"Ted, lost?"

"What just happened?"

"Why did Ted suddenly show such a big flaw?"

"Give such a big chance?"

But the quiet didn't last long.




There was a burst of applause.

"A good fight."

"This guy who beats up enemies is really good."

"Like the people in the Star Dojo, they are of the Nianju style, but their cultivation of the original body has not fallen behind."


One person felt the hot blood surge up in his body.

"I really want to have a fight right now."

4.0 "Ron, fight me!"

A young man rushed up.

Ron looked at Ted, then at Wendy.

"Do not mind."

Ted showed a smile and said, "That's how our people here are. If you don't want to do it now, just refuse. It doesn't matter."

Ron looked at the young man and shook his head.

"I'm afraid I can't do it now. I just went through a battle and was a bit exhausted."

Ron half agreed.

Ted can't make a fight with Ron for the time being, but making a fight with other people at the Beast Dojo is a good reason to stay at the Beast Dojo, but it doesn't have to be today.

"When will that be possible?"


"Okay, then it's settled."

The young man's eyes lit up.

When Ron agreed, more people from the Beast Dojo immediately gathered around.

Chapter 296 Next, is the Star Dojo! (Please subscribe)

"Ron, come and fight me too?"

"Count me in."

"I want to try it too."

"That kid Ted can't do it. I can see that you still have some energy left. The fight just now must not have been satisfying enough for you. I can give you a hearty fight!"

"Choose me as your opponent, you won't be disappointed!"

Wendy looked over.

The person who said Ted was not good was the young man who had great confidence in Ted before.

However, this young man is not unqualified to say so.

Not the son of the beast, but the youth is older.

Therefore, he is now stronger than Ted.

But in the future, that won’t be the case.

When both of them are fully grown, Ted should be stronger than the young man.

The selection of candidates for the three main venues in Fiora Kingdom has not been missed from the past until now.

The Son of the Dragon, the Son of the Star, and the Son of the Beast will inevitably be the three strongest people in Fiora Kingdom in the same era.

"Ron, come with me."

Ted led the way.

06 Ron, Dot, and Wendy follow up.

"Ron, you went to the Dragon Dojo first. I don't know what's going on there. After all, I haven't been in it, but our Beast Dojo is still very good."

"If you want to eat, the canteen and restaurant are available at any time, and the chef is on duty 24 hours a day."

"If you want to fight, just yell at the training ground and someone will answer."

"I'll show you our lounge first."

Ron glanced into the crystal ball.

The progress above has changed from 50% to 51%.

"According to this progress, in four or five days, we can almost complete the absorption of the characteristics of the Beast Dojo."

"Reaching sixty percent progress."

However, Ron was not completely oblivious to the situation in the Beast Dojo.

As one of the three major gymnasiums in Fiora Kingdom, the training mode of the Beast Gym definitely has merits.

Ron can gain something here.

Through Eltan's ability, all information can be recorded.

At the Dragon Dojo, Ron did the same.

Ron had an idea in his mind, that is, to draw on the strengths of others and let Elutan compile a training plan suitable for his team members to improve the strength of Nina and others.


A young man's figure flew out upside down.

Ron ended today's competition.

Ted handed Ron a can of drink.

The two of them were sitting on a bench next to the training ground.

On Ron's other side is Wendy.

"Speaking of which, I have never admired anyone in my life."

Ted said: "Whether it's Robben or Wendy."

"Even if I have lost to them, I believe that as long as I insist on going my own way, I will defeat them sooner or later."

"But, Ron, you are different."

"I thought about it for a long time after losing to you that day."

"I realized a problem."

"That means you didn't show your true strength to fight me at all."

"Those two mind beasts are very strong, but your body is also very strong."

"Not even weaker than those two mind beasts."

"But you didn't use your body to fight me. If the three of you fight together, I will lose faster."

"And the ability that allows my body to withstand changes in gravity."

"A person's energy is limited."

"And I think I have worked hard enough."

"In order to become stronger, I don't even have to take a break."

"How did you do that Ron?"

"After developing two mind beasts like that, do you still have the energy and time to polish your own body to that level? No worse than those who are in the body enhancement stream."

In Ted's opinion, Norma Suga and Akutagawa Ryuunosuke are both very good Nian beasts.

To create such a mind beast, it will definitely take a lot of energy.

And the physical strength shown by Ron.

That power, that speed, that skill, that experience...

It can be said that it cannot be achieved by just relying on talent, but you must invest time.

So, here comes the problem.

Ted believed that his talent was extremely powerful in this world. There were not many people in the world who were more talented than him.

Ron's talent is to be stronger than his own, how much stronger can it be?

Could it be several times higher?

So Ted was puzzled.

How did Ron do it?

After hearing Ted's question, Wendy also looked over. This was also what Wendy was curious about.

"It's not that exaggerated. You're overthinking it."

Ron said: "I just think a little more and summarize more in normal times."

"As for talent, you and I should be about the same."

Ron probably has an idea about his talent.

That is to say, my talent is indeed very good, otherwise I wouldn't be valued by Maha.

But Wendy and Ted are both top talents in Fiora Kingdom.

Even if Ron's talent is stronger than theirs, it won't be much better.

So Ron said that's about it.

Ron felt that the main point lay in his identity as a time traveler.

First, as soon as he was born, he had the soul strength of an adult. As time went by and he grew up, his soul strength also continued to strengthen and improve.

Second, there is too much information that can be used in the memory of his past life.

As the saying goes, knowledge is power.

The information in Ron's memory may not be of much use to ordinary people.

However, combined with the careful use of 030 observers, this information will turn into power.

My mind beast will be so strong.

A small part of it is because of the characteristics of collection, which requires a lot of time and energy. There are restrictions and oaths here.

Most of it is because of the information in my past life memory.

Third, because of his past life memories, Ron will be much more mature than his peers and will clearly know what he wants and what he has to do.

Calm down, patient...

I have a lot of information that I can refer to.

The fourth is to defeat the enemy's cultivation of oneself by the Hakka family.

Maha Pha Di Ke's personal training.

Ron didn't know if there were S-level telekinesis users in Fiora Kingdom.

But even if there were, it would be impossible to train Wendy, Ted and Robben personally.

Fifth, the gains gained during the feature collection process.

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