People are in Naruto, I am Aizen

Chapter 106 I'm Really Rich (18,000 words! Please subscribe and reward!)

Money is not a problem. For Konoha, problems solved with money are not problems. The problem has always been just time. The current Konoha has the confidence to say such things to all Ninja villages.

Because Konoha is really rich.

Not the usual kind, but unimaginably super rich.

In fact, when Namikaze Minato really took over Konoha, he didn't know how much wealth he took over.

First of all, Konoha's pension is actually less than expected compared to the major ninja villages, because there are fewer people who die, so less money is spent. In fact, they were all people that Aizen had stolen from various battlefields, and when Konoha was building, these people did not slack off at all. They just worked after eating every day, and the whole Ichikoha struggled as a vanguard.

With less money, more things to do, and occasionally free voluntary labor to do good things, the overall environment is booming. The ninjas of Konoha often finish things spontaneously, such as repairing roads and maintaining houses. It is difficult to tell whether the road maintenance and construction of the entire country of fire has been spent. In the propaganda, this even became part of Konoha Fire's will.

Coupled with the team ninja fund, this system of mutual trust and reliance among ninjas seems to be to appease the ninjas so that there will be no internal differences between them, but in fact it also greatly reduces personnel expenses. Although it did result in a certain degree of family solidification and a relatively small circle, but if you look at the big families in Konoha one after another, you will understand that this is not a solidification at all, but an enlightened integration policy.

Of course, the more important thing is to save money. It really saves money, sometimes these ninjas will pay out of their own pockets to appease their families. The death of a teammate made the village send money, and even became a shame to the team to some extent.

They would rather refuse Konoha's subsidy, but also use their own actions to prove that the team is still that team.

There are also some other Konoha specialty wines, Konoha's unique food culture developed by Aizen who likes to eat, and those processed canning factories are exported overseas.

Culture, life, politics, medical care, all aspects of increasing income and reducing expenditure, coupled with the crazy contributions of a group of undead, have created Konoha's unimaginably strong financial system today.

Why does the third generation come out as soon as they think about it, and they don't have any complaints after tossing around? Why can you say that you can study whatever you want to study, and give all kinds of materials and test products as you say? Because Konoha is really rich, not the ordinary rich kind.

So after a month, Namikaze Minato became more and more suspicious of what the reason for Aizen's rebellion was.

How can there be such a traitor? Keeping Konoha warm inside and out, right? Take away all the activists and unstable elements, and the remaining people will unite as one, throwing coins everywhere with unknown trillions of dollars, and they don't even know if they can be spent.

Because the wealth brought by Aizen is not only in Konoha Village, but in the whole land of fire, where flowers bloom everywhere. Is it because he is so handsome that daimyo's eyes burst into laughter when he saw him? No, he is rich. Not only is he rich, but he can conjure money for others. He is even good at politics, and everyone is clean and tidy.

When Watergate took over, those imagined difficulties and targets never happened at all, or they might have happened before, and then disappeared under Watergate's instinctive action of increasing money. And then, to Minato's horror, the money on his bill didn't even get any less, because the wealth of the world was continuously siphoning into the Konoha, the number one cultural and industrial nation.

He also finally understood why so many Konoha upper-layers turned a blind eye to Aizen's actions, and even directly covered them.

Because of money.

Because of interests.

Otherwise, who will pay the pension? Who will come when there are fewer people in construction? Who is responsible for various projects? Who will fight against various industrial problems?

A ninja has an average pension of almost one million taels, and there are tens of thousands of ninjas who have searched and tossed around for Aizen. Will these pensions come out in one go?

Although the overall amount seems to be tens of billions, the internal depression caused by the lack of population is not something that can be measured by money. In the final analysis, Konoha has become prosperous recently, isn't it because they have so many people and so much money?

Aizen exists, a group of immortal things work in the village, eat, drink and play, and then distribute coins to promote production, and then continue to do tasks, turn the original soup into raw food, and circulate in the Konoha at a high speed, just like adding pressure. Konoha's economy took off crazily.

