Luo Zhen said, "Alice, you'd better restrain yourself."

"Why, overeating is bad for the stomach?"

Alice tilted her head and didn't care, because in the early stage of stomach disease, it can be easily cured with healing magic. She can do it without Luo Zhen's power.

"No, you will gain weight."

Luo Zhen said cruelly stated this fact,

"You can tell by the look of you that you don't like sports. If you overeat, you will definitely gain weight."

Alice was struck dumb as if struck by lightning.

She asked somewhat reluctantly: "Can't your power make people thinner?"

"My power is healing, not weight loss."

Luo Zhen said, "Easy to gain weight and obesity is not a disease, but a dominant gene. In order to avoid starvation because of not being able to find food, and human beings have been building civilization for too long, they have not been able to turn this advantage into a defect, and then optimize it. Lose.

Of course, if you have high blood pressure or something because of obesity, I can cure you, but I don't want to be a tank driver. "

"Ah this..."

Alice asked, "Is there no other way?"

"Exercise more and consume as much as you eat."

Luo Zhen touched his chin, "If you are too lazy to exercise, I can also help you. I happen to know a very physical exercise."

Alice rolled her eyes at Luo Zhen, she knew very well what Luo Zhen was talking about.

Chapter [-]: Attempt to Summon the Demon God

"Ah, I feel like it's going to get moldy."

After tossing Erika and Liliana hard for a few days, Luo Zhen fell into sage time.

He felt a little bit understanding that the Marquis of Vorban's fanaticism for the hunting god.

The same is true of women, I'm tired of it!

Originally, after killing Raphael, he planned to rest for a while, but now, Luo Zhen picked up the magic data again and prepared to compile a new summoning warlock.

"The next angel to be summoned is... Yanar."

Having said that, Luo Zhen was suddenly stunned.

Because of the seventh source substance he was going to light up, it glowed faintly.

"Without killing the angel and seizing the essence, I actually lit up a source quality? Sure enough, even if there is no dimensional forum, I am a veritable genius."

Luo Zhen studied the seventh source quality, the name is [Victory].

"Is it because I have won any battle?"

Luo Zhen remembered that from childhood to adulthood, whether he was learning magic or competing with his peers, he never lost, and he has been winning since he came to the world of the godslayer.

Of course, with the exception of the battle with Skaha, he was learning from his own teacher.

"Because you have been winning all the time, you initially have the concept of victory?"

Luo Zhen thought about how to strengthen this concept.

This is different from other direct use of points or killing gods to light up, but it is already lit, but the brightness is not enough.

Of course, the most convenient way is to kill a god of disobedience who has this concept.

But there are indeed a few gods who hold the concept of [victory]. The most famous one is Athena.

But Luo Zhen didn't want to kill Luo Zhen.

Well, it could be replaced by a goddess representing Venus, such as Ishtar.

And the most important thing is that maybe this source quality does not need other things, as long as he keeps winning, it will continue to grow.

The more victorious, the stronger, and the stronger, the more victorious.

This is a virtuous circle.

"The seventh source quality [Victory] will light up on its own when it meets the requirements, will the sixth source quality [Beauty] also light up on its own?"

Luo Zhen touched his face, he was quite confident in his face.

"Forget it, let's start building the reverse Kabbalah tree of life."

Luo Zhen has an extra bracelet on his wrist, with the mark of a pentagram on it.

This is another manifestation of Raphael's power. With this, all kinds of demons can be summoned.

Luo Zhen communicated this power, and immediately, countless degenerate breaths emerged from the bracelet, and those were the breaths of demons.

This bracelet is connected to the mythology. As long as Luo Zhen is immersed in his consciousness, he can know which demon the different breaths belong to, and can use it as a summon from the god, or integrate the power of the demon into his body, using his strength.

"Then try the water, my round, draw... not right."

Luo Zhen paused, and in the breath of many demons, he found the one he wanted,

"It's up to you, Vassago!"

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