Itosius looked up at the sky.

Dominica drove the car at breakneck speed, speeding down the road.

Wendy continued to provide energy to the book mind tool.

Ron closed his eyes slightly and was resting to recover from his condition.

In the previous battle, as long as the combatant was Dominica.

But Ron and Wendy also contributed a little bit.

To describe it in terms of percentages, Ron's current state is considered to be 90% of full state.

For those with telekinesis abilities, this is already a very good state.

But, after all, it is not 100%.

What 997, a member of the Beat Di Ke family, pursues is to prevent any accidents from happening.

Even if you are facing a weak opponent, you must attack with all your strength and not give the opponent any chance. The lion fights the rabbit with all his strength.


The arrow on the book's souvenir turned bright red.


Ron opened his eyes.

A city came into Ron's sight.

Dominica did not stop, but rushed directly into the city.

The color of the arrows on the book's reading aid becomes increasingly red.

"be careful."

Dominica reminded.

Both Wendy and Ron nodded.


Dominica continued to drive in the direction of the arrow.

Ron noticed something.

That is, the direction the car is driving is not the central area of ​​the city, but the edge area of ​​the city, and it is also very distinctive, the airship station area.

Only the area where the airship station is located has such an architectural style.

"Senior Dominica, that guy should want to escape."

Dominica nodded and stepped on the accelerator harder.

"I can see it."

Soon, the airship station came into the sight of the three people.

An airship is taking off.

A young man stood at the entrance of the airship, looking outside, and seemed to notice the three of Ron.

He showed a sarcastic smile to Ron and the other three.

Chapter 212 Senior Dominica, let me do it! (Please subscribe)

Dominica's face darkened.

Stop immediately.

In this case, the speed of the person with telekinesis ability is much faster and more convenient than the car.

But, at this moment.

A huge black shadow rushed towards this direction.


The car where Ron and the three of them were sitting in was pressed down heavily.

The entire car was crushed.


The three figures left the car before the huge black shadow fell.

Ron, Dominica, and Wendy stood in three different directions.

This scene gave Ron a sense of déjà vu.

"In the original plot, after attacking the members of the Phantom Troupe, the leader of the Yin Beast, Xiao, landed on the roof of the Phantom Troupe's car and packed up the entire car with his abilities."

"However, the members of the Phantom Troupe responded quickly."

"Among them, four people escaped in time."

"Except Nobunaga."

"But since Nobunaga was sitting in the middle of the back seat, there was nothing we could do."

But now, Ron and the other three don't have this problem.

"Senior Donimica?"

Ron looked at Dominica.

The current situation requires Dominica to make a decision.

Want to pursue the telepathic person from Taris Kingdom?

Or get rid of the monster in front of you?

Ron looked at the monster in front of him.

This is a huge fish.

But unlike ordinary fish, this fish also has human legs on its body.

On the ground, you can move freely.

Completely independent of the environment.

But if you look closer, you will find that this fish is not actually a fish, but an aggregation of humans. This is a large number of people grouped together.

Those dense scales are actually human heads.

Dominica stared at the airship high in the sky.

"Let's deal with this monster first!"

"There are no other telepaths here."

"That's what makes people with telekinesis in Taris Kingdom so disgusting."

"Use the seeds of the thought of death to create instant monsters by killing a large number of humans."

"These monsters are extremely destructive."

"Kill humans, and you can get power feedback from the humans you kill."

"If we leave directly, this city will become a city of death."

"Why do we in the Kingdom of Fiora hate the telepathic users of Taris Kingdom so much? It's because of this."

"Back then, hundreds of thousands of people in our Kingdom of Fiora died at the hands of people with telekinesis from the Kingdom of Talis."

"They even included many members of our Fiora royal family."

"The Book of Mental Instruments has located that guy's location. That guy can't escape."

Dominica looked away.

"Ron, Wendy, I'll take care of the big one, and you can take care of the small ones."


Wendy nodded.

However, Ron did not agree.

"Senior Dominica, I want to try."

"This big one?"

Dominica raised an eyebrow.


Ron nodded and said.

"The destructive ability of these monsters doesn't seem to be that strong. They just have a very good advantage in terms of energy. However, I happen to have a way to deal with them."

These so-called monsters look terrifying and are very powerful.

One glance at it would make ordinary telekinesis users extremely fearful.

Just like the moment when Norbu saw the Ant King in the original plot.

He was immediately frightened by the ant king's huge energy.

From a young and handsome man, his hair fell to Mediterranean color in an instant, as if he was forcibly transformed into a programmer who has been typing on the keyboard in front of the computer for decades.

When he was in the small town, Ron saw the monster girl and was very afraid.

However, after seeing the battle between the monster girl and Dominica, Ron realized that these monsters created by the thought of death were not actually that scary.

Thinking is fair.

How much you want to get, how much you have to pay.

Even in alchemy terms, it is an exchange of equal value.

The telekinesis users of Taris Kingdom are definitely very capable of creating monsters.

These monsters are really strong too.

But they are not invincible.

If that were the case, the telekinesis users of Taris Country would have already dominated the entire world.

But they didn't.

Instead, they were hunted down by the telekinesis users of the Fiora royal family and other telekinesis users.

Became a lost dog.

Therefore they must have flaws and weaknesses.

Ron doesn't know the weaknesses of the telepathic users of Taris Country yet.

But Ron has already roughly analyzed some of the weaknesses of the monsters created by the telepathic users of Taris Country.

And this is a city.

The city is Ron's home court.

With Eltan, Ron will not have any blind spots in a city with dense surveillance.

On the contrary, Ron can easily find the enemy's blind spots.

Dominica hesitated.

Dominica had been in contact with the members of the Beating Dike family before, and the Fiora royal family also entrusted Beating Dike with a killer mission, but they didn’t know much about the Beating Dike family.

But, suddenly, Dominica noticed.

On the other side of the city.

A huge balloon floated high into the sky.

This is a balloon, in the shape of a human head.

There is a person hanging at the end of the balloon.

What's hanging is the human's neck.

The man was struggling desperately.

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