Madam Aisha's [Queen's Curse] can also gain the favor of others, and can easily build a group of fanatics who can even give her life for her.

This is a very convenient power, but the only downside is that she can't control this power, and she will go berserk at any time.

This makes this power disastrous and causes a lot of trouble.

Erica led Luo Zhen out to find the maid named Aisha.

Elsa is working hard to clean the villa, holding a rag to wipe the antique vases used for decoration in the villa.

But when she shook her hand, the slippery antique vase fell to the ground and smashed to pieces.

"No way?!"

Mrs. Elsa wanted to cry without tears, "What can I do?"

Luo Zhen's voice came from behind her: "It doesn't matter, just compensate according to the price."

"Thank you for your generosity."

Madam Elsa turned around, "How much is this vase?"

"This is an antique from China, two million euros."

The equivalent of Shenzhou coins is [-] million, which is close to [-] million.

? ? ? ?

Mrs. Elsa began to calculate how long she should be a maid to compensate for this vase.

Erica stepped forward: "Your monthly salary is three thousand euros, so it only takes fifty-five years to pay off the debt."

"Fifty-five years!"

Mrs. Elsa obviously couldn't accept it, "Why is this happening."

She didn't doubt that Luo Zhen was lying to her at all, and of course, Luo Zhen didn't lie to her.

"Although two million euros is a lot, it's not too much for a godslayer."

Luo Zhen has already confirmed her identity,

"Just let the magic society under your command give it."

"I didn't form a magic club."

Mrs. Elsa said, "But I won't default on the debt, I will definitely pay off the debt!"

Luo Zhen touched his chin and looked at Mrs. Aisha:

"Actually, you can also increase your salary, it depends on whether you want it or not."

"Wage increase?"

Mrs. Aisha was puzzled at first, then hugged herself vigilantly and took a few steps back.

"Wait, it's not okay to go too far!"

"I didn't mean that. I just thought that it would be a waste for a godslayer to be a maid to clean up. Besides, aren't you afraid of breaking something valuable again?"

Luo Zhen's words made Mrs. Aisha feel very reasonable. She was also worried that she would break some antiques again. She shook her hand and added another [-] years of service.

She sighed: "Obviously I have never encountered such a thing before."

Her words reminded Luo Zhen that Mrs. Aisha was one of the most unlucky godslayers.

Because she is unwilling to kill the god of disobedience, but every time she has to kill the god of disobedience.

It was as if God was chasing after her and forcibly stuffed her with power.

This kind of luck, to say that she will break antiques and sell herself for fifty-five years, is really unbelievable.

Could it be that God saw that I was a golden thigh and forcibly shoved her next to me?

Luo Zhen thinks it is very possible.

"Then you can be my personal maid, and you can help me in any case."

He doesn't mind if Mrs. Elsa's power messes things up, and if Mrs. Elsa is on his side, she might share some luck with her.

"Erica, ask your maid, Ariana, and the Karen from Lily's house to teach Mrs. Elsa what a maid should do. By the way, teach Ansheela by the way. Make her a maid."

Luo Zhen said, "Your salary should be set at [-] euros. If you do well, there will be bonuses."

As soon as she heard the number of wages, Mrs. Elsa was immediately full of energy.

At this time, Angela also ran over because of Luo Zhen's call.

Almost immediately, Madam Elsa's godslayer physique responded to her.

"do not worry."

Luo Zhen said, "She is my maid and will not cause damage to the human world."

"That's great, I've never wanted to fight a god of disobedience."

Lady Elsa looked at Rozen with reverence,

"I've always felt that godslayers and gods of disobedience should be able to get along well, but every time I encounter gods of disobedience, I have to kill them in desperation."

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