What will be the next fate of yourself and others?

Worry, fear, uneasiness.

Only a very few people, because they are really brave, or have already resigned themselves to their fate, will focus on the battle in the ring.

"It's almost time to end!"

Dominica looked at Cook.

Pillars rise from the ground.

Cook's figure was stuck.

At the same time, a huge clod of soil appeared high in the sky. It was extremely hard and fell straight down.


Cook's figure was suppressed.

Dominica stepped forward and came to Cook's side.

A huge ax made of soil appeared in Dominica's hand. Dominica swung the ax in her hand and slashed hard at Cook's neck.


In an instant, Cook's head flew out.

In mid-air, Cook's eyes widened and his mouth opened, seeming to express some unwillingness.

The remaining body was twitching violently, but it had not lost its activity and was still attacking Dominica instinctively.

But it poses no threat to Dominica.

Soon, under Dominica's attack, he was crushed to pieces.

"The battle is over!"

Words appeared in the sky above the arena.

Dominica looked at Crawford.

"Crawford huh? Now I can answer your question."

"The reason why I don't worry about my own safety, but ask about your plans, is precisely because I have never worried about my life from the beginning to the end."

"You are no threat to me."

"Just like those telepathic users from your country of Talis back then."

"Freaks like you, bugs, only fail."

"Death and failure are your only endings."

"Strive and fight hard, but your results will not change."

"Even if you have four of us, so what?"

"Compared with normal telekinesis users, you are far behind."

"It's just some waste that was created."

Crawford's face became even more gloomy, as if he could drip water.

"Dominica, what are you proud of? If you hadn't owned this thing, you would have died a long time ago. A thing that uses external objects. Is this your real power?"

"As a genius, you have to rely on external things, are you embarrassed?"

Dominica said calmly.

"But I have it and I can use it. What can you do?"

"Only the incompetent will look for reasons outside themselves."

"The fundamental reason is that you are too weak."

"It's not just the four of you."

"Including your country, Talis."

A beam of light fell on Dominica, who returned to the player area.

The arena is also being repaired at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A countdown, right above the ring.

Dominica was given a thirty-minute break.

Crawford stared at Dominica gloomily, and then turned to Charlotte.

Because if there is a wheel-to-wheel battle, Charlotte will be the second candidate to play.

A B-level telepathic user whose strength is lower than Itosius and Crawford. However, because of his special ability, Crawford will choose Cook as the first cannon fodder.

"Charlotte, did you see clearly what Dominica was capable of just now?"

Charlotte nodded.

"How sure are you of success?"

Charlotte: "..."

Charlotte has indeed clearly seen the abilities used by Dominica, and Cook has indeed caused a certain amount of wear and tear on Dominica, but this does not mean that Charlotte is sure of defeating Dominica.

On the contrary, after seeing clearly Donimica's strength, Charlotte's confidence became even lower.

"Senior Crawford, Charlotte, I noticed a situation.".

Chapter 224 The secret of the auditorium is like a plague! (Please subscribe)

Itosius stepped forward and lowered his voice.

"This arena will restrict and protect the player area, but there will be no access to the auditorium. Charlotte, you can take advantage of this later and use the seeds of the thought of death."

Hearing this, Charlotte's eyes lit up.

The telepathic users of Taris Kingdom have abilities in two aspects.

One is to use the seeds of death thoughts to quickly turn into a monster and become a disaster for ordinary people.

The second is to cultivate a monster for a long time as a source of one's own abilities.

The shortcomings of the instant monster are obvious, but it is also a helper to some extent.

Has a lot of energy and can withstand beatings.

If you can have such a monster as an assistant, your situation will become much calmer.

You can completely use this instant monster as a human shield.

I only need to be responsible for the offensive aspect.

At the thought of this, Charlotte couldn't help but her heart beat faster.

"In this case, I don't have no chance of winning."

"Dominica has been consumed by Cook."

"As long as the instant monster can block Dominica's attack, I might be able to find a chance to win."

Everyone in the audience outside the ring didn't know that their end was coming.

They didn't expect that their death would come so quickly.

The countdown is over.

Dominica stepped forward.

On the other side, Charlotte stepped forward.

Two beams of light fell on Dominica and Charlotte respectively.

The next moment, the two figures arrived on the ring.

Like Cook, Charlotte also used her abilities immediately, integrating the monster abilities she had cultivated over a long period of time into her own body.

Some cyan scales appeared on Charlotte's body.

Similar to lizards and snakes.

Charlotte is fast.

Much faster than Cook.

Ron's eyes flickered.

"Obviously he is a B-level telekinesis user, but he appears to be more powerful than Cook."

This reminded Ron of a member of the Meteor Street Beasts.

The captain of the wild beast.

A telepathic person in a suit and tie.

At the beginning, his performance was only at B level, but his combat skills and experience were much better than those of other B level telekinesis users.

And when the restriction was lifted, he instantly reached the aura of an A-level telekinesis user.

"However, the school of telepathic users in Taris Country is not like this and should not develop similar abilities."

"Therefore, the greater probability is that Charlotte's ability will have some flaws."

Facing Charlotte's attack, Dominica adopted a similar strategy as before.

Defend first, observe, and wait until Charlotte's analytical capabilities are almost complete before taking action.

Dominica has information about these people, but Dominica has no specific information about their abilities.

"It is very fast and slightly weaker than Cook. However, the nails and teeth have changed. After the attack hits, there may be additional damage."

"For example, poison."

Dominica was involved with Charlotte while ironically analyzing each other's intelligence.

"If you want to limit the speed, use this!"

Dominica clapped her hands together.

The next moment, the ground of the arena shook, and stone pillars continued to move upward, covering the entire arena. In such an environment, the speed would be greatly limited.

And Charlotte's perception will also be affected.

Dominica became the active one.

It is difficult for Charlotte to find Dominica's position, but Dominica can completely grasp Charlotte's position and attack Charlotte. Charlotte can only use her own reactions to dodge.

But it is not possible to dodge every time.


A sharp stone hit Charlotte, and the blue scales fell down.

Where it was hit, the flesh and blood dented.

Charlotte did not look at her injuries, but instead flashed and quickly left her original position.


Just left in Charlotte.

A sharp thorn of earth poked out of the ground.

If Charlotte had been a moment longer, this thorn would have hit Charlotte.

Charlotte was breathing heavily, her eyes wary.


An unusual breath appeared.

Charlotte's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Finally, are you okay?"

As soon as she entered the ring, Charlotte sent the seeds of Death Thought to the audience.

On the surface, Charlotte was trying her best to attack, but in fact, Charlotte was stalling for time, waiting for the instant monster to appear.

Later, he teamed up with the instant monster to deal with Dominica.

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