And not only that, because Aizen's economic policy has created a lot of jobs for civilians in the Land of Fire, and various cultures have flourished so that people who are spiritually rich will start to consume. No matter, the various cultural enterprises and related industries that are making money every day are making waves, even now, you can find a few from time to time.

After Aizen left, the invisible courtyard was turned upside down, but nothing happened except the warehouse where various bills and statements were kept. With the accumulated wealth of Konoha itself, plus the gifts left by the Invisible Garden, Namikaze Minato, who originally thought he was a bitter and bitter man, looked at the numbers on the bills and didn't know how to organize himself for a while. Feelings.

And when he cast his eyes on the former Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi and got the dodging gaze, he understood.

Everyone is not a good thing. There is a reason why a huge invisible organization can prevail in Konoha, and the upper layers turn a blind eye.

From the perspective of the middle and lower levels, this kind of thing is terrible to Konoha, very bad, very bad, very bad.

But from the perspective of Hokage?

There is one who works crazily under you, stuffs money for you crazily, earns coins for you crazily, is respectful and fiddles with a lot of messy things but does nothing, just pays tribute to you, and then beats outsiders.

What does this say? Isn't this my father? It wasn't until he actually received Konoha that Namikaze Minato knew what deafening silence was. Under the leadership of Aizen, the father who mastered the resurrection technique of the deceased, Konoha raced around the world track at an almost unimaginable speed.

It's no wonder that two groups of other ninja villages have to fight against Konoha. In a few years, they will directly win economically, and there is no need to fight. Now just relying on the inertia of the blue dye organization can defeat the opposing army. If the blue dye organizes it in person, I am afraid that several countries will be acquired in a short time from the economic war alone.

It's only been a month, and even Namikaze Minato's cognition of numbers has collapsed.

What catches the eye is this income, that income, this earns, and that earns again, as if there is nothing to worry about at all.

So what exactly is Aizen's mutiny planning? Is it really like what he said, for a real throne in nothingness? Is he too out of vulgar taste?

In the first month of being Hokage, Namikaze Minato looked at Kazekage Rasa who wanted to kneel down and lick his feet for a trillion dollars, and at the surrounding Omura ninjas who looked envious and jealous, and suddenly fell into a trap. In a strange confusion.

The good brother I have known since childhood suddenly turned his back on him one day, beat and scolded you, trampled on your dignity, then turned around and gave you the best company in the world, and then When he was still in a daze, he left directly. This is probably what Namikaze Minato feels at the moment.

It is impossible for you to say that there is no resentment in your heart, but looking at so much money, if you want to say that there is too much resentment, it seems that it is not enough?

"... Is it really a trillion? That's not a small amount of money, a full one trillion. Do you want something? Do you want to match it with a smart core technology?"

"What it is?"

"A technology that can help people get rid of some basic labor. Simply put, it is to work for people. But it is still a bit stupid now, and often can't tell the difference between weeds and rice. But carrying water and moving stones It can still be done.”


"If it's not enough, we still have life resuscitation technology here. The sum of these three technologies should be enough for one trillion. This is the technology at the bottom of our sand ninja village. We really don't have any more. Maybe we You can return a little technology to Iwanin, but one trillion is not less, do you think this will work?"


Why should I use you?

Looking at the Fourth Kazekage Rasa who was rubbing his hands and smiling, Namikaze Minato, who was still immersed in sentimentality, gave him a strange look.

One trillion is really not too much money for Konoha today. The technology that can save the entire Fire Nation and bring people back from the Lunar Dream actually has a psychological bottom line of about ten trillion. Although this price will put some financial pressure on Konoha and Nation of Fire, the pressure is not too great.

As for why it is ten trillion yuan, it is because it is better to directly use the sky screen technology proposed by Konoha to directly physically cover the filter network inside the country of all fires, and directly pinch the moonlight.

However, other ninja villages are really strange. Why can this kind of life-and-death thing be easily sold instead of being guarded?

Don't they have the belief in their own forbearance village?

Looking at Na Luosha's overjoyed, fearful expression of regret, and the regretful expressions of other Shinobu villages, Namikaze Minato seems to have grasped something vaguely.

It seems that, for the whole world, Konoha is now the richest and most stable promised land?

PY: Changing the world from Hogwarts

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