapter, the Cajun Empire is basically the absolute protagonist.

The prince's competition is the most important scene.

There are fourteen princes in total.

According to the king of the Cajun Empire, only one prince can win.

Therefore, each prince formed his own forces and competed.

And those without power will die early.

For example, the twelfth prince, Mu Mu Ze.

In addition to the prince, gangsters from the Cajun Empire were also involved.

The gangsters in the Cajun Empire are different from ordinary gangsters.

The leaders of these gangs are basically the illegitimate sons of the royal family of the Cajun Empire.

These illegitimate children do not have an upright background, so they can only be reduced to second-tier people.

The so-called second-line people are those who have two "873" huge scars on their faces when they are born, which are two lines.

As a second-tier person, he cannot appear openly and openly in the royal family.

There is no right to inheritance.

As compensation, the royal family of the Cajun Empire gave them the right to control power and resources in the dark world.

In a true comparison of strength, the strength of the Cajun Empire's gangs is not necessarily worse than that of the world's gangs.

After all, the strength of Cajin Empire is very close to V5.

The world's gangs only integrate gangs from countries other than V5 and the Cajun Empire.

Melena is one of the second-tier players.

She is also the current king of the Cajun Empire and the illegitimate daughter of Nasby.

In the future, he will also become the leader of the Ai Yi family.

"Could this person be that Melena?"

"The possibility is not small."

Ron recalled the shield on the girl's face. The function of that shield was probably to cover the scars on Melena's second-tier face, preventing others from seeing it.

Otherwise, it would be too obvious.

A girl with such an exaggerated scar on her face would definitely attract the attention of others.

In addition, the matter of the second-tier players in the Cajin Empire is not a secret.

"But, if so, the difference between the current Melena and the Melena in the Black Whale Chapter is really big."

"Maybe something happened."

Ron shook his head.

"Don't worry too much, it's still a long time before the Black Whale chapter."

"Speaking of which, after I absorb the characteristics of the Cajin Empire, I can go through Melena's channel."

"But there's a problem."

"Can the Cajun Empire be considered a complete Cajun Empire without the start of the prince competition?"

"We have to wait until the Prince Competition to achieve 100% progress in absorbing the characteristics of the Cajin Empire. Then there is no need to absorb the characteristics of the Cajin Empire too early."

"However, establishing a connection with Melena is not a bad thing."

"There should be many good killer commissions coming out of the Cajin Empire."

Ron walked out of the airship station and took a taxi.

Then I reported the name of the hotel I booked.

Ten minutes later, the car stopped and arrived at the door of the hotel.

Ron took the elevator and entered his room.

A very large single room.

The decoration is gorgeous and everything is complete, and the price is correspondingly high, but for Ron, it is not a waste. Now that Ron has money, he can already be ranked among the top in this world.

Taking into account dozens of accounts, it has reached more than 10 billion or so.

Even in the original plot, Batra, who was called a rich man by so many people, was only worth hundreds of billions of garni.

The purchase of the Greed Island login device and the commission given to people with telekinesis almost removed a large part of Battra's property, but this was something Battra was willing to do.

Batra would give anything to save his lover.

A considerable part of Ron's wealth was obtained from selling information.

And most of this is information from the world's gangs.

"The money you owe Grandpa Geno can be paid later. There is no need to be in such a hurry."

A crystal ball floated in front of Ron.

The moment Ron entered Youkexin, the crystal ball slowly absorbed the characteristics of the surroundings, bit by bit, which was slower than when it was in Orion.

But not much slower.

"I don't know how much progress can be improved in Youkexin."

"The auction should be the focus."

Ron gave Eltan an order.

"Go and get the tickets for all the auctions."

Eltan got busy.

As soon as Ron had an idea, Killer Queen appeared 0...

Ron opened Killer Queen's body space and took out his laptop.

Then I edited the email and sent an email to Melena.

He didn't say much, he just said his name and said hello.

Ron could tell that Melena just wanted to keep in touch with him and be a friend because it was rare to find someone with whom she could chat.

No other thoughts.

And those people who were followed by Melena actually didn't want Melena to have more contact with Ron.

Soon, Melena received the email and sneaked to the corner.

The two communicated via email.

Just talk about video games.

The young man glanced at Melena, then looked at the middle-aged woman.

"Sir, do you really don't need to stop me? With Melena's identity, it is not suitable for her to have much contact with people outside."

"It doesn't matter."

The middle-aged woman shook her head and said: "That boy did not come for us. After returning to the Cajin Empire, Melena will have no contact with that boy."

"It just so happens that we can also use this incident to make Melena realize her identity."

"Melena will understand faster when she returns to the Cajin Empire."

The young man hesitated.

"Sir, do you want to investigate the identity of that young man? A person at this age comes to Youkexin alone in an airship. This should not be an ordinary person."

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