This is a family tradition of beating up enemies.

Ron won't ask for any reward.

The situation of what Ji Qiu gave him was a little special, but Ji Qiu's original intention was not to avenge Ron, but just to give Ron a means to fight against the enemy and enhance Ron's strength.

In addition, strictly speaking, Ji Qiu can only be regarded as a half-beating enemy.

Just at this time.

A call came in to Siba's cell phone.


"Ilmi, what's going on?"

"I heard, father, that you are going to throw Killua into the Sky Arena for training?"

"That's right."

"Do you want me to go?"

"No, I've already made arrangements."


Yi Mi hung up the phone and was a little distracted.

Among Sheba's sons, Killua's situation is somewhat special.

Because of his status as Killua's successor, Ilmi has a strong obsession with Killua and wants to make Killua into the successor in his heart.

For this reason, you can become an enemy to anyone.

Chapter 178 The sixth door of trial! (Please subscribe)

Yi Mi said he was a younger brother, and he was indeed a younger brother.

However, Yi Mi is not just a disciple.

The reason why Ilmi cares so much about Killua is more because of Killua's identity as the successor to the enemy, rather than Killua's identity as his younger brother.

Ilmi yearns for the glory of beating the enemy.

It's a pity that he is not the successor.

Therefore, Ilmi placed all his expectations on Killua.

Ilmi wants Killua to be the perfect successor.

Ilmi wants Killua to push the glory of beating enemy guests to a higher level.

That's why he's so paranoid about Killua.

On the surface, he is controlled by his younger brother.

But in fact, it is just to control the position of the enemy's successor.

This is not love, but just wanting Killua to become the shape he envisioned in his heart.

Mi Ji feels a little jealous of Killua.

This can be seen from the fact that Mi Ji secretly added ingredients when beating Killua with a whip.

But just some jealousy.

When it comes to life-related matters, Mi Ji will still regard others as his younger brothers.

But there is another problem.

That is, Mi Ji is not that strong in terms of combat effectiveness.

The abilities developed by 933 are also more auxiliary abilities in intelligence acquisition.

If there really is a fight, when Killua's telekinesis ability matures, Miji will not be Killua's opponent.

Alluka, as well as Nanika in his body, are very close to Killua.

It can be said that among the entire Kaedeke family, Alluka only has family affection for Killua.

For others, very indifferent.

Of course, Alluka can’t be blamed for this.

After Alluka was born, the Kamike family treated Alluka as a monster.

But this is also not a matter of beating up the enemy's Hakka family.

Alluka is just an ordinary person.

But Nanica is a real monster from the dark continent.

When the true situation of Nanica cannot be determined, isolation is the best way to deal with it.

As for Curt.

Killua has never treated Curt as close to Alluka, which makes Curt a little jealous of Alluka.

Approaching the door, Mikael's huge figure appeared.

But this time, Mikay just glanced at Ron, then withdrew his gaze and continued his patrol.

Ron jumped slightly and arrived on the wall.

Then jump down.

When it landed, it basically made no sound.

This shows Ron's current ability to control his body.

During the jump, Ron did not use his telekinesis ability at all, but simply relied on body control.

"I don't know how many doors I can open now."

Ron recalled the scene when he pushed the trial door last time.

At that time, I had just learned the ability to read.

In front of the trial door, the third door was just opened.

"After the Chimera Ant chapter, Killua returned to the Dike Manor and opened the fifth door."

Ron arrived at the door of the Trial Gate.

He raised his hands and landed on the door.

Concentrate all your power on your hands.


The sound of the door shaft turning was heard.

The first fan.

Second door.

The third door.

The fourth door.

The fifth door.


The door opened.

Ron took a step back, stepping back.

The door quickly bounced back and closed.

"Is it just the fifth door?"

Ron frowned, not very satisfied with his performance.

"However, in terms of physical strength, I haven't improved the most this year."

"What I have improved the most is my mind beast and my energy."

"Then let the Nian Beast try it?"

Ron had an idea.

A figure appeared next to Ron, it was Fan Ma Renya.

Jebrong heard the sound of the trial door and came out quickly.

"Master Ron."

Ron nodded and gave an order.

"Fan Ma Renya, go push the door of trial."

Fan Ma Renya stepped forward and came to the door of the trial gate.

He raised his hands and landed on the door.

Keep your feet on the ground.

Jebjon's eyes widened.

Jebrong, who couldn't read, couldn't see the existence of Fanma Renya at all.

However, Jebjung didn't know how to read it, but he had heard about it, and he quickly thought of something.


The sound of the door shaft turning sounded again.

Ron distributed more energy to Fanma Renya.

The first fan.

Second door.

The third door.

The fourth door.

The fifth door.

The sixth door.


The door opened.

Ron nodded, and with a thought, Fanma fang disappeared, and the trial door bounced back automatically.


There was a loud sound of the door closing.

"Jebjon, I'm going down the mountain, goodbye."

Ron waved his hand to Jebjon, turned around and walked down the mountain.

As I walked, I thought.

"Opening the door to the trial actually doesn't mean much. It's just pure strength, and strength is just one of the many indicators of a telepathic person."

The indicators of people with mental abilities can be divided into two major parts.

One piece is the foundation.

One piece is ability.

Among the basics, they are divided into strength, speed, reaction, endurance, energy, entanglement, refinement, absolute, condensation, concealment, firmness...

"A telekinesis user of the body-strengthening genre is definitely much stronger than a telekinesis user of the speed machine genre, just like Wojin and Feitan in the Phantom Troupe."

"Wojin's power is an absolute advantage."

"But in terms of speed, Feitan far exceeds Wojin."

"If the two of them really fight, the possibility of Wo Jin winning is not high."

Ron's eyes flickered.

"If I take the Shingen-ryu route, should I focus on strength? Or should I focus on speed?"

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